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Best Stayantisocial Quotes Ever

  1. finding_nemo finding_nemo
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2014 2:39pm UTC
    I'm so sorry.
    I'm so sorry, witty.
    I'm so sorry to my followers, to the friends I've made, to the people who were reading my crap stories. I'm sorry I left without so much as a warning, or a reason, or anything. It was incredibly rude of me to just stop coming on to this fabulous website for 2 months. Like who does that? I had personal things to tend to, then my life got so hectic that I needed to prioritize my life and Witty moved increasingly down the list. I've popped on witty a couple times and said I'd sign in, I'd finally write an apology but it never happened. In fact I don't even know how many of my followers are active accounts, or how many people even cared that I left. But for the people who did care, I'm sorry- I'm not trying to rationalize me falling off the the face of the internet for a couple months. Ally, Josie, Spencer, you guys are the coolest cats on this website and I'm the biggest b.tch for leaving without telling you guys. Honestly, I don't know how much I'm going to be coming on here. So for you guys who were reading "The Undoing of March" I'm sorry but I don't think it's going to be finished. If enough people want me to continue it I might consider, but let's face it, it wasn't anything special. Also, if I were to continue I don't know when I'd update, even towards the end, I'd update like once a month. I don't want to leave you guys hanging with it. I've had ideas for other stories, but again, I don't think it'd be wise to start writing only to not finish it. I hate to become another person who leaves witty because it is actually a great website. I remember my brother's girlfriend showing it to me back in 2009. Oh the nostalgia. Anyway, I'm so sorry for leaving so abruptly and I don't know the next time I'll be on. It could be tomorrow, next week, or next month. I don't really know. I just thought I owed you guys an explanation. Although I didn't give much of an explaination other than the fact that I was busy. I'm really bad at this and as I'm reading over this I'm realizing how terrible this is. I just want to say, thank you witty for being there for me, it's been swell. And I hope next time I'm not stupid enough to leave for so long.
    Stay antisocial,
    a girl with a totally unrelated username


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