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  1. ribcaged ribcaged
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 10:19am UTC
    His coffee came quickly and rose once he had heard his name, putting his phone in his pocket for the first time since he walked into the café. I wasn’t sure why I kept looking at him out of the corner of my eye, but I continued to stare. I stared long enough to see his face fall into an expression of annoyance, his brows doing that little furrowing thing, glancing up at one of my co-workers.
    “This is a small,” I heard him say, his voice now low with irritation.
    “Didn’t you order a small?”
    “No, I ordered a large.”
    “Well, the girl at the front counter told me you said a small.”
    Sh¹t. I felt something jump in my chest as he stalked over, my posture stiffening when he set down his coffee rather hard. This was the only time I now didn’t want to look at him, avoiding his eyes, knowing that if he even caught me once, I’d be done. He cleared his throat and I bit my lip, my gaze now casted on the floor.
    “Miss,” he said calmly, “you didn’t get my order right.”
    I remained silent and practically sprang back when he leaned over the counter, his hands gripping either sides, now having no choice but to look into his eyes.
    “I ordered one simple thing, and yet you managed to get it wrong? Really, really… please, tell me how that can be?”
    It was one thing to be angry with me, but it was another to just full-on yell at me. Even as a kid, I talked back to my parents whenever they raised their voice. Sure I got a hell of a punishment each time, but there was just something about being shouted and yelled at that triggered a switch in my mind. I narrowed my gaze and found his eyes yet again, taking slow steps towards the counter. I did just as he did—I grabbed either side of the counter, teetering forward until we were leveled.
    “You know, just because you wear a suit doesn’t mean you’re special.”
    He pulled back slightly, studying my features.
    “In fact, you could be the most important man in the world, but that doesn’t change that you’re an ¤sshole. No one screams in my face for no reason, and if a petty little thing like coffee is your reason, well, that’s just f×cking sad.”
    I could feel the entire café staring at me. I turned to my co-worker, her mouth agape. To be honest, I couldn’t believe I just did that either.
    “I guess I’m a really depressed person then, huh?” He scoffed quietly, turning away. He lifted his drink to his lips, watching me from behind his cup, before disappearing out the door.
    I heard the sound of an impatient foot tapping and turned towards my co-worker again, who was now accompanied by my manager. He didn’t look too happy, not one bit.
    “I’d like a word with you after your shift is over.”
    I pulled my visor hat off and smoothed the crown of my hair with a hand before sighing, “Okay.”

  2. destabilise destabilise
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2013 9:45pm UTC
    if you’re laying in bed
    wrapped up in sheets
    of miserable thought,
    go to sleep
    if thumbing through old messages
    only causes your heart to ache
    and long for something unattainable
    erase them
    if it hurts to keep
    everything you’re feeling
    bottled up inside
    let it out
    if you’re clinging onto someone
    that doesn’t treat you like
    you’re worth the world
    let them go
    because sometimes
    we choose to believe
    that things are only
    indistinguishable shades of gray
    when in reality,
    life is more black and white
    than it seems
    if you’re unhappy
    with the way
    you are living your life
    change it
    — m.k.

