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Suspense Quotes

  1. PandaPants PandaPants
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2015 12:20pm UTC
    Life is a book.
    A new page every day.
    & no matter how adjusted I get to these pages.
    It never ceases to amaze me on the next page.
    How quickly life can change in a single day.
    How fast things can take a turn for the worst or for the better.
    Never knowing if the next page is your last.
    Living life in suspense.
    Dying to live yet we're living to die.

    posted a quote
    June 7, 2015 4:45am UTC
    As I mentally prepare for the usually routine I go through in my head when my dad gets like this, I’m yanked backwards. With my hair in his hand, he drags me back into the living room screaming into my ear. The same stuff he says to me every time.
    “You’re useless! A waste of space, piece of sh*t!”
    I’m clawing at his hand and trying to follow him as fast as he drags me to get some relief on my head. He has a pretty strong grip.
    He slams me to the ground, my head hitting the hard wood floor. I get an instant pounding in my head. I can hear my heart beat.
    Breathe, Maylie. This won’t last long. Be strong.
    I try to tell myself this every time, but the more I say it, the less it works.
    When her father is arrested and sent to jail for child abuse.
    Maylie Rush thinks that her life can finally start.
    But when she finds out that her father is apart of MERSER (a high operational group who sells a highly addictive drug called Rid)
    her dreams come tumbling down.
    Her family is automatically placed into the Witness Protection Program.
    New names, New looks, New Home.
    Every day is a terrifying risk that her and her family might be found.
    And when she moves next door the Noah Samuels.
    It makes it harder for her to stay hidden as much as possible.

  3. KellyyyGirl KellyyyGirl
    posted a quote
    March 5, 2014 9:35pm UTC
    Who thinks I should post some of my song works for the world of witty to see? Please like or comment your inputs :) I would really like it a lot!!!!

  4. KellyyyGirl KellyyyGirl
    posted a quote
    March 5, 2014 9:32pm UTC
    ~Everythings better with a little suspense
    ~To keep you wondering how to get and see the results you get and find :)

  5. Bubbles:-)* Bubbles:-)*
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2013 4:26pm UTC
    I'm gonna have three little boys and name them DON,DON,DON!!!

  6. insecuritiesarelife insecuritiesarelife
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2013 8:37pm UTC
    THE next mayor of boston is?!?

  7. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2013 1:06am UTC
    Watching a show, and it being
    over the second it gets good.
    like omg I can't handle this feeling.

