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Words Quotes

  1. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2023 11:28pm UTC
    ‘Safeword’ is a contradiction in terms.

  2. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2021 5:17pm UTC
    Why is it that, when a single word can remedy hurt, that word so often goes unspoken?
    ... The word is otorhinolaryngology?
    That answers my question, thanks.

  3. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2020 2:12pm UTC
    The statement 'A picture is worth a thousand words' is worth 0.007 of a picture.

  4. musicure musicure
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2020 12:08pm UTC
    hope is the thing with feathers
    that perches in the soul
    and sings the tune without the words
    and never stops at all

  5. Aggressive Butterfly * Aggressive Butterfly *
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2019 12:27pm UTC
    \ 藞mach蓹藢t墨n \
    of a star: just before the dawn

    posted a quote
    September 6, 2018 6:30am UTC
    you shine like crystalline
    Your Colgate smile shines my day
    I want you in solid form but
    my grey matter don't understand

    posted a quote
    September 5, 2018 7:36pm UTC
    you shine like crystalline
    Your Colgate smile shines my day
    I want you in solid form but
    my grey matter don't understand

    posted a quote
    August 17, 2018 10:18am UTC
    I want to take you on a walk to Paris; I want children too have your nose profile...

    posted a quote
    August 14, 2018 10:46am UTC
    nowadays we live in appearances and life is summarized to what you appear to be

  10. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2018 12:07am UTC
    I wish I could say everything in one word. I hate all the things that can happen between the beginning of a sentence and the end.

  11. Nicole馃檴* Nicole馃檴*
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2018 2:26pm UTC
    Your darkest secrets lay within a dream. Most say they never dream but deja vu is nothing more then an ellipse of a dream you never wanted to face. Every night your mind lay awake. It replays moments that you emotionally play through the day.
    Your darkest secrets lay within a dream. That dream the was so sad you woke up in tears. That dream that was so scary you woke up in a state of sleep paralysis that not even a mother hugs could fix. You don't believe that those monsters are real until the mean girl spreads a rumor or the thing you wanted most in your whole life slips between your fingers.
    Your darkest secrets lay within your dreams. That moment of goodbye that plays on repeat without skipping a beat. The acceident that never seems to fade from minds eye. They lay in your dreams waiting for the day that you see that everything happens for a reason. That reason may simply be: its not always meant to be the way you planned but you will get to where you need to be.

  12. Whysitgottabeme Whysitgottabeme
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2018 7:02pm UTC
    ~Everybody talks about the difference of Your and You're~ ~And There, They're and Their~~ Yet, I bet no one knows the difference between Who's, Whose, and Whom.~

    posted a quote
    December 12, 2017 2:45am UTC
    If it depends on another person will, than dont call it a plan

  14. Juz_Zum_Zombie Juz_Zum_Zombie
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2017 11:55pm UTC
    You’re voice is full of toxins
    that spill into words,
    words that make me naive
    because of the chemicals they expose
    when you open your mouth,
    They cause me to need you,
    to trust you, to love you.
    It’s a drug, one that I can’t stop inhaling.

  15. *Yours Truly* *Yours Truly*
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2017 4:40am UTC
    You ask my why all of my writing sounds
    sad, but you don't understand the way it
    manifests. The way my words are strung
    fairy lights, in an empty house at
    midnight, trying to make all of the dark
    edges beautiful again.

  16. Juz_Zum_Zombie Juz_Zum_Zombie
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2017 10:47pm UTC
    giving someone the power
    To DESTROY you
    But trusting they won't
    Eminem - Space Bound

  17. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2017 7:49pm UTC

  18. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2017 5:57pm UTC
    For every moment for which we have no words, there are ten thousand words for which we have no moments.

  19. 饾搷饾挮饾憭饾搰饾捇饾憭饾捀饾搲饾惣饾搩饾搱饾挾饾搩饾捑饾搲饾搸* 饾搷饾挮饾憭饾搰饾捇饾憭饾捀饾搲饾惣饾搩饾搱饾挾饾搩饾捑饾搲饾搸*
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2017 4:33am UTC
    "饾挻饾憸饾搳 饾搥饾憭饾憭饾搮 饾搧饾捑饾搵饾捑饾搩饾憯 饾捑饾搩 饾搸饾憸饾搳饾搰 饾憸饾搶饾搩 饾搧饾捑饾憭
    饾惛饾搵饾憭饾搰 饾捁饾憭饾捀饾憭饾捑饾搲饾捇饾搳饾搧, 饾挾饾搩饾捁 饾憭饾搵饾憭饾搰 饾搳饾搩饾捇饾挾饾捑饾搲饾捊饾捇饾搳饾搧
    饾挦饾憭饾憭饾搮 饾搨饾憭 饾憯饾搳饾憭饾搱饾搱饾捑饾搩饾憯, 饾搥饾憭饾憭饾搮 饾搨饾憭 饾搲饾憭饾搰饾搰饾捑饾捇饾捑饾憭饾捁
    饾挴饾挾饾搥饾憭 饾憭饾搵饾憭饾搰饾搸饾搲饾捊饾捑饾搩饾憯 饾捇饾搰饾憸饾搨 饾搨饾搸 饾搶饾憸饾搰饾搧饾捁"

  20. 饾搷饾挮饾憭饾搰饾捇饾憭饾捀饾搲饾惣饾搩饾搱饾挾饾搩饾捑饾搲饾搸* 饾搷饾挮饾憭饾搰饾捇饾憭饾捀饾搲饾惣饾搩饾搱饾挾饾搩饾捑饾搲饾搸*
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2017 3:58am UTC
    "饾摝饾摳饾摶饾摥饾摷 饾摢饾摶饾拞 饾攢饾拞饾摢饾摴饾摳饾摲饾摷 饾摳饾拠 饾摻饾摫饾拞 饾摻饾拞饾摶饾摶饾摬饾拠饾摬饾拞饾摥"


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