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Timid Quotes

  1. foreverbutnever foreverbutnever
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2014 1:58pm UTC
    So the other day, my best friend and I took her dog out for a walk because he's never out and always tied up (he has to be tied up or hell chase and kill the sheep on her dad's farm). Usually he's a really happy dog but when he came out for the walk he was super scared and really timid.
    Anyway, by the end of the walk he was coming out of his shell a bit but then another dog was on the road. And I knew straight away that it wasn't a nice dog. It was a boxer dog and my friend's dog was a sheepdog called shep.
    The boxer dog pounced on Shep and the lead was pulled out of my hand. Shep was too scared and timid to fight back and the boxer was almost tearing him apart.
    My first instinct was to get the boxer off Shep and I hit and kicked him but he wouldn't budge. I tried so hard to get him off.
    It wasn't until I got home that I realised that the boxer could have turned on me for hitting it. And I felt stupid but proud of myself at the same time.
    Stupid because I should have thought before I acted.
    Proud because it was my first instinct and action to try and save my friend's dog that I never seen before. <3
    ps. Shep's ok. The owners of the boxer came and got him but aparantly it was our fault for not having Shep on a lead even though he was. It was their dog that wasn't on a lead and he didnt even have a muzzle on. My friends dad called the gaurds and they said that a dog warden would have to get involved and there would be a load of bother so they didn't do anything about it.

  2. coolsuperstarz coolsuperstarz
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 7:46pm UTC
    Wouldn't is for the week and timid.
    Couldn't is for the strong and confident.
    ~At least they weren't afraid to have a go.


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