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Best Schizophrenia Quotes Today

  1. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 10:50am UTC
    What you SHOULD say to people dealing with any of these
    Anxiety: This too shall pass, even if that sounds corny and cliche. Your anxiety will subside, you are not dying, you will not die from this, everything is going to be fine. Keep taking deep breaths, try and stay focused.
    Depression: You are valid and your emotions are valid. You are a good, strong person, even if you don't feel like you are right now. Things do get better, and I know you can get through this.
    Se.xual Orientation: Your body, your life, your bedroom. You choose what you do with it, and I get no say in the matter, because I am not you. I'll respect you no matter what.
    Bipolar: The sun also rises. For all your bad days, weeks, or longer--you also have good ones just beyond the horizon. You know better than anyone what it means to finally hit those "highs" in your life. And I hope that you just keep growing and strengthening yourself through your treatment to extend those happy moments.
    Self harm: This is your body and I'll never pass judgement over you for the things you choose to do with it. However, you should really consider speaking with a counselor about this. Not because you're "bad", but because I just want you to be safe.
    Eating disorders: It's okay to eat, you have permission. Eating will not make you fat, ugly, or worthless. Eating will make you strong, healthy, and lively. You deserve to eat, you deserve happiness.
    Abuse: What they did was wrong, and you had no consenting part in it. You have no need to feel guilty or shamed, although I understand that may be exactly how you are feeling right now. They're the ones at fault here, and the ball is entirely in your court if you choose to report them for that, which you are rightfully entitled to do.
    Suicide: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You are valuable and your existence is valuable. There are billions of people on this planet, and even if you think everyone hates you and no one cares, they do and they will. You can find so many friends and loved ones if you just allow yourself the time to look for them. The world turns out to be a beautiful place and you deserve to be alive to see that.
    Se.xual assault: What they did was vile and disgusting. Yes, you're now left with this horrible, traumatic event to move on from, but your life is not entirely lost. Recovery is possible, and an unfortunately large number of people have to go through that-- but they make it to the other side. So can you, you can do this. You're not dirty, you're not a "s|ut" or a "wh0re", you are a human being whose rights were violated. But you are strong, and I know you can move past this in due time.
    Multiple Personality Disorder: I'll always love you no matter who you are. I only hope the absolute best for you during your recovery and treatment, and maybe one day I'll be so privileged as to love you as one whole.
    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: The pain of suddenly reliving horrific events is almost unimaginable for me. Please try and remember that although it feels like it's real and it's happening right now, that it's not. You are okay, you are fine, and you are safe. You are in the present here and now, and that past can't manifest itself again to come and physically hurt you. Everything is just fine, these feelings will pass and you're going to be okay.
    Schizophrenia: I am real and I can promise you that. I care. Try and find something grounding for you, an object that you can cling to to help you distinguish between whether or not you're hallucinating. You are not a freak, you are not a monster. You're a human being with rights and emotions who happens to be ill right now.

  2. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2013 4:13pm UTC
    Self Harm: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    Suicide: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    Anxiety: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    Depression: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    Anorexia: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    Bulimia: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    Any ED: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    Schizophrenia: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    Bipolar: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    Austism: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    OCD: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    Turrets: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    Personality disorders: Don't joke about something that you don't understand
    Chronic Pain: Don't joke about something that you don't understand

  3. TwerkingThroughThePeasants* TwerkingThroughThePeasants*
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2013 1:21pm UTC
    when i was little i learned what schizophrenia was
    from a TV show and for a while i was afraid because i thought i had it since i aways heard my own voice in my head so finally i tole a doctor and he told me what i experienced was called thinking.