  8. kbstarlight kbstarlight
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 6:21pm UTC
    Down to the Second.
    Chapter Twenty-One//♥
    When Carter pulls up to the jail, I jump out quickly, rushing for the door. He runs closely behind, scraping my heel with his shoe multiple times. I think he knows what I’m going to do, he just hopes that I change my mind.
    “Ma’am, where do you think you’re going?” I hear an officer, obviously on guard, ask me. I slow down and try to act casual.
    “Oh, I’m sorry, are visiting times over?” I ask sweetly, giving him a smile. He blushes a little.
    “Erm…no, you’ve got an hour or so. Who are you here to visit?”
    “My uncle, he was just brought in a few hours ago.” I lie easily.
    “Oh, that guy? He’s disgusting. Don’t you know what he did? He’s being kept under lots of security, and is too dangerous to be visited. I’m sorry.” Knowing I had to get this guy to cave in, I start to cry, burying my face into my palms. “What’s wrong, ma’am?”
    “It’s just…I love him, and I know he’s a criminal, but he practically raised me, and if he gets the death penalty…” I start to sob harder, and I can tell the officer feels bad. “I just want to see him one last time, just for a minute. Please…” The officer picks up a phone and dials a number, then waits for someone to pick up.
    “Yes, I have a young lady down here who would like to come up and see Mr. Smith…yes, I know that’s not allowed, but listen, she just wants a second, and she has a young man here with her…thank you so much, she’ll be up in a minute.” He looks at me. “They’re giving you ten minutes alone with him. Go upstairs, he’s in cell 264.”
    “Oh, thank you so much!” I run over and hug the officer, smile at him, and then go up the stairs with Carter.
    “Wow…” He says.
    “What? I always get what I want.” I snicker.
    “You’re not actually going to do this, are you?” His voice is shaking, knowing that he will get in huge trouble if we get caught, but willing to do it for me.
    “Just watch me.” We reach the top of the stairs and take a left, until we reach cell 264. A gray haired man with rotting gray teeth and moles on his face looks at us and moves to the front of the cell.
    “What the he/l do you want?” He asks us. I quietly try to wriggle the gun from my purse while Carter covers me.
    “Just wanted to uhh…you know…” Carter tries to think of something to say to the man, who spits on the ground and starts to walk away from us. I pull the gun from my purse quickly and pull the trigger, sending a bullet right into the back of his balding head. He falls to the ground face first, blood pouring from the wound. Knowing someone must have heard the gunshot; Carter and I sprint back down the stairs and out the door, right past the officer who helped us. He chases us out, asking what that loud noise was, but we just shrug and keep running. We hop into Carter’s car and race back to my house, hoping no one was following us. Unfortunately, a police car comes speeding around the corner suddenly, not giving us enough time to drive away, and blocks us into the driveway. The officer gets out and walks around to the driver’s side, yanking Carter out of the car. Another officer does the same to me, and handcuffs us both.
    “You are arrested under the charges of attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent.” One of the cops says, throwing us both into the police car and driving us in the same direction we just came from.
    “I’m sorry.” I mouth to Carter, but he ignores me and gazes out the window.
    The next story I write is going to be more happy and inspiring.
    I'm sick of writing violent things...
    Anyway, feedback?
    Sorry it's been so long, with summer and all I've been busy.

  9. Little_Writer_220 Little_Writer_220
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2013 7:29pm UTC
    Summer Love
    Chapter Twelve
    I walked back into my room to everyone arguing with Niall.
    “Dear God leave the boy alone,” I chuckled and Niall’s face lit up.
    “Cole!” he shouted excitedly. “I mean, Cole, are you alright?”
    “Yeah,” I chuckled. “What are they all yelling at you for?”
    “Niall won’t just kis-“ Harry started but Niall jumped on him and covered his mouth.
    “While those two are being children,” Louis said, “we’re arguing with Niall because… he’s hungry and is too lazy to go get food.”
    “Oh,” I laughed and Niall got off of Harry and sighed.
    “You are children,” Mariah said and everyone but Niall and Harry laughed.
    “Don’t be all pouty,” I laughed at Niall.
    “Why shouldn’t I be?” he asked.
    “Because I will sit on you,” I warned him.
    “You weigh nothing,” he said and I shrugged and sat on him.
    “You still weigh nothing,” he chuckled and I turned my head around so I was looking at him, and stuck my tongue out.
    “Put that away,” he chuckled and I did as told.
    “Good girl,” he said and I laughed.
    He put his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder, and then talked to Louis and Zayn while I talked to Harry, Liam, and Mariah.
    “You so love that,” Mariah said quietly and I flipped her off.
    “Woah, woah, woah, calm the finger,” Liam chuckled and I felt lips on my cheek.
    “You’re a real cutie, did you know that?” Niall whispered in my ear and I smiled.
    “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t,” I said and he smiled.
    After a few more hours of Niall and I flirting and all of us chatting, they decided to head home.
    “I’ll talk to you tomorrow?” Niall asked and I nodded.
    “Mmhm,” I hummed, rather tired after a long day.
    “And I’ll pick you up around eight?” he asked and I smiled and nodded.
    “Yup,” I said, growing a bit more excited and he smiled.
    “See ya Mr. Mathers!” he hollered to my dad.
    “Please, call me Shady,” he hollered back and the two of us laughed.
    “Bye Cole,” he said and I smiled.
    “Text me,” I said and he headed down the stairs of the porch and down the street.
    I then went up to my room, climbed into bed, and set my phone under my pillow. After a minute or so, it vibrated. I pulled it out and looked at the message.
    Goodnight gorgeous ;) xx ~ That Cute Kid Down the Street
    Cheeky boy… Goodnight :) ~ Cole
    After an hour or so of thinking about my date tomorrow and the rest of the summer, I drifted off to sleep.

