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Best Ssohpkc Quotes Ever

  1. Unknown Potato * Unknown Potato *
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 3:46pm UTC
    float like a butterfly

  2. Unknown Potato * Unknown Potato *
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2013 1:26am UTC

  3. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2013 1:40am UTC
    [x]for one mark, [/] or [\] for half a mark. Give a mark to every trait that you have.
    [ ] You always wear a baseball cap

    [ ] You love Norse mythology

    [x] You love cats
    [ ] You are married
    [/] You dislike swearing

    Kootra- 1.5
    [x] You have a tendency to rage
    [/] You love being a kid

    [/] You like katanas

    [/] You are a guinea pig 

    [ ] You live alone

    UberHaxorNova- 2.5
    [ ]You love butts
    [ ] You are in college
    [/] You are the youngest in your group (depends?)
    [ ]You are Canadian
    [ ]You can program
    ZeRoyalViking- 0.5
    [ ] You love filmmaking
    [x] You love Batman
    [x] You use ellipsis (…) a lot
    [/] You are a movie buff
    [x] You don’t follow Skyrim news 

    DanzNewz- 3.5
    [/] You speak two (or more) languages (depends lmao)
    [ ] One of them is Spanish
    [x] Your favorite color is purple or green
    [/] You only steal on Sundays (;
    [ ] You love to sing

    xXSlyFoxHoundXx- 2
    [/] You like rain (the weather kind)

    [/] You like rain (the shotgun kind)

    [ ] You are sarcastic
    [/] You are good at Mario games
    [ ] You are the oldest in your group
    SsoHPKC- 1.5
    [x] You are secretly a horse
    [/] You are mysterious
    [ ] You ask people if they are a girl
    [/] You like pineapples
    [ ] You like Counter-Strike

    Sp00nerism- 2
    [/] You speak two (or more) languages
    [ ] One of them is Russian
    [ ] You would like everyone to buy your shirts
    [ ] You like interior design
    [ ] You are the “new one” in your group

    ImmortalHD- 0.5


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