  4. TheWonderlandStories TheWonderlandStories
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 10:16pm UTC
    chapter 2
    alyson's P.O.V
    please listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xX3xpqrCUU while reading
    *2 weeks later*
    I decided to get outside for a walk again. I never seen Trevor since that one day.
    I wanted to see him again. I stepped out the door and walked around the forest.
    Trevor's home is right across mine and a bit to the right.
    I peeked over the trees and saw his house. I walked over there for the first time.
    Before I knocked, I looked around the windows. It was covered in white drapes and the windows itself was all full of scratch marks. It looked kind of scary, and old. It's sad. I knocked and waited for 30 seconds until I heard footsteps. The door swung open and it was Trevor. I smiled as he stared at me.
    "Hey." he stuttered.
    "Hey. Sorry if I scared you barging in like this."
    "N-no. It's fine. Come on in."
    I went through the door and looked around the house. "It's a mess, I know. If only I knew you were going to come, I would've..cleaned this place up a bit."
    I grinned. "It's alright," I turned back to him after looking around the house, "I wasn't planning on coming. I just did." I looked at him and noticed his t-shirt is all dirty and his hair is messy. Like he was in a fight. "Are you alright?"
    Trevor looked at me, confused. "Why do you ask?"
    "Well...I was just wondering. I mean, you look pretty dirty."
    "I know. I've been doing a lot of..cleaning."
    I studied his face and knew he was lying. "C'mon Trevor, you can tell me what really happened."
    He looked down and went back up. "Mary. Helping her out can be kind of crazy. She doesn't really like me." I was kind of confused. "Who's Mary?"
    "The little girl I told you about that's in my basement. Yeah, she keeps trying to injure me and run away. Everytime I catch her, it's difficult to calm her down."
    I nodded. "Oh, I see."
    "Yeah. Would you like anything to eat?"
    "Oh, no I'm fine. Thank you."
    It was an awkward silence. "I never had a chance to give you my number. Would you like it now?"
    I nodded. "Yeah sure." We both swapped numbers.
    Then I heard a bang.
    "Um...you should go. Now." Trevor said seriously.
    "Why? Is it Mary?"
    The bang became louder and so did the sound of a window screeching.
    "Go! Now!" yelled Trevor, "and run!"
    I ran out the door as fast as I could. I felt like something was following me.
    I ran faster and faster and the sound of footsteps grew louder.
    And something grabbed me.
    I was trying my best to scream and try not to look who it is. I knew it was Mary.
    I heard Trevor yell out her name. He came and took Mary away from holding on to me.
    I felt dizzy. I didn't know what just happened. I looked around. Trevor left with Mary so fast.
    Was this just a dream? Because it didn't seem so real.
    I shook my head and walked away.
    I just want to know, why does Trevor have to take care of a little girl with Shizophrenia?
    Next chapter, Trevor's POV? I don't really think so. You need to understand more until you get to him. Cause he can be confusing? Any questions? PLEASE ADD FEEDBACK!
    Don't forget to listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xX3xpqrCUU

  5. p0kemon p0kemon
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 9:18am UTC
    Are they?
    So Real these voices in my head.
    Next to me.
    Above me.
    Behind me.
    Below me.
    Never in front of me.
    Never? Never.
    I see them in front of me though.
    Trust me, they’re there.

  6. Lethal* Lethal*
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2014 12:10pm UTC
    i do not care about you. i am 100% over you. i love another boy.
    or am i?
    yes, i am.
    now stop questioning your feelings.
    he doesnt want you.
    the other boy does.
    the other boy wasnt touching you like how he was.
    you havent known the other boy since you were 9.
    the other boy isnt as nice.
    the other boy hates you.
    you lost your chance.
    he thinks youre annoying and clingy.
    he doesn't care about you
    or me
    or the rest of us.
    you only need the other boy.
    and us.
    you need us.
    you should go after the other boy.
    the one who hates you.
    why would i do that?
    he's still one of my best friends.
    he does love me.
    doesnt he?
    little girl
    we'll make him love you
    or he dies.
    -my schziophrenic diary.
    july 12th 2014, 1:03 am est
    italics are the voices in my head
    non-italics is just me thinking

  7. p0kemon p0kemon
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2013 9:21am UTC
    my schizophrenia diary.
    day one:
    I thought the hallucinations were gone. Everything was getting better. but no. the hallucinations were stronger than ever last night. I saw demons and devils. I heard screams and chants, the noise you hear when fire flickers. I couldn't scream, I was creeped out. then, the worst thing happened. I looked at myself into the mirror and I saw myself morphing into a devil. I had horns growing out of my head, a read face, a flared nose, the 9 yards. I didn't tell my mom, I was too worried she would judge or say I was faking it.
    Please, don't judge me, this is a rant.