  10. Little_Writer_220 Little_Writer_220
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2013 6:47am UTC
    Happily Ever
    Chapter Six
    I took the pregnancy test and expected it to come out negative. I mean, Niall’s not an idiot, even when he’s drunk. I looked at the finished test, threw it out, and walked into the kitchen.
    “Guys I messed up,” I said and Steven looked as if he was going to die.
    “Do not tell me you have a child growing in you,” he said and I shrugged.
    “It’s not a child yet,” I said and he face-palmed.
    “Who’s the father?” he sighed.
    “Niall,” I said.
    “Doesn’t he think you’re dead?” Steven asked and I couldn’t help but laugh.
    “Not anymore,” I responded.
    “Well what are we gonna do?” Mariah asked.
    “Not tell Niall,” I said. “Let’s just wait until the wedding to figure this all out.”
    “The wedding?” Michelle asked.
    “After the wedding,” I corrected myself. “I’ll figure it out then.”
    “Alright,” Michelle sighed and I sat down.
    “What does this mean for you and Niall?” Mariah asked me quietly while Steven, Michelle, and Louis talked about who knows what.
    “I have no idea,” I sighed. “I’m seventeen! I shouldn’t even be having his kid.”
    “You can always put it up for adoption,” she responded.
    “You’re funny,” I said and she looked at me weird.
    “What’s wrong with adoption?” she asked.
    “I am not putting my child into that terrible system,” I said. “As much as I would love to continue being immature, I guess I’m just going to have to grow up a bit. I sort of had a decent say in this situation and I could’ve stopped Niall but I didn’t. So what he didn’t remember? I could’ve stopped it before it even happened.”
    “I guess,” Mariah sighed. “I still think you should tell Niall, though. You can’t hide it forever and once you start to show, he’s probably going to put the pieces together.”
    “I will!” I sighed, getting aggravated. “After the wedding I’ll tell him.”
    “The wedding is next week,” Mariah reminded me.
    “I know,” I said. “I know.”

