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Worstthingever Quotes

  1. I'm so totally awesome. * I'm so totally awesome. *
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2014 6:52am UTC
    And then you remember you had homework.

  2. уσυαяєѕσνєяувєαυтιfυℓχχ* уσυαяєѕσνєяувєαυтιfυℓχχ*
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2013 11:03am UTC
    Do you know what I'm sorry about?
    Being me because that's probably
    the worst thing I could possibly do.
    And I'm so sorry for that.
    I really, really am.
    - Me

  3. 🎀Anna🎀* 🎀Anna🎀*
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2013 9:27pm UTC
    "You know what the worst thing
    I can imagine is?
    Not trusting someone I love."

  4. Moonchild_69 Moonchild_69
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2013 10:01pm UTC
    So last night I was at a Wedding reception dancing out on the dance floor with my sister and this guy asked if I wanted to dance but he was drunk so I said "No thanks." and I continued to dance with my sister. (keep in mind im almost 16 and this guy is at least 21) &Even though I said no He grabbed my hands and was like "come on, dance with me. :)" and then he started grinding on me and im here trying to pull away and he kept pulling me back by my waist and I can smell the beer on him and I can feel his junk rubbing up against me and my sister is standing there not knowing what to do and finally the bride scoots me away from him and pushes him the other way.
    I never expected my first dance with a guy to be like that. Thank god I didnt see him for the rest of the night, I've never been more disgusted/ Violated in my life.

  5. Livy* Livy*
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2013 10:36pm UTC
    Accidently stepping on your pet is the worst thing ever

  6. luvmeplz luvmeplz
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2013 7:20am UTC
    I never knew what heartbreak felt like until now.
    First, you feel numb. You can't feel anything; you just stare at nothing.
    Then everything comes crashing down on you and the realization of what just happened hits you.
    Screaming into your pillow. Tears stream down your face.
    Heartbreak is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. </3

  7. BehindTheseSmiles BehindTheseSmiles
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 1:41pm UTC
    The worst thing ever
    isn't losing who you love,it's seeing them
    loving someone else

  8. 0urLoveIsEverLasting_x3 0urLoveIsEverLasting_x3
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2013 11:23pm UTC
    how can you sit there and tell me there's a god and how all good things come from something bad. they're ten years old . and your telling me everything will work out for the best? you're joking right.. I have to sit here now and listen to my brother cry all night and not knowing how or if it would work trying to comfort him because his best friend is dying and no one can stop it. She's dying shes ten years old and she isnt going to make it any longer. she'll never go to prom, never have kids, never get married, never fall in love, never sneak out, never break the rules, never live, never grow up. she was so close to the family she was like a cousin. her and my brother were best friends before and all while she was diagnosed... not only his her little brother not going to grow up with a loving sister, he's five years old.... no five year old should lose his sister. what about her parents they lost so much all ready and now their actually daughter?? is this some kind of sick joke. becase i think this is complete crap. Now i know right this second she is alive but tomorrow she might not be here.. she could leave us at any time the doctor said. shes ten years old where is the good in that? please someone tell me becuase i cant find it anywhere and i never will. because the rest of my life i have to sit here and watch my little brother grow up without a best friend. i have to watch him cry and i have to watch him hurt i cant help him. i really cant & seeing someone you love more then anything in the whole world hurt so badly and theres no way you can change it or help them is probably one of the worst feelings in the whole entire world.. i cant help emily get better.. i cant take my brothers pain away. all i can do is remember how happy he was to see her and how exicted he was when he cold visit her and how close they were when she wasnt sick. theres nothing to do but mourn... I'm so sorry raymond.. i wish i could stop all this from happening, but i can't. i cant make things better i cant tell you it'll be alright i cant tell you that you arent going to remember this the rest of your life i cant help you and its the worst thing in the whole enitire world.


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