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Umass Quotes

  1. gigox3mari gigox3mari
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2014 9:49pm UTC
    College Has Taught Me:
    *Never take a sip of water out of an open water bottle without smelling it first.
    *Drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink you consume = no hangover.
    *NEVER take 8 am classes. Impossible to physically function.
    *It doesn't matter how much sleep you get. You're always tired.
    *Always nap when you have the chance.
    *People are kind and respectful, and for the most part accepting of everyone.
    *It's totally normal to sit by yourself in the dining hall.
    *There are always going to be people who are smarter than you, & that's ok. Be friends with them.
    *If you do something stupid, chances are people will forget about it within a few days.
    *If you have an awkward hook up with someone, don't be suprised if you see them around campus. At some point you will. I promise.
    *That I love it so much better here than I do at home.
    *There are hot and attractive people everywhere you go. Especially the gym.
    *The freshman 15 is SO REAL. Eat healthy and workout!
    *There is NOT as much drama in college as there is in high school. Point blank.
    *You will feel pressured to drink and smoke, but don't feel like you HAVE to.
    *High school didn't prepare me at all.
    *You really do make amazing friends that last.
    *One of the best experiences you'll ever have.
    UMass Amherst '17

  2. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2013 9:59am UTC
    So I went on Urban Dictinary and looked up my town and this is what some of the descriptions said and I am laughing because omfg the accuracy.
    --A small suburban American town. Typically 99% of the adolescent population takes drugs or drinks alchohol heavily everyday and graduates to go on to school at a UMass college.
    An alarming number of SUVs, denoting the stupidity of the town's adult population. The prime location of it being near Route 3, Route 3A, I-495, Route 4, and others mean more people than should live here keep moving in, and jerks keep selling forestland to make new crappy developments for these jerks to live in.
    Refered to in slang as the 'Cho', with different prefixes indicating geographical areas; NoCho = North Chelsmford, SoCho = South Chelmsford, and so on. (EaCho, WeCho, CenCho)
    Also and firstmost, a town in the UK.
    --A small town 30 miles from Boston, that no one has heard about unless they lived here, or have a friend from here. There's nothing to do on the weekends, kids think its cool to hang out at Stop & Shop.
    Unless you live in the center of the town, it takes twenty minutes to get from one place to another. And our rotary changed from a simple circle to a messed up square. There's nothing to do but get wasted or high, and if you want drugs, just walk across the street, because you're neighbor is probably dealing them.
    If you're a football player, then you're set for life in this town, you become the hero, and get out of speeding tickets and possession of drugs.


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