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Best Un Quotes This Week

  1. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2013 5:24pm UTC
    It's great to be a refugee.
    They have no idea how much work it takes to keep a house clean.
    Scrubbing floors. Washing windows. Endless loads of laundry.
    But a refugee wouldn't know.
    Their homes have been ransacked, doused in gasoline, and torched to the ground.
    They've now got other things on their mind.
    None of which include cleaning a lint tray.
    Refugees are so lucky.
    They have no idea how much it costs to renovate a house these days.
    Brazilian hardwood. Stainless steel appliances.
    Kitchen backsplash at $12.55 per square foot.
    Their home furnishings tend to be a little more basic. Tarps. Rope. Cardboard.
    Anything that can help protect them from the harshness of the elements.
    And give them a fighting chance at survival.
    Refugees have it made.
    They don't have to mow the lawn, trim the hedge, or clean the eaves.
    And you can bet not a single one of them has shoveled a driveway
    since giving up their home for absolutely nothing.
    It's not that refugees aren't busy.
    It's just that now they have other chores on their weekend "to do" list.
    Like trying to keep away from guerrillas, militia groups, and terrorists.
    What we take for granted, 19.2 million people wish they could have back.

  2. RandomGirl42 RandomGirl42
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2013 12:19am UTC
    You know you're poor when
    you get excited when a limo drives by
    format jimmy365


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