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Sorryimnotagoodwriter Quotes

  1. dinosaurmatt dinosaurmatt
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 4:18pm UTC
    A Long Way From Home
    Chapter Two
    I dumped my books down on a table in the second row and slid into a seat, glancing around to see if there were any unfamiliar faces. Nope. The same people as always surrounded me. The thing about attending a fairly small, private boarding school was that the faces didn't change much, and if they did change, it was a crapshoot if they were good or not.
    I supressed a sigh and tried not to miss the normal high school that I had attended just a year ago. Reminiscing would only bring back memories, and while I needed many things, memories were not on that list.
    Stop. I made my hands into tight fists, so tight that my fingernails dug into my palms. Enough. I focused my attention on rifling through my homework folder, searching for the math sheet that I'd attempted to work on last night.
    The sound of clicking high heels broke through my thoughts. My head jerked up, and I hid the math worksheet guiltily, not wanting Ms. Hart to see how idiotic I was just yet. All thoughts of my failed mathematics flew out of my head, though, when I noticed that two teenagers were trailing behind my math teacher. One was a tall, willow-thin girl, with feathery blond hair that appeared almost white beneath the buzzing florescent lights. The boy was about a foot shorter than the girl, with wavy black hair and piercing blue eyes. My heart fluttered at the sight of his striking appearance. I stared at them intently, not caring that I looked like a stalker.
    Ms. Hart rapped a yardstick on her desk to get our attention, not that it was necessary. The entire class had quieted down the moment that the students had entered our classroom. The girl seemed to be uncomfortable with all the attention, but the striking boy looked as confident as he had when he had entered the classroom.
    "These are our new students," explained Ms. Hart, as though it wasn't already completely obvious. "Lissa Herriman—" She gestured at the tall girl, who pulled her head into her shoulders like a turle— "and Carter Green." She pointed to the boy, who grinned, revealing perfect white teeth that looked even whiter against his tanned skin. (It was January! When did he get a tan?) "I hope that you'll treat them with utmost respect and welcome them to our classroom."
    Liz's hand shot up. "Wait, didn't you say that there were three students coming?" Inwardly, I smirked and rolled my eyes. Only Liz would remember a teacher's precise words.
    "Ah. Yes." Ms. Hart adjusted her glasses and cleared her throat. "Xavier Abbott—he's going to be coming in a few moments. He had to wait for something." She paused. I'd never seen her this uncomfortable. "There is something that you all should really know about him. He's not—"
    But what Xavier wasn't, we never got to know, because at that point, the door opened and a third student came in. A wave of surprise washed over the room.
    Xavier Abbott was not what we had expected.
    Sorry about the late update. :P You know the drill: comment if you liked it/what you liked about it. Thank you :)


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