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Best Vegetarians Quotes Today

  1. Onism* Onism*
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 4:30pm UTC
    "That chicken died just for you to eat it. Have a heart, eat vegetables"
    Hundreds of thousand of vegetables are sacrificed just so you could be a vegetarian.
    Have a heart, eat a rock.
    The rock took millions of years to form and it probably had a family and now you ate it.
    Have a heart, drink water.
    The water has come from the top clouds and the bottom of the sea forever just so you could drink it and turn it into pee.
    Have a heart, breathe air.
    The air was just being all cool as O2 and stuff until you decided to breath it.
    Now it's just CO2
    You disgust me.

  2. brillt27 brillt27
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 2:05pm UTC
    fun fact:
    vegetarians live up to nine years longer than meat-eaters.
    nine horrible, tedious, meaningless, baconless, worthless, meatless years.

  3. Sonny84 Sonny84
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 9:16pm UTC
    My science teacher: Cows
    produce methane when they fart.
    Kid: Do humans?
    Teacher: It's typically only
    grass-eating animals...
    Kid: Ohh, so vegetarians do.
    f o r m a t j i m m y 3 6 5

  4. cutieessie cutieessie
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2014 9:37pm UTC
    Proud vegetarian. :)
    Four years worth ♥
    I know, I've heard it already...
    That you "Could never do 'that'"
    and how everybody suddenly wonders what my protein intake is.
    If I take vitamins or not.
    And no, I do not miss eating any of those murdered angels.
    No, I don't eat seafood either.
    Nope, not even shrimp.
    I know, "Do you eat enough? Are you still hungry?"
    The truth is...
    You don't want to do it, because you don't put your mind to it. You push it aside, or ignore the fact these innocent lives are taken away and the horrible ways of doing so, or you just "don't feel like it."
    I have enough protein.
    I am vitamin-filled.
    I do not ever wish to eat another sweetheart as I used to, four years ago.
    Even the sea creatures. :)
    Any of them. ^
    I eat enough, I am fulfilled. I am full.
    I am happy. I am proud. I am not bloated, as such eating meat or seafood would make me.. I am balanced. I am a vegetarian. I am strong. I made the difference. ♥


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