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Scorpio Quotes

  1. Etsimaresei Etsimaresei
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2016 6:18am UTC
    The signs in a gang team
    Aries: The one who starts every fight with other gang teams, great at fighting.
    Taurus: The one who has everything they need; food, weapons, spray etc.
    Gemini: The one who is sent to be a member of other gang teams just to give their actual team info.
    Cancer: The one who drives them out of trouble.
    Leo: The leader who gives instructions to EVERYONE.
    Virgo: The one who drives them to the place of the fight.
    Libra: The one who is sent to make everyone be with their side.
    Scorpio: The best fighter. EVER.
    Sagittarius: The rebel that never follows the leader.
    Capricorn: The one who has almost every single plan.
    Aquarius: The crazy one who makes graffities everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
    Pisces: The one who other teams make fun of for being cute but ends up fighting the sh*t out of them.

  2. Etsimaresei Etsimaresei
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2016 2:17pm UTC
    The signs when at school:
    Aries: Argues with someone, make it be the teacher or another kid.
    Taurus: Eats in class.
    Gemini: Is on their phone all the time, but somehow manages to have average grades.
    Cancer: Average student, waits till the lunch break to get out of there.
    Leo: Either the best or the worst student, there's no inbetween, talks to everyone near them.
    Virgo: Very good student, pays attention and hates it when they talk to them.
    Libra: The best at Maths, probably the only subject they're good at.
    Scorpio: Plans about killing someone.
    Sagittarius: Draws on the tables, probably flirts, copying machine.
    Capricorn: Very good student, gets great grades and hates it when others copy them.
    Aquarius: Sleeps.
    Pisces: Nobody really knows.

  3. Etsimaresei Etsimaresei
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2016 2:04pm UTC
    When the signs hear strange sounds from the basement:
    Aries: Goes to see what it is.
    Taurus: Freaks out a little, but if it stops, they just continue their popcorn.
    Gemini: Texts someone for advice.
    Cancer: Screams, cries or says: Hello? Anyone in there?
    Leo: Grabs a knife or something and stays for some time near the basement, just in case.
    Virgo: Tries to understand what it is by hearing the sounds.
    Libra: Gets a text from Gemini.
    Scorpio: Gets ready to fight and goes downstairs.
    Sagittarius: Is probably the one making the sounds, so yeah.
    Capricorn: Ignores.
    Aquarius: Tries to stay as far as possible.
    Pisces: Cries, scared, way too confused.

  4. Etsimaresei Etsimaresei
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2016 1:28pm UTC
    Aries: I'm gonna punch anyone who woke me up.
    Taurus: BREAKFAST. NOW./5 more minutes...
    Gemini: Let me wake up my twin brother/sister...
    Cancer: I don't wanna wake up! *cries*
    Leo: I look awesome! AGAIN!
    Libra: I'm not balanced? *Screams*
    Scorpio: Who woke me up? I'm gonna murder y'all...
    Sagittarius: *Falls down of the bed*
    Capricorn: Good morning everyone! *Holds feelings inside and they explode*
    Aquarius: Well, whatever...
    Pisces: Wait... DID WE HAVE HW? OMG, I FORGOT!

  5. StormForceHeart StormForceHeart
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2013 8:25am UTC
    If you turn your back on a Scorpio, don't bother coming back. You aren't needed.


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