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  1. irishkell96 irishkell96
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2011 5:31pm UTC
    Baby are you a tower?
    because Eiffel for you ;)

  2. irishkell96 irishkell96
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2011 6:55pm UTC
    The Awkward Moment - Dear ___, Please ___ - Facebook Format - I survived the Witty Crash! - Boys Invade Witty - James Brass - Get the Boys Out - We want the old Witty back - Famous Witty Girls - Fav this and I will... - Fav and I will rank you - Fav for a paragraph - Dude, I wasn't that drunk - Justin Bieber Facts - Psycholoical Facts - Random Facts - Sob Stories - Google Format - Dude, he just called you ___, oh hell no hold me ___ - The Jockers Invade -wittygirl2010 - jayciecutie01 - ThatsSoMeee - xoalicecullenxo - Marissa123 - akk3165 - Remixed Songs - Fav this and my mom will stop smoking - So there is this boy... - Stories -Text Fails - More Text Fails - More Awkward Moments - Witty Confessions - Playlists for Everything - If I get 12639487 favs my unicorn will be healed - And Who Else... - Pick up Lines - Fav If You Remember... - Fav if you were born 1990 - 2010 - Those kids from the 1990s remember - Even More Awkward Moments - Elementary School, Middle School, Highschool Kids Reactions - Comment for ___, Fav for ___ - Google Vs. Bing - Summer Hurry Up! - Summer Wasn't that Good - Summer Come Back!!! - Remember When... - So There is this Boy...Enough Said! - Hey Guess What? Another Awkward Moment - The Awkward Moment Formats Everywhere - The Top Quotes are all the same -___? The ___? The one that ____? Yeah, I know him! Why what's up? - Comment for ___, Fav for ___ - Fav this I will rank you - Fav this and I will tell you your husbands name - Text Fails - Awkward Parent Texts - Find your Witty twin! - I hate when... - Justin Bieber Fact #7894739 - Random Facts - We want the Old Witty - Playlists for Everything! - Fav 32483948 times and my unicorns cancer will be cured - Last night the boy I liked told me he loved me...JK he walked past me - 69 ;) Jokes - The Awkward Moment - Dear ____, Please ___ - Facebook Format - I survived the Witty Crash! - Boys Invade Witty - James Brass - Get the Boys Out - We want the old Witty back - Famous Witty Girls - Fav this and I will... - Fav and I will rank you - Fav for a paragraph - Dude, I wasn't that drunk - Justin Bieber Facts, Dude, he just called you ___, oh hell no hold me ___ - The Jockers Invade -wittygirl2010 - jayciecutie01 - ThatsSoMeee - xoalicecullenxo - Marissa123 - akk3165 - Remixed Songs - Fav this and my mom will stop smoking - So there is this boy... - Stories -Text Fails - More Text Fails - More Awkward Moments - Witty Confessions - Playlists for Everything - If I get 12639487 favs my unicorn will be healed - And Who Else... - Pick up Lines - Fav If You Remember... - Fav if you were born 1990 - 2010 - Those kids from the 1990s remember - Even More Awkward Moments - Elementary School, Middle School, Highschool Kids Reactions - Comment for ___, Fav for ___ - Google Vs. Bing - Summer Hurry Up! - Summer Wasn't that Good - Summer Come Back!!! - Remember When... - So There is this Boy...Enough Said! - Hey Guess What? Another Awkward Moment - The Awkward Moment Formats Everywhere - Fav 3248322464848 times and my unicorns cancer will be cured - Last night the boy I liked told me he loved me...JK he walked past me - 69 ;) Jokes - And Who Else... - Yes I am a girl - Fav if you... - Find Your Witty Twin! - Sob Stories - The Justin Bieber Obsession - Even More Awkward Moments - I'm Just Gonna Comment to Get a Top Quote - Did I forget any? Comment anymore that you know! - Witty has had many phases and still will have more to come, and I along with many other Witty Girls will be here through each one, good or bad

    r bad.
    Witty Phases♥


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