Witty Profiles

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  1. MrsNiallHoran13 MrsNiallHoran13
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2012 2:16am UTC
    20 Day Witty Challenge.
    1. The person who inspires you most.
    2. Your gals on this website.
    3.Your favorite quote that you made.
    4. How you found out about Witty.
    5. How to earn a follow from you.
    6. Your Witty best friend.
    7. The feature you like the most.
    8. Who you think makes the best layouts.
    9. Your opinion on those who jock quotes.
    10. Your opinion on 'Witty fame'.
    11. What you consider a quality quote.
    12. Does your follower count matter?
    13. Who you dislike the most on Witty.
    14. Do you regret any of your quotes?
    15. The worst quote you ever read.
    16. Do you prefer Witty over Facebook?
    17. Your most favorited quote ever.
    18. Your least favorited quote ever.
    19. Has Witty changed your life?
    20. What does Witty mean to you?
    Day 1 - The person who inspires you most.
    I can't pick just one, so I'll tell you all 4 of them. Breeze, torijay, USMarineCorps2013 and BravoSierra.
    -Bree, you're just so lovely. I wish to one day be as wise as you<3
    -Tori, you are one of the best advice givers ever. You always seem to know what to do. I admire that.
    -Travis, you're so kind. You are so strong and your story will always inspire me.
    -I feel so bad, I can't remember your name! But it doesn't matter. BravoSierra, you have to most amazing quotes. You = awesome.

  2. MrsNiallHoran13 MrsNiallHoran13
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2012 1:39am UTC
    I don't understand.
    Why do people in movies look so amazing when they cry and I look like a monkey hit me with a water balloon?


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