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Wearethelion Quotes

  1. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 2:22pm UTC
    Small Section of Transcript from the July 10th arraignment of
    USA v. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
    The Clerk: Mr. Tsarnaev, as to Counts 1, 2, 4, 23, 25, 27, 29 of the indictment, charging you with use of a weapon of mass destruction resulting in death and conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction resulting in death, a violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2332a, how do you plead, guilty or not guilty?
    Ms. Clarke: Your Honor, as to all counts we've advised Mr. Tsarnaev that today it's appropriate to enter not guilty pleas, and we would ask the Court to enter not guilty pleas.
    The Court: Well, I would like him to answer.
    Ms. Clarke: Thank you, your Honor.
    The Defendant (Dzhokhar Tsarnaev): Not guilty.
    #Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

  2. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2013 12:21am UTC
    A conversation between some fellow supporters: (to see pictures copy and paste the links)
    "So after I heard about the Boston Policeman who was found with bomb explosives or something along those lines, I decided to google some pictures of Dzhokhar and Tamerlan at the marathon. My heart dropped. I noticed he’s in almost every picture you can find of the brothers at the marathon."
    'at court wearing a black cowboy hat.. If you don’t remember the initial reports of the MIT shooting had to do with a robbery at the 7/11 .. the description of the suspect was a dark skinned male wearing a black jacket, jeans, and a black cowboy hat .. coincidence I guess"
    This is insane. There is no way this is a coincedence.
    And another f**ked thing about this is:
    that police officer was released with only a fine of $1000,
    despite all the evidence, and explosives found in his residence.
    NO f**king way this is a coincedence.

  3. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2013 12:14am UTC
    TOPSFIELD, Massachusetts (Reuters) - The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force is investigating a Boston-area man after authorities found materials in his bedroom that could be used for making a pressure-cooker bomb similar to the devices used in the deadly Boston Marathon attack, authorities said on Saturday.
    Police arrested 27-year-old Daniel Morley last month on domestic assault and battery charges and for making a bomb threat, according to the Topsfield Police Department.
    After a nearly four-hour standoff on June 9, police discovered in Morley's bedroom a Russian-made assault rifle, a pressure cooker and other materials that concerned investigators, said Gary Hayward, a detective sergeant with Topsfield police.
    It's obviously too early to make any connections between this and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and the Boston bombings.
    Although I do think it may have a part to play.
    This, as well as the Boston police officer where explosives were found in his residence.
    Although I have no solid evidence to make the connection, so please do not bash me for it. It's only my opinion.

  4. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2013 10:54pm UTC
    Some people have such strong opinions
    on things they know nothing about.
    It's important to do research
    and form strong arguments
    before you judge or attack others.

  5. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2013 4:29pm UTC
    I am sorry that I am being inactive!
    I have NOT given up on Jahar!
    If you want more frequent updates and more frequent posts from me, check out my blog:

  6. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2013 1:32pm UTC
    I am so sorry for my absence!
    I would like everyone to know that I have emailed Zubeidat (the
    mother of Jahar) and I have talked to her. She is an amazing woman,
    that is for sure. Beautiful too. I would give you guys the email, but I
    am not giving it to anyone except people who I know are supporters,
    because I don't want her to recieve hate mail. She doesn't need that.
    Inshaallah Zubeidat will be able to see her little boy soon!

  7. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2013 7:45pm UTC
    Oh, look at that.
    It's been confirmed that Ibragim Todashev was unarmed.
    Honestly, I'm not surprised.
    He was shot multiple times in the head and back.
    That's not self-defense.
    That's assassination.
    But of course it's not murder...
    when an FBI agent does it. -.-

  8. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2013 7:31pm UTC
    ‘The brothers’ attack killed three people and injured more than 260.’
    the media has forgotten about
    innocence until proven guilty.

  9. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2013 6:56pm UTC
    Jahar has told his mother that he and Tamerlan are innocent!
    Excerpt from an article below (although there are multiple confirming)
    "MAKHACHKALA, Russia (AP) — The mother of the surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings said Thursday her son has recovered enough to walk. Zubeidat Tsarnaeva tells The Associated Press that 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev walked without a wheelchair to speak to his mother last week for the first and only phone conversation they have had since he has been in custody. She says he assured his parents that he and his slain brother are innocent of the April 15 bombings that killed three people and wounded more than 260. Zubeidat Tsarnaeva says her son told her he's getting better and has a very good doctor, but he's struggling to understand what happened. She says she could feel that he's "being driven crazy by the unfairness" of the situation and the death of his brother, Tamerlan, in a shootout with police. The suspects' father says he still hoping that his sons will be cleared, and Dzhokar will return to their home "crippled, but at least alive." "

  10. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2013 12:07am UTC
    Some ignorant person: "He's a terrorist in prison!"
    Me: "You spelled suspect in custody wrong."

  11. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2013 3:50am UTC
    Dear U.S. Government,
    Thanks so much for throwing our constitution out the window.
    Just kidding, f/ck you for doing that.

