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Best Upon Quotes Ever

  1. Picturesque Wonderland.* Picturesque Wonderland.*
    posted a quote
    December 17, 2013 7:04pm UTC
    "Associate with the noblest people
    you can find;
    read the best books; live with the
    mighty. But learn to
    be happy alone. Help upon your own energies, and so do not wait for, or depend
    on other people."
    -Thomas Davidson

  2. thecookie1997 thecookie1997
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2013 9:40pm UTC
    Dont put
    your mouse
    over this quote
    format by fake_a_smile

  3. Christina* Christina*
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2013 9:41pm UTC
    Once upon a time, there was a girl who was tired of life and went to throw her self off the bridge. As she was about to let go she felt arms pull her back to land. Full of regret she turned around to find that no body was there.
    Moral of the Story: Just because you feel like no body cares that doesn't mean that no body cares.

  4. daisybug2000 daisybug2000
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2013 7:23pm UTC
    To anyone who feels they need to be skinny,
    Have a thigh gap
    Feels the need to Starve yourself,
    I want you to remember,
    When has a boy ever said
    "Damn, that girls got a thigh gap, she's mine."
    Because beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,
    And that beholder happens to be you.

  5. daisybug2000 daisybug2000
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2013 10:29pm UTC
    Once upon a time happyness existed
    Everyone was happy and beautiful in their own way
    Once upon a time we grew up and things changed
    She lost her glimmer and now only the kids with a pretty face were beautiful
    Once upon a time we blamed the society
    Once upon a time we are the society

  6. daisybug2000 daisybug2000
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2013 8:54am UTC
    A dream is a wish the heart makes

  7. EllieLasnier EllieLasnier
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2014 8:06am UTC
    Can we pretend that
    Aeroplanes in the
    Night sky are like
    Shooting Stars
    'Cos I could really use
    A wish right now

  8. daisybug2000 daisybug2000
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2013 10:33pm UTC
    "Her smile is fake"
    "How would you know?"
    "Because thats how I use to smile"

  9. daisybug2000 daisybug2000
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 8:52am UTC
    Everyone has their own 'happily ever after' all that matters is that you start your own 'once upon a time.'

  10. noura1099 noura1099
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 5:25pm UTC
    Once upon a time a few mistakes ago...

  11. ImStillHere721 ImStillHere721
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2013 11:13pm UTC
    Once upon a time........

  12. That_Irish_Kid That_Irish_Kid
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2013 10:08am UTC
    This goes out the all the Irish people out there.
    Dear IRA,
    Both my Great-grandfathers fought for a great cause, a cause that would liberate Ireland and its people. Not from tyranny, but so that we would be able to have our own country back. Did they have to kill? No. They killed because they were attacked. Not because they wanted to, because they had to.
    One of my Great-grandfathers was killed in the mill, the other, was only sixteen. He faked his age so he could join. He fought alongside Paudric Pierce in the GPO. He was lucky enough to make it out with his life. He wore his veterans medal with pride, knowing that, he did the right thing.
    But if my Great-grandfather's were alive today, they would look down on what you have become. The IRA was a symbol of freedom, and eventuall, peace. But what has it become. You kill your own people, and for what? You're not getting anywhere.
    How are you supposed to liberate the people you kill? You can't. The world has stepped past you, because they can no longer respect you, for what you have done since 1922.
    Think of the fallen, think of the Veterans. Think of your brothers, your sisters. Don't be foolish with your lives, don't be foolish with others lives.
    Make the Men who died for what they believed in, proud. By not killing your fellow man. Sure, we all want our country back, but blowing up buildings won't get you the attention you want.
    Be REAL men, walk up to them, shake their hand, and talk. Talk, thats all I ask you to do, that's all I ask you to try. Please.
    Make my Great-grandfathers proud.
    Honour the Fallen


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