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Best Selfcentred Quotes This Week

  1. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2015 10:11pm UTC
    "It is always easy to wake up a person who is fast asleep,
    but never those people who pretend to be deep in sleep."
    ~Anuj Somany

  2. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2015 10:16pm UTC
    “If a person finds the negative people in his network, then he needs to mind or mend his own nature than others for his basic grounding decides only the level of acidic or toxic surrounding.”
    ~ Anuj Somany

  3. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2015 9:09pm UTC
    "Everyone loves himself,
    but loving others is the most daunting task.
    In fact, the key reason for feeling low, hurt, rejected or dejected in one’s life is that he expects the same level of love from others as he loves himself."
    ~Anuj Somany

  4. tobefrank tobefrank
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2013 11:51pm UTC
    Imagine if celebrities went around wearing their own perfumes.
    They must be so self scented.

  5. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2015 10:05pm UTC
    "A boy with his girlfriend or a husband with his wife can be happy forever in their locked relationship only if he loves her as much as she loves solely to herself always and this sensibly looks impossible."
    ~Anuj Somany

  6. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2015 1:17pm UTC
    is the biggest form of helplessness as it makes the person blind so much that he fails to search his true self for being always in the lurch.”
    ~Anuj Somany

  7. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2015 11:53pm UTC
    A great majority of people have got really a good capacity and capability to forgive,
    only and solely to own self
    and that too quite readily, rapidly, regularly and repeatedly.
    ~Anuj Somany

  8. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2015 10:27pm UTC
    "Most people make it difficult to understand with their lifestyle & stand especially to a helping hand if they don’t understand or they don’t want to understand as whom they should accept as their friend."
    ~Anuj Somany

  9. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2015 1:39am UTC
    "Every man has an option i.e LIFE or WIFE; but if he wants both of his own, then his living has to have RIFE of STRIFE.”
    ~Anuj Somany

  10. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2015 9:06pm UTC
    "The word ‘I’ symbolizes own EGO as sage says, ‘YOU’ sounds ADVICE as directed towards others and ‘WE’ signifies ACTION as it involves everyone alike; A true leader defines and differentiates oneself from others by often constructive ACTION than ADVICE and the same reflects in one’s language."
    ~Anuj Somany

  11. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2015 7:40pm UTC
    "A wise man once said that a person is known by the company he keeps, but could then also add that the CHARACTER of the company is known by the people it keeps for the longest days, especially at the strategic decision making level."
    ~Anuj Somany

  12. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2015 10:24am UTC
    "A person creating a space in his life for something that he doesn't deserve at all gets readily someone whom he doesn't desire in all."
    ~Anuj Somany

  13. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2016 1:34am UTC
    "The prudent people are able to measure a person's level of selfishness
    by the amount of time s/he spends enjoying looking to oneself in the mirror."
    ~Anuj Somany


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