  12. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2013 2:52pm UTC
    Dear America,
    Your 9/11 is our 24/7.
    Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Chechnya.

  13. InnocentUntilProvenGuilty InnocentUntilProvenGuilty
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2013 2:31pm UTC
    This is about the Boston Marathon Bombing.
    This is about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, A.K.A. "Jahar".
    Open your eyes!
    Look beyond the evidence we are spoon-fed!
    "...exchanged gun fire with
    the suspect for the next hour,
    before he was apprended."
    - Yahoo.com, 4/19
    "...officials say the surviving
    suspect in the Boston
    bombings was unarmed..."
    - Boston.com, 4/24
    "...police eventually flushed
    him out using stun gernades
    after Dzhokhar opened fire."
    - Mirror News, N/A
    "Athorities origionally said
    they had exchanged gunfire
    with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
    for more than one hour Friday
    - Boston.com, 4/24
    The media's story simply doesn't add up.
    Open your eyes
    Embark on your own quest for truth
    And repost if you agree

  14. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 6:54pm UTC
    Here is a perfect example of how hateful our world is and how messed up the things our youth is being taught are.
    ~*True Story*~
    The other day I was taking a walk with some family. I was wearing a tanktop and a loose t-shirt over the tank top. It's really hot where I live right now, and so I took the top shirt off. While I was taking it off I kind of wrapped it around my head covering my hair so I could stop to check my phone really fast (yes I did have to check my phone before I finished taking my shirt off, haha). My little cousin walked up to me and said: "Are you trying to be a terrorist?"
    He assumed that I was trying to impersonate a terrorist just because I had something covering my head and my hair. Sort of like what some Muslim women can be seen wearing.
    I want to say right now that I love Muslims, I love the Islamic religion. Matter of fact, I believe I am going to convert to this religion. I was so horrified at what he said to me. I was mad at him at first, but then I realized something.
    Maybe it wasn't his fault that he associated the fact that my head was covered with being a terrorist. After all, the media makes people who wear headscarves look like terrorists, even though they are absolutely not. And then the people of our world take in the information they learn from the media, and they become very hateful towards those people the media calls bad. And then the people of our world pass that hate down to their children, so on, so on.
    I am determinded not to become part of that hateful cycle.
    I am not a part of that system.
    I am not conditioned by the media.

  15. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 5:37pm UTC
    PROTECT RIGHTS, protect people.

  16. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 4:21pm UTC
    Dear Tamerlan,
    You are a good man. You loved your family very much. You were very talented, and I admire you. I wish I knew more about you, but I do know in my heart that you are watching over your little brother and I know in my heart that you are helping him stay strong and carry on. You did not deserve to die. I will fight for your little brother forever for you Tam, because I know you want him to be happy again. I will fight for you. Even though it may seem that people have forgotten about you and that they only fight for Jahar, that is far from the truth. I pray for you every night, I pray that you are in a better place, a place far better than this cruel earth. I know you are. I love you Tamerlan, love you like a brother even though I have never met you. I miss you like we were very close. I keep you and your family in my thoughts.
    RIP Tamerlan <3

  17. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 4:13pm UTC
    "the younger brother was captured on camera at a 7-11 store they attempted to rob."
    -The Washington Times, 4/19
    "an investigation determined that the robbery at a 7-eleven was UNRELATED."
    -CNN, 4/19
    We need to know the truth.
    Protect rights, protect people.
    Spread the word.

  18. InnocentUntilProvenGuilty InnocentUntilProvenGuilty
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 3:02pm UTC
    This is about the Boston Marathon Bombing. This is about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, A.K.A. "Jahar". Open your eyes! Look beyond the evidence we are spoon-fed! Journey on your own quest for truth!
    "The younger brother was captured on a
    camera at a 7-11 store they attempted to
    - The Washington Times, 4/19
    "An invenstigation determined that the
    robery at the 7-Eleven was unrelated"
    - CNN, 4/19
    Agree? Repost this quote, and seek the truth!

  19. InnocentUntilProvenGuilty InnocentUntilProvenGuilty
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 2:08pm UTC
    This is about the Boston Marathon Bombing. This is about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, A.K.A. "Jahar". Open your eyes! Look beyond the evidence we are spoon-fed! Journey on your own quest for truth!
    "The younger brother was captured on a
    camera at a 7-11 store they attempted to
    - The Washington Times, 4/19
    "An invenstigation determined that the
    robery at the 7-Eleven was unrelated"
    - CNN, 4/19
    Agree? Repost this quote, and seek the truth!

  20. InnocentUntilProvenGuilty InnocentUntilProvenGuilty
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 1:49pm UTC
    This is about the Boston Marathon Bombing. This is about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, A.K.A. "Jahar". Open your eyes! Look beyond the evidence we are spoon-fed! Journey on your own quest for truth!
    "The younger brother was captured on a
    camera at a 7-11 store they attempted to
    - The Washington Times, 4/19
    "An invenstigation determined that the
    robery at the 7-Eleven was unrelated"
    - CNN, 4/19
    Agree? Repost this quote, and seek the truth!


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