  8. WhenAllElseFails WhenAllElseFails
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2013 2:12pm UTC
    When I was little I learned what schizophrenia was from TV
    and for a while I was really afraid because I thought I had it since I
    always heard my own voice in my head so I finally told a doctor and
    he infromed me that what I was experiencing was called thinking.

  9. p0kemon p0kemon
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2013 8:48pm UTC
    if scizophrenia was a person, it would be me.

  10. Lethal* Lethal*
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2013 11:53am UTC
    I’d let you into my head, but I don’t know if there’s room for all of us.

  11. hoping_to_be_free hoping_to_be_free
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 2:01am UTC
    You are more
    than your diagnosis.

  12. SadGurl SadGurl
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2015 12:49am UTC
    "come back!" she screamed in the darkness.
    "we're here now. Dont worry" someone whispered
    "who are you?" she cried
    "we are the voices who will now haunt you forever because you answered us."

  13. upsid3s upsid3s
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2013 9:17pm UTC
    you are so much better than the voices you hear while you're alone at night.

  14. Lethal* Lethal*
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2014 9:08pm UTC
    my relationship with sally
    i've seen this girl named sally
    she's pretty, tall and thin.
    she has the blackest hair i've ever seen but the saddest eyes with no shine of glee.
    i met this girl named sally she introduced herself today.
    she seems so nice and kind but a little bit insane.
    but i think i'll let her stay.
    i know this girl named sally.
    she tells me all of these stories.
    she knows so many people
    and been to so many places
    she seems so cool and popular.
    she promised to help me be just like her.
    i'm friends with a girl named sally.
    i'm starting to have more than one voice in my head.
    i think it's just sally teaching me her ways.
    she'll only be in my head for a little while, guiding me.
    i'm best friends with a girl named sally.
    she promised to never leave.
    she's so smart and full of advice.
    i've been seeing and hearing of alot of things.
    i've been thinking in a brand new way!
    i'm scared of a girl named sally.
    she's wont leave my head.
    i've realized these places are halluicnations
    and these voices are all in my head.
    i think sally wants me dead.
    i hate this girl named sally.
    she turned my head into a jail.
    if only someone could rip her out of my head.
    cause she locked me in s cell so i can't tell.
    these voices are tearing me apart.
    these hallucinations kidnapped me.
    my worst enemy is this girl named sally.
    she's a
    that's in my head.
    she sucked up all my happiness.
    every joyful memory i've ever had.
    she seemed so nice at first
    but good god i was mislead.
    i'm a slave to this girl named sally.
    i'm the one who has to deal with the scary voices.
    the one who has to see these morbid hallucinations
    while she screams with laughter and taunts me with this pain.
    my murderer is named sally.
    she killed me with her horrid halluicnations of blood and death.
    she ruined me with her other slaves voices that told me to kill myself.
    she's the reason why i'm not brave.
    she's the one who dug up my grave.
    sally is my mental illness.
    my mental illness is called schizophrenia.

  15. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2013 2:31pm UTC
    I think that mental illnesses (ie: depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc..)
    aren't taken seriously because people fake them to be 'cool' no, ok, no. Hearing things and seeing things isn't cool. Only being able to feel extreme emotions isn't cool. Not being able to leave your house most of the time isn't cool. It's terrible, and if you fake any illness then you're a fùcking terrible human being.


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