  11. Little_Writer_220 Little_Writer_220
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2013 11:37am UTC
    Chapter Thirteen
    We arrived at the studio and of course the guys had a crap load of fans waiting for them. I’ve never really liked being in the middle of huge groups of people and I guess Niall noticed it. He put his arm around me and I looked at him.
    “Don’t be scared,” he said. “It really isn’t that bad.”
    I nodded and he pulled me to his side.
    “Niall! Who’s that?!” someone shouted at him.
    “A friend,” Niall responded to the girl. “She’s new to this.”
    The girl rolled her eyes and then looked at me.
    “You’re his girlfriend aren’t you?” she shouted at me.
    “No,” I said, catching on to what Niall was trying to do. “I’m just a friend of his.”
    “Right,” she said. “I thought you’d know to pick someone better!” she yelled to Niall.
    “I told you she’s a friend,” he said, somehow staying calm and moving forward.
    Once we got to the door of the studio, someone tapped on my shoulder. Naturally, I turned around and there stood a girl who was maybe nine or ten.
    “Are you Niall’s girlfriend?” she asked kindly and sincerely.
    “No,” I lied. “I’m just a friend of his.”
    “Okay,” she said. “But if you ever become his girlfriend, please don’t hurt our Nialler.”
    “I won’t,” I said and she smiled.
    “Hey Niall,” I said once we got to the door. “See that girl over there? Red hair, nine or ten?”
    “Yeah,” he said.
    “Can you go notice her?” I asked and he looked at me funny.
    “She’s nice,” I said. “Please?”
    “Alright,” he chuckled and he took off while I went into the studio with the other guys.
    “Where’s Niall?” Louis asked.
    “Doing me a favor,” I said and he chuckled.
    Niall came back in and stood behind me.
    “She’s a foster child,” he whispered and I sighed.
    “Maybe she’s got good foster parents,” I said, refusing to acknowledge what I know about some foster homes.
    “Hello boys,” Simon said. “And… a girl?”
    “She’s with me,” Niall said.
    “No,” Louis corrected him. “She’s with all of us.”
    “Please don’t tell me one of you has a new girlfriend,” Simon said.
    “Okay,” Liam said. “We won’t tell you which one of us she’s dating.”
    “It’s Niall,” Simon responded and Niall’s eyes widened.
    “How did you know?” he asked.
    “Obvious chemistry,” Simon said and Louis laughed.
    “You are such a girl,” he said and Simon shrugged.
    “Are you ready to rehearse or not?” he asked and the guys nodded.
    We all ended up in a room with speakers and waxed floors. I sat against the wall and let the guys do their thing. They sang and goofed off and I sang along, but not loud enough to overpower any of them.
    “Her name is Noelle, I had a dream about her. She rings my bell, I got gym class in half an hour ,” I sang quietly with Harry and Niall and Louis sat on either side of me.
    “Know the song I see,” Louis said and I chuckled.
    “Yeah,” I laughed. “I can play it on the guitar too.”
    Louis got up, handed me a guitar, and then smiled.
    “Sing and play,” he said. “Niall says you can sing.”
    I joined in at the chorus because it was the easiest place to start.
    “Cos I’m just a teenage dirt bag baby,” I sang while playing the guitar. “I’m just a teenage dirt bag baby. Listen to Iron Maiden maybe with me.”
    “Well what’s this?” Simon asked, walking in and we all stopped.
    “Sorry,” I said and he shook his head.
    “No, he said, “you’re good.”
    “Really?” I chuckled and he nodded.
    “Thanks,” I said and he smiled and walked out.
    Then the door burst open. Shark Tooth.

  12. HiddenMemoriesSeries HiddenMemoriesSeries
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2013 10:27pm UTC
    Hidden Memories
    Chapter 1
    Many things are new in my life.
    New step dad, new house.
    Many things are hard to get used to.
    Just when I think things are about to get better
    I wake up with a memory.
    A memory that isn't mine.
    Atleast I think that.
    All I know is his face.
    All I know is that sometime I knew him.
    Loved him.
    & then he was taken away.
    In a blink of an eye.
    That's all I know.
    Many things are complicated in my life.
    But i have to find out who he is.
    No matter what.
    I must find him.
    New Series! I've written many series that have been popular on Witty, and I hope you guys enjoy, "Hidden Memories" A lot of suspense, romace, myster in this series and I am really enjoying writing it. Any questions, or ideas for the series?
    Email Me!
    i reply to all :)

  13. enchanting_ enchanting_
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 8:06pm UTC
    Can You Keep a Seret?
    Lauren's mother was murdered 2 months ago, and they're still looking for the suspect. "Where were you the night of your mother's murder?" the police man asked. "I was at the corner store. Then, when I came home, the door was just open and I saw her on the ground... lifeless.. dead." Lauren said. Lauren seems innocent, but she's not. Lauren killed her mother on the night of December 12, 2012. She has a good strategy- hooking up with a cop so no one suspects a thing. Such an innocnet girl, right? No. Lauren Sparks is a 17 year old murderer on the loose.
    10+ likes for chapter one.(:
    nope, i dont notify.

