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Best Teacherstudent Quotes This Year

  1. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2013 4:52am UTC
    Using Mr Parker
    ♥ Logan ♥
    C h a p t e r 45
    The last few months of school flew by and soon, I was graduating. Soon, Zach and I would be able to go out like a normal couple.
    I was so excited.
    On the morning of my graduation, I was all giddy and my mum had noticed. “What's got you so excited?”
    “I'm graduating!” I half lied. That wasn't a lie but it wasn't the total truth. Zach and I had organised for him to meet my parents after the graduation.
    How could I possibly be so excited but so nervous at the same time?
    “Oh, well you better start getting ready. Do you want me to do your hair?” she asked, kindly and I nodded my head eagerly. My mum started doing my hair and in 20 minutes she was finished.
    “Can you do my make-up as well?” I asked her, grinning sweetly.
    “Of course baby,” she murmured in deep thought as she started on my make-up. Soon I was dressed in a red strapless dress that reached just above my knee. My hair was done in a braid and my make-up with such simplicity it was stunning. “Close your eyes,” she told me and I closed my eyes. My mum placed something around my neck and I opened them to see a gorgeous locket shaped necklace with diamonds filling it. “I am so proud of you,” she told me, as she hugged me. Tears filled my eyes as my mum softly cried into my shoulder. “You've grown up so quickly, I remember when you were just a baby who couldn't even walk.”
    “I love you so much, Mum.”
    “I love you too, baby, I love you too.”
    “And always remember,” Courtney ended her speech. “It's not chance that determines where you'll end up, it's destiny.” Soon after, graduation caps were thrown in the air and laughter was floating through the air.
    “Finally!” Grace laughed as she gave me a hug. “12 years of school for a paper!”
    “And I wouldn't change any of it for the world,” I replied, honestly. After Grace and I spoke, I went to go find my parents though I kept an eye out for Zach.
    “Congratulations!” Justin shouted, engulfing me in a hug.
    “Thank you,” I murmured into his neck and then my mum kissed my cheek.
    “Congratulations, darling,” she said as my dad gave me a hug as well murmuring a 'congratulations'. We spoke for a little while until I spotted Zach and walked over to him, Justin by my side.
    “Hi baby,” Justin said in a girly voice and Zach and I chuckled.
    “Congratulations Logan!” Zach said enthusiastically.
    “Thanks,” I said, softly.
    “I want to kiss you so bad,” he said quietly so I was the only one that heard him.
    “What's stopping you?” I asked, seductively.
    “The fact that my uncle keeps looking at us.”
    “Oh, I'm sorry,” I muttered feeling bad about making him lie to his uncle.
    “Come on, babe, smile.”
    And I did.
    Want a reminder? Comment.
    Teaser: "Oh my gosh! Mr Parker?" A girl that used to be in the same grade as me cried out and then she saw me. "Logan?"
    Logans outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=72776886
    {A/N I'm pretty sure there's going to be one chapter left and then the epilogue!}


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