  3. ribcaged ribcaged
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2013 9:36pm UTC
    He was beautiful. I’m not going to lie, or deny the truth that was in front of my eyes. He was absolutely gorgeous, and underneath the mask, he was so much more. At first I didn’t feel like it was necessary for me to see what he looked like. How he carried himself was enough for me, and how he cared about me despite me being a complete stranger was completely enough.
    But when he lifted the mask, his fingertips gently picking it up by the chin, it was safe to say that even underneath it he was utterly perfect.
    I will never forget those eyes. They were practically translucent and every time I settled on a shade of color, I would change my mind. They were green and blue and gold and gray—and eventually, I gave up, and just decided they were nothing but clear.
    He also had this way of staring at me. At first, when I was young, it made me uncomfortable. He would stare for the longest time and never say a word. But I had gotten used to it, even if he did stare with the mask on. Those black painted eyes on the mask would just look at me, but it never shook my soul.
    I think what I loved the most though, was that despite our predicament, he never lost hope. We never lost hope. Many would’ve giving up long ago, finding not being able to touch their lover even once impossible. But we made it work—even though I itched to put my hand in his, or his desire to touch my cheek burned so severely, we made it work.
    Summer after summer, when I was with him, I felt so alive. He was the only reason I looked forward to summer every single year.
    But through winter, spring, and fall, when I wasn’t with him, I was dead. I dreamt constantly of going back to the mountains during the warm weather to see him.
    And then there was that one summer. We went to the spirit festival in the mountains. A cloth was tied to each of our wrists so he wouldn’t lose me in the crowd. I thought of the cloth as sort of our ‘bond’, to be honest with you.
    Well, that was the summer he grabbed a human boy by the arm. He didn’t know the boy was human; I surely didn’t know either. But when his fingertips and soon his fingers and soon his entire hand started to disappear into blue, shimmering shards of light, we both knew.
    He watched his hand disintegrate into those pieces of shining light and then outstretched his arms. He turned to me with a smile on his face, and not one of those coy smirks I was so used to, but a genuine smile.
    “Come Hotaru, I can finally touch you.”
    And I ran into his arms, holding his quickly dissipating body in my own, burying my face into his chest. I closed my eyes and held on so tightly. He was warm and as he wrapped his arms around me, I swore it grew even warmer.
    The warmth faded as quickly as it came and within mere seconds, I was crumpled on the ground, hugging only his clothing. It was all that was left of him, aside from the mask he had given me that night before he made his fatal mistake.
    “I love you.” I heard the last of his voice confess to me.
    I sobbed into his clothes.
    “Yeah, I love you too.”

  4. starfelt starfelt
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2013 5:17pm UTC
    "do you ever feel like God's this old guy just staring out a window?"
    i looked at him incredulously before stifling a laugh. he lightly nudged my arm, the smile that i fell in love with appearing on his face. he entwined his fingers with mine and brought my hand up to his lips, kissing the back of it.
    "i'm serious," he murmured into my skin, "what if he's just this old man? and, like, the world is his window and he just looks down at all of us?"
    "he probably thinks we're all idiots then."
    he laughed his breathy, air escaping laugh that was so contagious that i couldn't help but chuckle along with him. he leaned down and kissed the top of my head, resting his chin down on it a moment after.
    "well, humans are pretty good at idiocy," i explained.
    "we're best at it, babe."

  5. starfelt starfelt
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2013 2:15pm UTC
    maybe if you whisper
    ( sweet nothings )
    into my skin,
    i will be everything
    you claim me to be

  6. starfelt starfelt
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2013 1:41am UTC
    humans are funny little things
    that have so much emotion
    that they either bottle it up
    or let their entire species know
    how they feel

  7. starfelt starfelt
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2013 1:35am UTC
    i want to hold you right beneath the ribcage
    and tell you all the things i wish i said on a daily basis
    i want to slide my fingers into the bare spots of your hand
    and leave a kiss on that lone birthmark that claims your left shoulder
    i want to leave an imprint of my nails on your forearm
    as i recall all the painful memories
    i want so many things
    (i want you)

  8. starfelt starfelt
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2013 4:15pm UTC
    "but sometimes i really hate myself, y'know? i mean, i see me everyday and there
    are just times when i get really tired of it. i wear myself out just by being myself."
    i spoke out, my words getting lost in the dark. he was so silent that i almost forgot
    that he was there. and when there was no response, i turned to him, trying to get
    a glimpse of his face or any kind of emotion.
    he remained quiet and instead only pulled me closer, my face being buried into
    his chest. i felt a familiar wetness behind my eyes so i closed them and only sighed
    into the comfort of his shirt. needless to say, there was nothing that could be said.
    because we—even himself—all felt like that at some point, and no one could ever
    say anything because that was life.
    you stayed you, whether you liked it or not, and there was nothing you could do
    about it except maybe wipe away a few tears and accept it.

  9. FrayingOwls FrayingOwls
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2013 11:04am UTC
    "There is always one person you love who becomes that definition. It usually happens
    retrospectively, but it does happen eventually. This is the person who unknowingly sets
    the template for what you will always love about other people, even if some of these
    lovable qualities are self-destructive and unreasonable. The person who defines your
    understanding of love is not inherently different than anyone else, and they're often just
    the person you happen to meet the first time you really, really, want to love someone. But
    that person still wins. They win, and you lose. Because for the rest of your life, they will
    control how you feel about everyone else."
    - chuck klosterman


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