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Best Shows Quotes Today

  1. _Jannette _Jannette
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2013 10:55am UTC

  2. *Elena;~ ♥* *Elena;~ ♥*
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2013 12:42pm UTC
    Max and Ruby makes me mad
    because Ruby is always telling Max what to do, Ruby needs to hop off.

  3. DeathOfASon DeathOfASon
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2013 2:56am UTC
    having a crush should be #1 in 1000 ways to die

  4. *compassionate soul* *compassionate soul*
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2014 11:16pm UTC
    T.V. shows that I watched as a kid:
    Invader Zim
    Phil of the Future
    Sister, Sister
    The Wild Thornberries
    The Magic School Bus
    Sesame Street
    Zoey 101
    Lizzie McGuire
    Pinky and the Brain
    Pepper Ann
    The Amanda Show
    The Big Comfy Couch
    As Told By Ginger
    Cow and Chicken
    Timon & Pumbaa
    The Wiggles
    Aaahh!!! Real Mosters
    The Bear in the Big Blue House
    The Powerpuff Girls
    Loony Tunes
    Little Bear
    Fave if you ever watched any of these
    shows as a kid.

  5. KayleighJean KayleighJean
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2014 9:39pm UTC
    Post concert depression is the worst.

  6. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2013 11:57pm UTC
    I want someone that will watch
    Netflix movies/shows with me.
    Even if we aren't in the same house,
    that motherf.ucker will find a computer,
    press play when I do, and then text
    me constantly while watching it.

  7. Crazy girl* Crazy girl*
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2014 1:01pm UTC
    Why do good shows like The Lying Game get cancelled after 2 seasons but shows like Teen Mom get renewed every season?!

  8. Ninja918 Ninja918
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2013 10:01pm UTC
    - Boy: You have so many good qualities. You're attractive, You're witty, You're bright. I just wish you could see yourself through my eyes
    - Girl: Aww you're such a good friend
    - Boy: Friend? That's where this is heading.
    - Girl: Well friendships last longer.
    - Boy: Not this one, I have enough friends
    Boy storms out.

  9. rawrunicorn rawrunicorn
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2013 1:33pm UTC
    I have a terrible addiction to television series.
    When one shows ends or is on a break midway through the season I don't accept it like normal people oh no, I must find a tv series that has not ended yet but has enough seasons to keep me occupied until the other 12348349359 shows come back on air.

  10. Jennymartin Jennymartin
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2013 10:23pm UTC
    Plot Twist: The bachelorette chooses the host as her husband.

  11. britany* britany*
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2013 3:41am UTC
    Malcom: Do you think he was really the spawn of satan?
    Reese: No, if he was, we'd have a waay bigger house.
    - Malcom in the Middle

  12. Victoria13 Victoria13
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2013 12:42pm UTC
    What's your favorite television show?

  13. Trapper75 Trapper75
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2014 1:27pm UTC
    "Maybe you people are better off without me. Go ahead. I say there's
    a place for us, but maybe that's just another pipe dream.
    Maybe i'm fooling myself again.
    Why don't you go find out for yourself?
    Send me a postcard!
    Go on, there's the door!
    You can do better.
    Let's see how far you get.
    No takers? Fine,
    but get one thing straight
    If you're staying:
    This isn't a democracy anymore."
    -Rick Grimes The Walking Dead

  14. im_just_me im_just_me
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2013 1:53am UTC
    Does anyone else here watch Teen Wolf ?
    No , Just me ...
    well this is awkward then.

  15. smileschangepeople smileschangepeople
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2013 4:54pm UTC
    People in movies:
    Person: *Stands in road*
    Car: *Comes and is going to hit them*
    Person: *Stands there with scared look and doesn't bother getting out of the way*

  16. smileschangepeople smileschangepeople
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2013 11:48am UTC
    "I just wanna make you happy!"
    "Then bake me a pie."

  17. Loveis20 Loveis20
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2013 8:51pm UTC
    Watching "The Big Bang"
    "It says right here on the hammer, whoever holds this hammer. If he be worthy shall posses the power of Thor."
    Now,hold on. Who decides who's worthy.The hammer decides?!"
    (both chicks burst in)
    "Uh, it can't decide it's a hammer."<lol well no duh its a hammer.>
    "You said it's a magic hammer."
    "Yea, but it can't make decisions."
    If Harry Potter's wand can make decisions why cant Thor's hammer.?!"<dont go there Penny lol>
    "Ok, if your going to start comparing wands and hammers, i cant even take u seriously!"
    XD(lol i love this TV Show its sooo nerdy. >.<)

  18. Kyari* Kyari*
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2013 9:00pm UTC
    Barney turned into JerseyShore
    GameBoy turned into Facebook
    PictnoChat turned into Texting
    Coloring turned into LoveLetters
    HelloKitty turned into Ke$ha
    Nightlights turned into iPod-brightness
    AmericanGirl turned into SeventeenMagazine
    TheChildrensPlace turned into VictroriaSecret
    Skechers turned into Sperrys
    EarRings turned into BellyButtonRings
    Cooties turned into Kisses
    Playdates turned into Hangouts
    Cinderella turned into MeanGirls
    JuicyJuice turned into Monster
    RainCoats turned into TubeTops
    SweatPants turned into Yogas
    StudEarings turned into HugeHoops
    Webkinz turned into Tumblr
    Braids turned into Straighteners
    FullHouse turned into Degrassi
    CampRock turned into OneDirection
    Jokes turned into Bullying
    BedTimes turned into Curfues
    Like turned into Love
    Lilo And Stitch Turned Into Austin & Ally
    But worst of all,
    Drake&Josh turned into Bucket&Skinner
    Where has our childhood gone?
    -90's kids♥
    pass it on if you miss these shows (NOT MY QUOTE)

  19. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2013 8:01pm UTC
    In one of my favorite shows,
    everyone above the age of innocence
    (hit puberty- virgin or not mkay) died,
    leaving all the kids, who have yet to
    blossom, all alone. Which, I mean c'mon,
    they haven't even had their first period or
    their testes haven't grown (or whatever
    else guys go through), like how are they
    supposed to run the world? Ah well,
    anyway, when all the adults and teens
    died, they referred to it as "The big D"
    (also "the big death") but idk, I mean
    it just gives a whole new meaning to
    the big d. Big d.ick (probably not even
    that big. sorry [not really]) versus death
    of apocalyptic proportions.

  20. FullofWit FullofWit
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2013 2:52pm UTC
    If you're sexy and you know it clap your hands


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