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BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Aye, thanks for the follow :) Its been awhile since I've had any notifications. I didnt really get on much because of the lack of human interaction lol.


BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Oh the newspaper clippings.. I have those in my room. I still look at them sometimes because I forget it really happened. Sorry I didnt get to reply, ive been on my phone because I left my laptop at my house and didnt come home, because we wont get into that. The memories of that day come rushing back but they fade, I promise. Sometimes I needed that little reminder because I just didnt wanna believe it. I was in denial a lot.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
I bet shs gonna be fine, I know she is.(: It would be horrible to live with that but you guys seem to make the best of it, I would be scared. You are so strong after losing him and now dealing with her being in harms way because of the sickness. Stay strong and dont lose hope.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Im loving the camo, lol. I was visiting you page because you commented on her quote saying something cute and I was gonna say you seem really nice.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Your gonna be fine. Youre an amzing person and probably a even better father. Im happy for you guys. What exactly is wrong with aubree?


BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Hey im sorry it took so long to reply. Im sure the walk was quite depressing but did it make you feel better any? & Aubree's pregnant? You're going to make an amzing dad, make sure to name it after me, lol jk. It would be nice to name it after Micahhoughh(:

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Caleb :( Come on why would you do that, you promised me. What did you do?

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Okay, I have to say you and your girlfriend may be the cutest thing ever. Like ever. Okay; back to my original paragraph lol. You don't really " get over " something like this you just learn to live without them. I think you are coping extremely wll under the circumstances and I cant believe that about his Mom. Its horrible what happened, but I think they are watching over you right now.


BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
I totally get what you're saying and completely understand how you feel. Its just so hard for me to understand how you cope so well, you do whether you believe it or not. Time heals and I am like out of words, I don't know what to say you are so strong and loved him.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Haha that nerf gun story was great, I laughed a lot. Im happy that you have those memories and cherise them. You are such an amzing person and maybe it would help to go back to his house, it may give you a little help.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
But the thing is you shouldnt blame yourself at all. I was always told when someone dies a little piece of them is still alive in your heart.No matter how many times you tell yourself this is you fault it isnt gonna be your fault, dont blame yourself for what your friends did to him. Was it your fault they gave him those things? No, it wasnt. Don't blame yourself, it wont get better if you do.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Sorry about the long reply again. As I said before, nobody will ever replace Micah. He was a brother to you and as long as your alive he'll always be in your heart. Its gonna be a long and hard road to recover from that loss. Why would she leave you? She knows how hard this is and you can't control the emotions your feeling. She loves and understands.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Yeah you're gonna be depressed, you're best friend just died but I promise you won't forget him. Little things that he did wil
Remind you of him and a thousand amazing memories will flash through your mind and you will smile. Nobody can replace someone like that and even if you do make a new best friend he will never replace Micah. He may make you smile and laugh but can't replace someone, he would of wanted this for you wouldn't he? He wouldn't want you to just miss him and not make new friends.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Hey sorry it took me so long to reply I had to go pick up a friend. Doesn't it feel as if you can just call their phone and expect them to pick up? Or for a split second you forget and then think about making plans? It's like they are in vacation or just sick, I know the feeling.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
I really am at a loss for words. I don't know what to say, you have such a determination to make this better. Don't let anyone tell you that it's your fault. Coming from me Micah sounds like you, an amazing person. I just went through and read your quotes and started crying, I don't know how you do it.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Don't blame yourself. Fear does different things to people. Like once my little brother was having a seizure and I was just paralyzed and starting crying, there was nothing I could do. I wanted to do something but instead I just stood there. Im not gonna say I'm sorry because it doesnt help, I can't make him come back and I can't do anything but help. It breaks your heart, just the way you talk about him makes me believe you guys were the closest of friends. Some people come into your life and never leave even if they do. The way you care about what your girlfriend thinks about you and how you never ever want her to leave or get hurts makes me think you are such an amazing boyfriend and she is lucky, they don't come around often. I'm gonna tell you one thing I learned from my best friend, her dad died when she was young and the thing she always said to me is just because he's dead doesn't mean he's gone. Shes taught me how to be strong and I've learned a lot, just don't do anything stupid. Promise me you won't. My step dad hit me and I turned to cutting as a security device and it was the most stupid thing I ever did. Everyone knows you wouldn't of just let your best friend struggle, you didn't have the chance to help because I know you would if if it was possible. Stay strong(:

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
I could never imagine seeing your best friend go like that. I would of been addicted to so,something or dead by now if that happened. I don't see how you do it, I couldn't. I'm not gonna lie, I would of been turned to something to help ease the pain. The memories are always gonna be there and sometimes when you're feeling really bad just think of the one thing you and he loved to do. At their funeral three butterflies were there, one yellow leslies favorite color and two green. They stayed the whole time and just floated around, the sense of peace their was so overwhelming. You know I actually got mad when people told me to think about the memories and not be sad about it. I don't know if you feel the same way, you may and I completely understand. & you should never feel bad about crying, it just means your strong.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Your welcome(: Yeah, it was Ethan, Nate and Leslie. Ethan and nate were 14 and Leslie was 17. I know how it feels and i'm sorry you have to go through this. Leslie is gonna be prom queen this year, I found this so sweet that everyone gave up their chance and gave it to leslie. She was beautiful and inspired so many people. The thing is Ethan and Nate were supposed to ride the bus but rode with Ethans sister instead. That made it worse thinking if they would of just listened nothing would of happened. I don't think you seem weak because you came home and cried. I find it quite amazing that you could go back to school and face everyone saying things. You can talk to me anytime you need anything, i'm sure I can help. Stay strong because the pain fades, you learn to live without them and instead of being sad about the times you didn't spend with him think about the good times you had.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Hey, I seemed to have stumbled upon your profile and read through some of your quotes. You seem so strong and it gets better, I promise. I lost three close friends in a wreck last year and its absolute hell. Im not going to lie, it feels like the world is crashing down on you and you cant do a thing. How you can help people while you're going through this amazes me and you seem so caring and helpful.

BananaPinkytoes · 1 decade ago
Haha, you didnt. I was being sarcastic but I probably need to stop because nobody ever gets it over the computer haha.


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