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Member Since: 25 Aug 2005 09:44am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 28376

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Heyy Whats up? ` GUESS WHAT ` i*m B A C K but sorry, i am still not doing profiles so dnt ask..lol hopefully you enjoyed my quotes, sorry it took so long, i have been soo busy lately and can you people please stop asking for profiles because i am not making them anymore..sorry. Mix your milk with my cocoa puff, milky, milky cocoa, mix your milk with my cocoa puff, milky milky, riiiiiiiight *...my humps..b`e`p.
  1. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:44am UTC
    be the couple
    Everybody wishes they could be
    let's walk in the rain
    & hold hands the whole time
    let's look at the stars
    && kiss all night
    let's take it slow
    then speed it up
    let's take stupid pictures
    && laugh 'til we can't breathe
    Let's be friends
    let’s be lovers
    let's be together
    you & Me FOREVER

  2. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:43am UTC
    if i could do anything it
    would be to kiss you in the
    middle of the street on the
    rainiest day of the year. <3

  3. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:43am UTC
    my dream is to be the only ones at the drive in movie
    sitting bare-foot in the bed of your truck, hand-in-hand
    under a blanket and have it start pouring and you asking
    me to dance . <3

  4. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:42am UTC
    When I tell you I love you ;;
    I dont say it out of "habit" or
    to make conversation -- I say it
    Because your the best thing thats
    Ever happend to me ___ <33

  5. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:42am UTC

  6. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:41am UTC
    there's always that one person
    that will always have your heart

  7. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:41am UTC
    the girl with the smile on her face
    but the hurt in her eyes
    is a f r a g i l e work
    of hurt and lies

  8. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:41am UTC
    Love: [la-huv] (verb)- Giving someone the ability to destroy your heart, but trusting they won`t

  9. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:40am UTC
    i'll admit it .. i'm falling apart

  10. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:39am UTC
    i must be a pretty good liar
    for you to honestly think
    that everything's alright

  11. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:39am UTC
    what happens when he's your prince charming
    but you're not his cinderella <33

  12. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:38am UTC
    you have no idea how hard it is to stand
    here without you knowing you mean
    e v e r y t h i n g to me <||3

  13. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:38am UTC
    i want a guy i can go up to looking the worst
    i ever had && still have him say "baby you're beautiful"

  14. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:37am UTC
    you may just be a loser in alumniom foil
    but your my knight in shining armor

  15. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:37am UTC
    you give your heart to the
    one person [[you]] trust won't
    break it *

  16. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:36am UTC
    One Wish
    If I had one wish,
    we would be best friends
    Love would never end,
    it would just begin
    If I had one wish,
    you would be my boo
    Promise to love you,
    trust me I'll trust you
    If I had one wish,
    we would run away
    Making love all day,
    have us a baby
    If I had one wish,
    I'd make you my whole life
    And you'd be my wife,
    make it right this time
    If I had one wish...
    *Stay True

  17. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:36am UTC
    Years of friendships && nothing to doubt.
    Endless memories, to many to count.
    Through drama, lies, && crazy fights
    You're my best, my heart, my life.

  18. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:35am UTC
    i wanna be the g i r l you
    point to && say "yeah ..
    that's her *

  19. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:35am UTC
    You know the place between sleep && awake?
    Where you still remember dreaming? Thats
    where I'll always love you, thats where I'll be

  20. BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3 BrOKeN_hARtEd_x3
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2005 11:34am UTC
    && the worst way to miss someone
    is to be sitting right beside them
    knowing that you can't have them.


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