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Sorelatable Quotes

  1. Abbbbby* Abbbbby*
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2015 1:01pm UTC
    “She was the type of girl
    Who didn’t need phone calls
    Or compliments.
    She liked being alone,
    Working out problems by herself.
    So she never expected to need him
    At 3 am
    When her life was falling apart.”

  2. zimchim* zimchim* happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2014 10:29am UTC
    "There are people who, on meeting a successful rival in whatever it may be, are ready at once to turn their eyes from everything good in him and to see only the bad; then there are people who, on the contrary, want most of all to find the qualities in this successful rival that enabled him to defeat them, and with aching hearts seek only the good."-Leo Tolstoy; Anna Karenina

  3. glitter162* glitter162*
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2013 7:18pm UTC
    Okay, so last week after
    volleyball practice, I walked back into the school building to find maple syrup splattered across all of the lockers. A mysterious pair of snowshoes were leaning against the wall. My friend walked in behind me, took one look around and said, "The Canadians were here."

  4. glitter162* glitter162*
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2013 7:15pm UTC
    Dear Boiling Water,
    Sorry, I can't get hard today, I just got laid last night.

  5. glitter162* glitter162*
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2013 7:13pm UTC
    When a book does not
    adequately describe a character, so you just fill in the blanks but later you actually get a description so you just want to shout, "WRONG! YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE AND NOW YOU ARE WRONG!"

  6. glitter162* glitter162*
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2013 7:09pm UTC
    Dear Mom,
    I'm wearing skinny jeans. If I can't get them off, neither can a boy.
    help me, I'm stuck.

  7. glitter162* glitter162*
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2013 7:06pm UTC
    When people say 'pls' just
    because it's shorter than 'please', I feel perfectly justified to answer 'no' because it's shorter than 'yes'

  8. glitter162* glitter162*
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2013 7:04pm UTC
    Whoever said money doesn't
    buy happiness didn't know where to shop

  9. glitter162* glitter162*
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2013 7:02pm UTC
    What does the fox say?!
    Nothing, after all, the fox is an animal and incapable of human speech

  10. glitter162* glitter162*
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2013 6:59pm UTC
    Person: You look pretty today!
    Me: Was I ugly yesterday?

  11. FreakingPip* FreakingPip*
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2013 3:21pm UTC
    I hear you like bad girls...
    ...well, I hate to brag, but I'm bad at everything.

  12. Gia2525 Gia2525
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2013 7:40pm UTC
    That moment when you go to some ones profile then favorite all there qoutes, then relzed you just blew up there

  13. *Yours Truly* *Yours Truly*
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2013 4:22pm UTC
    It is the last book in the series and I finish it.
    I don't know what I am going to do with my life.

  14. *Yours Truly* *Yours Truly*
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 1:25am UTC
    I'm done, I give up
    I don't wanna pretend no more
    That's it, so what?
    I've lost a friend before.

  15. Gia2525 Gia2525
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2013 6:05pm UTC
    Has anybody else ever secretly listen to there mom talk on the phone to a friend?

  16. Zoë* Zoë*
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 6:55pm UTC
    I secretly like getting assigned
    partners in school because it takes away that awkward 'I have no friends so I'm going to be alone' factor.

  17. Zoë* Zoë*
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 6:22pm UTC
    When you're watching a TV show online
    and throughout the whole video, the buffering is terrible, except for the theme song
    which plays the whole way through.

  18. steffykins steffykins
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 5:31pm UTC
    the awkward moment when your parents don't appreciate
    the hilarious child they have been blessed with.

  19. caoimhs289 caoimhs289
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2013 1:50pm UTC
    Me waiting for Catching Fire: I'll be at the fridge

  20. caoimhs289 caoimhs289
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2013 11:53am UTC
    Me: *keeps bedroom tidy for 2 weeks*
    Mam: .......
    Me: *sock on the ground*


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