  14. 2boxenofdonuts 2boxenofdonuts
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2013 2:53pm UTC
    Beyond The Stone Barrier
    Chapter 2 (2nd half of chapter 1)
    The bike ride there felt longer than I thought it would be. But soon, the grey gateway to treasure was visible. Butterflies filled my gut when I stopped my bike and walked it to the stone wall. I was so excited and nervous. I rested my bike against the cool grey rocks and set my helmet on the seat. The wall was tall, reaching to the height of my collar bone. I smiled widely, like a little kid. This was just too cool! The exploration! The discovery! I almost laughed because of my joy. I held a strong grip on the top of the wall and pressed my sneaker into a small gap between the stones. I hoisted myself up and over.
    I felt so incredible; it was like electricity was running through my blood. What excitement! I faced the second barrier now, the barrier of closely grown trees, with pride in my step. I squeezed through one of the gaps between the trunks.
    All of the pride, all of the excitement, diminished.
    I was in what looked like a dark forest that had mostly all of its sunlight blocked by the trees. The grounds were cluttered with dead orange and brown leaves. I saw a few rotten tree trunks that had fallen over and were decaying somberly and hopelessly. The forest looked depressing and dead, but strangely was alive enough to send chills down my spine. What an eerie place.
    I almost felt scared, there was an instinct holding me back. But I walked forward.
    Step after step after step, each one hitting the ground like thunder.

  15. 2boxenofdonuts 2boxenofdonuts
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2013 2:49pm UTC
    Beyond The Stone Barrier
    Chapter 1:
    “There’s a monster beyond that stone fence you see, Cameron.” Grandpa mentioned to me as he drove me to his house.
    For the next week my parents would both be in California for some big business trip. Even though I was sixteen they still insisted that Grandpa had to baby sit me. But I felt like I would be the one babysitting him. He was kind of a weirdo.
    “Almost lost an arm there when I was about your age. The demon nearly bit it off!” I sighed at his tall tales and glanced over to my right at the sight he was blabbing about. Probably about one hundred feet from the withered road was a long grey line of rocks piled on top of each other five feet high, making a fence. Beyond it I could see a mush of trees growing very large and very close together. The trees themselves blocked the view of whatever lay within. There were undergrowth sprouting by the tree’s roots, painting a picture of greens and browns beyond the dark grey wall. Why hadn’t I noticed this fence before in past car rides to Grandpa’s? As we kept driving, it looked as if the fence would go on forever. The more I looked at this enclosure the more haunting it became. It seemed so plain and simple that it was mysterious. There had to be more than just that... There had to be more beyond the fence.
    Vegetation put an end to the visibility of the stone structure. The grey and green painting was now consumed by branches and the fascination frenzy came to a halt. Had I just felt such a crazy captivation as my cracked old grandpa?
    Ten minutes later, Grandpa’s blue van pulled into his driveway and parked. I retrieved my luggage from the trunk and carried to it to the guest room where I would be spending the next week in. That house always felt sacred to me, in a way. It was such a huge part of my memories when Grandma was still alive. I really missed her and how the house always smelt so delicious when she was cooking. And with Grandma around, Grandpa just seemed less weird.
    Grandpa was exhausted and was taking a nap on the couch since we got home. The sound of his croaky snoring flooded the living room and seeped into the guest room where I laid down on the twin-sized bed and stared at the ceiling, bored out of my mind.
    It was so boring! Why do old people have to take naps constantly?
    The memory of the stone fence that I saw on the way there came to my mind out the blue; such an intriguing and captivating place. As foolish as it seemed, I kind of felt like going there was a good idea. I felt an odd attraction between that place and me, almost as if I was being pulled toward it. Or maybe it was luring me in. I yearned to discover what mysteries existed beyond that taunting stone wall.
    Wait! What was I thinking? I almost felt like I was turning into Grandpa: a crazy man with odd little obsessions. There was absolutely no way I could go there! …But I really wanted to. This curiosity was too strong to undo.
    I decided the trip to the stone fence would be brief. It would take an hour’s time at most to bike there, see what I wanted to see, and bike back. This would leave enough time for Grandpa still to be napping when I returned.
    I retrieved my bike from the garage. I had two bikes: one at home, one at Grandpa’s. I had to adjust the seat higher before I took off. It must’ve been a while since I used it.
    With a strong stroke on the right bike pedal, I started my journey: A journey I would very much regret taking.
    ~Author's note~
    Unfortunately I couldn't get all I wanted to get in in one chapter (It wouldn't submit because it was too long) Chapter two is basically the other half (it gets more eerie and has a much better cliff hanger, teehee!)
    Thanks for reading! If you like it, go find chapter 2!

