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Screwed Quotes

  1. Just_Kill_Me_Now Just_Kill_Me_Now
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2014 11:14am UTC
    I confess,
    I'm messed up.

  2. myboys myboys
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2013 4:46pm UTC
    so my dad is using my phone to call his work bc his phone isnt working
    he just took it
    and went upstairs
    my phones unlocked
    he has accsess to everything on my phone

  3. kristalorrainee5 kristalorrainee5
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 8:04pm UTC
    4 weeks until school…
    Done nothing ALL summer long…
    I’m screwed…

  4. almost alice* almost alice*
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2013 1:46am UTC
    i just need a hug

  5. enginesGoBOOM* enginesGoBOOM*
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2013 3:40pm UTC
    If a barber makes a mistake, it's a new hairstyle.
    If a scientist makes a mistake, it's a new invention.
    If a teacher makes a mistake, it's a new theory.
    If a parent makes a mistake, it's a new rule.
    If we make a mistake, it's a mistake.

  6. UniicornLuvver7 UniicornLuvver7
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2013 10:44am UTC
    Me: *gets done with work*
    Teacher: Hey, why don't you have fun? Go on some websites! What is that one called? Witty?
    Me: *stands up and walks out of the classroom* WHAT IS WITTY?! WHAT IS THIS WITTY YOU SPEAK OF!?
    The teachers are on to us...

  7. Superman12345 Superman12345
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2013 7:14pm UTC
    Take my name,
    remember my face,
    keep the change,
    and have a nice day.
    Cause this is what you'll be doing your whole life,
    while I,
    I have a world of endless possibilities.

  8. ThatWeirdGirl* ThatWeirdGirl*
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2013 8:29pm UTC
    Apparently if a crush exceeds more than 4 months you're in love,
    if this is true than I'm completely screwed.

  9. almost alice* almost alice*
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2013 12:43pm UTC
    i dyed my hair blood red went to my friends house and her dad said you got irish hair i died laughing because it was dyed and my natural color is brown and i look more german than any thing twas very funny

  10. shesjustokay shesjustokay
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 2:26am UTC
    In school we sit a quater of a day .
    Times that by the 5 that makes 1.25
    a day ,for a week.
    And they still want us to do homework.

  11. sugrfree sugrfree
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2013 7:16am UTC
    If witty had a "Find Friends" option, we'd all be screwed.

  12. Madddyp_16 Madddyp_16
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2013 10:40am UTC
    What if whatever you dreamed,
    Came true the next day?
    The world would be pretty screwed up with all the scary messed up freaky dreams
    I've had...

  13. BandGeek2014 BandGeek2014
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 11:30pm UTC
    It's 11:29
    I have SATs in the morning
    Why am I still up?

  14. chasingsunshine chasingsunshine
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2013 3:11pm UTC
    if this whole "school days are the best days of your life" thing is true,
    I'm screwed.

  15. Music Is My Freedom* Music Is My Freedom*
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 10:43pm UTC
    I'm too afraid to get attached to closely to people because I always have this nagging feeling that they're gonna find 101 different ways to screw me over...

  16. omgitsglish* omgitsglish*
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2013 1:55am UTC
    I remember when I used to be strong.
    When I had that wall built up,
    and nobody could hurt me.
    but something happened.
    they attacked my wall.
    shot me down,
    tore me into peices.
    and there was nothing left of my wall,
    other than dust.
    and even when i try and build
    that wall again, when i try
    to be strong, it doesn't work.
    wanna know why?
    cus it just gets shot down again.
    over and over.
    lie after lie,
    heartbreak after heartbreak.
    and it doesn't stop.
    its just the way this cycle goes.
    and theres nothing i can do.

  17. omgitsglish* omgitsglish*
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2013 1:52am UTC
    i don't deserve this.
    nobody does.
    it's just wrong,
    the way people
    hurt others.
    i've cried my a/s out
    over people
    who aren't worth it.
    i just dont get it.
    how can this world
    be so cruel?

  18. omgitsglish* omgitsglish*
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2013 1:48am UTC
    people think i'm annoying.
    i screwed up my chance.
    everyone thinks i am.
    they don't know how much it hurts.
    i hear it nearly everyday.
    and its just cus i screwed up the past.
    i was stupid and i did mean things.
    but i've changed.
    and what i dont get,
    is how people can't put the past back.
    and you know what?
    it's been haunting me forever.
    i wish i could tell them.
    i wish it could stop.
    i wish i could go back.
    and perfect my mistakes
    and maybe i'd have a chance in this world.
    maybe all of this would stop.
    what bothers me most,
    is how i started this mess.

  19. ReneeLisaaa ReneeLisaaa
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2013 10:34pm UTC
    Valentine's day in two weeks... my boyfriend's birthday in 17 days...
    Yep, I'm screwed.

  20. makenna123 makenna123
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2013 9:47am UTC


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