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Visit Quotes

  1. Virginia Doran* Virginia Doran*
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2015 1:26pm UTC
    Being at a collage visit bored out of your mind cause the tour guide is too cheery

  2. riddles riddles
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2014 11:40am UTC
    Oh btw, thanks so much to my friend wild_tanz or tanny418 for introducing me to witty! You should definately visit her page!! Its just so awesome and so is she! peace

    posted a quote
    May 10, 2014 6:00pm UTC
    Hi Guys!
    If ur looking for total peace of mind look no further.
    This site is owned by none other than my self and it helps with most dirty minded problems, suicidal thoughts and other problems.
    So, i hope to see that you went on

  4. DunGoofed DunGoofed
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2014 12:16am UTC
    My best friend from Texas said she missed me so she visited me. I feel so loved. :)

  5. BluRoseHeart* BluRoseHeart*
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2014 11:46pm UTC
    PAST Is a nice place to VISIT
    But certainly not a nice place to STAY

  6. coolsuperstarz coolsuperstarz
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 10:56am UTC
    I see the green eyed monster
    paid you a visit.

  7. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2013 6:41pm UTC
    30 Day Challenge:
    Day 13: Place you want to visit most.
    I don't know. Right now it's my uncles grave.

  8. brunetteBerry brunetteBerry
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2013 7:39am UTC
    Is a nice place to visit
    but certainly not a good place to stay.

  9. *mysterious.mah* *mysterious.mah*
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2013 3:26pm UTC

  10. BeautifulPeopleAndAliens BeautifulPeopleAndAliens
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2013 12:32pm UTC
    My friend: What was the point me even coming here?
    Me: ...Wait a minute...
    My friend: You've said that a million times in the past 5 minutes.
    ______________________IN REAL LIFE WHAT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW--------------------
    Me:...They won't know it's you!
    Me: That's very hard to believe.
    My friend: Yay. I finally got you off the damn computer.
    Me: Thanks for reminding me. *Goes back to computer to type this bit*
    My friend: WHY GOD WHY.

  11. basicbitch basicbitch
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2013 5:57pm UTC
    Happy 4th of July!
    I'm sorry I'm posting another one of these but please check out my friend and I's website. :) It's called cuteasabutton.weebly.com and it would mean so much if you checked it out! We have cursors, backrounds and tons of graphics (and lots of pusheen graphics! she's so cute!). We'd like to start making layouts but we need to figure it out first to if any of you have tips please comment them lol.

  12. Gimmeafive Gimmeafive
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2013 12:01am UTC
    format by julietechoecho

  13. Gimmeafive Gimmeafive
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2013 11:59pm UTC
    follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me.
    format by julietechoecho

  14. Kayak2014 Kayak2014
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2013 11:52am UTC
    So, hello everyone. I just felt like talking about my college visit from yesterday. I'm so excited about it! Hahaha.
    Well, I went to Alliance with my mom for a visit to the University of Mount Union (this is in Ohio by the way...).
    Anyhoo, we went to my first ever college visit. I was pretty nervous but once I started to talk to the info lady I felt better. Then, I went on my tour with a current student. Lol, Tim the Tour Guide! He's going to be a sophomore and he's going for computer scince stuff. At first I was like "Oh no, this dude is probably a jock and a jerk..." but no, HE'S A BAND GEEK LIKE MEEEEEEEEEEE! I told him how I am in band and he's like "REALLY?! What do you play?" So I told him (sax, mello, french horn). He's like "Whoa you play a lot!...I'm in percussion...Yeeeahh I'm a 'dummer'." lmao. Then he tried to get me to join the "Steel Drum Ensemble" if I end up attending MU. Lmao.
    Back to the actual visit lol.
    So, as I kept going on this tour of campus I learned a few things:
    ~There are 7 dorms, 5 of which I am allowed to enter lol. (2 Female, 3 Co-ed, 2 Male)...I think these are for freshmen.
    ~Facilities are great.
    ~The cost of attendance is...O_O...$36,100...but that includes anything you'll ever need. Unlimited meal plan, entrance to all school events free of charge, free laundry, classes (of course), room and board, use of the gym, if I get sick they have a medical place on campus...I can go see a doctor for free, parking, etc. It's amazing.
    ~The freshman girl dorms don't have a/c but oh well.
    ~I'll be only 45 minutes away from home if I do end up staying in a dorm (which goes against my original plan of staying at home).
    ~They have a chapel on campus if I want to go attend a church service.
    ~I can qualify for the highest scholarship from them if I maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5 and get at least a 27 on my ACT. This scholarship is practically a full ride...
    ~I can still be in band and stuff.
    ~I'll be majoring in nursing--they just got that program and I'll be getting completely brand-spankin'-new facilities.
    ~They will help me find careers.
    ~The classes are small...13 to 1 student-teacher ratio (Which is great considering I come from an extremely small high school.
    There's a lot more that I could write about but that's enough. You get my point lol.
    I honestly belive that this is where I want to go to school. :) I. Am. In. Love. (Plus, the school color is PURPLE!!! MY FAVE COLOR! It's just meant to be lmao)
    :DDDDDDDD Let's hope I get a 27 on my ACT and keep my GPA up this year:)
    Feel free to leave a college story/college visit experience/etc. below:D

  15. SparksFly34 SparksFly34
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2013 3:04pm UTC
    I just want one visit.
    I want one visit to heaven.
    Not now, but in the future.
    When I truly lose my way.
    When I finally break and I don't know what to do.
    The people that will have passed will be the only ones that can help me.
    So one trip to heaven is all I ask.
    Not now, but in the future.

  16. SoftballMyLife22 SoftballMyLife22
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2013 9:26pm UTC
    Before I die:
    Visit Australia

  17. ieatyourchildren ieatyourchildren
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2013 5:13pm UTC
    Part of the music video for OWOA/teenage kicks was filmed infront of my best friends ex-girlfriends house
    who feels special now
    not me, thats who
    but he is my nieghbor
    and harry said hi to me
    so we're cool
    who feels special now
    not me
    cause im rambling

  18. noura1099 noura1099
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2013 6:51pm UTC
    www.lovestardollfreebies.blogspot.com (if you are on stardoll)
    My two blogs. Really would love if you visit (:


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