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Thestruggles Quotes

  1. NicoleErin16 NicoleErin16
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2013 1:04am UTC
    So every Tuesday morning at my school we have tours for incoming students. And our school is like completely devoid of attractive boys.
    So this morning during the tour there was a boy who was extremely attractive. To the point where almost every girl was fan girling over him and like calling dibs on him.
    Then to make it all better we found out he was in 10th grade like us.
    There was literally a crowd of girls just staring at him all during our break. That's how depressing our school is, to the point of crowds over one cute boy.

  2. artistekathy artistekathy
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2013 11:19pm UTC
    Should be studying...
    But I'm on facebook, listening to music, dying my hair,
    on Tumblr, taking pictures, updating my instagram, drawing
    pictures, browsing the web, catiching up on The Walking Dead,
    eating chips, downing a coffee, staring at books
    I don't want to read, contemplating how BAD
    I'm destined to flunk this test, wondering when I should
    start caring, hoping to find some inspiration SOON-ish?
    Painting my toes, folding clothes, air guitaring the
    SH*T out of Amaranthe songs, suddently caring about the messiness
    in my room - MUST CLEAN! Fixing my undone bed,
    putting new music in my iPod, rolling around
    like a derp in my desk chair, deliberating life, trying
    to contact aliens, catch a star, eat Mc Donalds without
    getting fat, put on a fashion show by myself,
    recreate the Mona Lisa, beat Chuck Norris,
    out sing Adele, make a movie, and more
    importantly, invent a toaster that
    never BURNS my toast :[ ♥
    [ n m f ]


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