  16. LolaLori LolaLori
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2013 10:15pm UTC
    >>Chapter 4<<
    I get to class late, today.
    "Miss Travie, you're late," my english teacher greets me in the warmest way.
    "Yes Mr. Corelly, I know," I reply with irritation in my tone.
    "Well, I look forward to seeing you in my class after school," He says wile pinting at an empty desk, signaling me to sit down.
    I walk over to the desk and Mr. Corelly starts us off with a lecture about Lewis, Clark, and Sacagewea. I listen for the first part, but then my miind starts to wander. I think about the last time I was late to class.
    "Mommy, when is daddy coming home?" my young sister sks my mother.
    "He's, umm, he's on a long business trip," she tries to console her, but even I can't deny that I've been crying all night.
    "A business trip?" my sister sniffles, while twirling a peice of her long brown hair in her fingers.
    "Yes dear. Remember when Daddy went all the way to Ontario?" she nods, "And he told you about how cold it was up in Canada?"
    "Mhhm," she agrees
    "Well, this is like then, only he went even farther,"she says, bent over, fixing the collar of the little girls shirt.
    "Farther?" she asks, the slightest pout on her lips. You can tell she's trying not to cry.
    "Yep," my mother smiles.
    "Can we visit him?" she pleads, eyes wide.
    "Yes, of course sweetie. Just not too soon, okay?" she stands back up and looks at me, "Ella."
    "W-what?" I snap back to reality and the first thing I hear is the class laughing. Mr. Corelly is standing infront of my desk, face red with the vein on the side of his bald head sticking out. He's mad. Well no dur, Ella! "I mean, yes, um, Mr.- Mr. Corelly?"
    He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He opens them. They look evil. "I asked you a question," He says, voice calmer now, it's almost scary.
    "Um, yes." I mumble, pushing my black shoulder length hair out of my eyes.
    "And do you know what that question is?" he questions.
    "N-No," I say, scared that he might bring a whip out and slash me with it.
    "Hoo-hoo. Okay. Well, I guess that'll be 2 hours after school," he turns on his heels and nonchalantly strolls back to his desk. His face in normal shade by the time he gets there. The class is stil mumbling and giggling to eachother, and Mr. Corelly shushes them. I slump down in my chair, trying to make my self invisible, though it doesn't work.
    The bell finally rings after what seems like forever, and I quickly stand up out of my desk.
    I try to leave the class with the rest of the group but then Mr. Corelly calls me from behind.
    "Ehem, Miss Travie? A word, please."
    A/N: Garr, I didn't get to describing Austin, but I did... I don't even know... Sorry this was so late. I sort of had writers block, I guess. Cliff hanger! Again, I'm only a beginner, so, yeah. Jeez, now I'm just using that as an excuse :P Anyway, pretty please tell me if you like it! I do notifly(:

  17. xxxdreamerxxx11 xxxdreamerxxx11
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2013 6:51pm UTC
    One dark day in the middle of the night,
    two dead boys got up to fight
    Back to back they fought eachother
    Drew their swords and shot eachother
    The Deaf policeman heard the noise,
    came and shot the two dead boys
    If you don't believe this lie is true,
    ask the blind man, he saw it too.


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