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Best Savealife Quotes Ever

  1. Madddyiscool9 Madddyiscool9
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2013 3:13pm UTC
    Today at school,
    there was a SUICIDE AWARENESS ASSEMBLY, and my best friend was a speaker.
    Once she was done talking, she pointed at me, and said;
    you never know how much one small conversation can effect a person.
    I thought I was simply
    asking how she was doing.
    but I was doing much more than that.
    #listen, it could save a life.

  2. Chris* Chris*
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2013 4:18pm UTC
    Starting today, treat everyone as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the kindness, care & understanding you can muster. Do it without any thought of reward.

  3. lyrix_fanatic lyrix_fanatic
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2013 8:30am UTC
    If everyone cared and nobody cried
    If everyone loved and nobody lied
    If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
    Then we'd see the day, when nobody died

  4. SimpleGirl SimpleGirl
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2013 7:08pm UTC
    Format chickittylover
    There's nothing i'd rather be able to do more
    Than be able to save a life.

  5. seeinggrayinacoloredworld seeinggrayinacoloredworld
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2013 11:20pm UTC
    where did i go wrong?
    i lost a friend</3

  6. ShmeXyLlamAs ShmeXyLlamAs happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2013 3:49pm UTC
    Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend. Somewhere along, in the bitterness.
    And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known
    How to save a life.

  7. Unicornasaurus Unicornasaurus
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2013 6:58pm UTC
    Sometimes there are things in our life
    that arent meant to stay.
    Sometimes, change may not be what we want.
    Sometimes, change is exactly what we need
    and sometimes, saying goodbye is
    the hardest thing you think you'll ever have to do.
    But sometimes, saying hello again is
    the thing that breaks you down
    and makes you more vulnerable
    than you ever thought possible.
    Sometimes, change is too much to bear
    but most of the time,
    change is the only thing saving your life.

  8. josie* josie*
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2013 2:48pm UTC
    MCR farewell concert petition.
    I know this counts as span but seeing as My Chemical Romance
    have saved so many lives and are so inspirational
    its very possible their farewell concert will
    save soso many more lives,
    so please take one minute of your time
    to sign this petition.
    Please, for me and for other people,
    So they can see their heroes perform one last time.

  9. GodsGurllyyGurl GodsGurllyyGurl
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2013 12:12am UTC
    You lost a friend...
    I wish you would have stayed up with me all night...
    Just to save my life.

  10. nice_booty nice_booty
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2013 10:29am UTC
    It only takes a second to smile, so do it more often. Who knows, you just may save a life.
    credit: abstractreality and edited by takingthelibertywalk

  11. Be_An_Inspiration Be_An_Inspiration
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2013 4:44pm UTC
    Life is precious.
    Don't waste yours, please.
    There is something special in your future, I promise, you just need to be open to finding it.
    If you are considering suicide - like some of my friends - please do me a HUUUGE favor and call the suicide hotline.
    They will help you figure things out.
    Just, please. for me?
    Promise me you will keep your heart beating another day.
    and remember, I'm ALWAYS here if you need to talk.
    you are all beautiful, no matter what.
    stay strong, lovelies.
    suicide hotline~~~~~
    please. call them before it's too late to save yourself.

  12. Feared Girl!* Feared Girl!*
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2014 12:49am UTC
    Darling I know its hard.
    You feel lost and confussed.
    You feel alone and scared.
    You feel depressed and like a mistake.
    Those scars on your wrist are the story of your life.
    they show you did it! ok? You're fighting.
    You haven't given up yet. You can't give up.
    Ignore thos people thag say you're doing it for attention or you're just being dramaitc and there is people who have nowhere to live and have no food. Those people are hurting you for attention ok!?
    You're beautiful and amazing.
    You're original and strong.
    You're you and you are great!
    I promise! ok?
    I've been there darling don't you worry!
    I've fallen into depresion.
    I've scared my wrists a lot.
    I've been lonely!
    I've drunk away my problems.
    I've been hatted on.
    I'm not good in school.
    I struggle.
    I cry.
    I've starved myself.
    I'm telling you now tnings get better.
    things are just getting you earlier in life ok?
    they're prepairing you earlier for life.
    I've had 3 cousellors in my life so far.
    It's not bad to ask for help.
    We all need a little help every now and then.
    But, I do understand not everybody likes
    putting themselfs out there. I understand that.
    But, Please try find somebody to help you.
    Nobody will be mad at you ok? You can even see a doctor if you're depressed and they might offer things to you. Just, Promise me you'll find somebody. It's worth a fight. Stand strong baby! I can't stand people ending there life. Stand tall. It doesn't matter how many friendships and how many members you have by your side in your family it matters about the strength and love in those relationships.
    I love you!
    somebody loves you.
    I care!
    Somebody cares.
    Written by the girl who has scared.
    I like to help!
    Please, Feel free too email me!
    I'm always wanting to help!
    Saving an extra blade would make my day.

  13. DieiSomnians DieiSomnians
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 9:50pm UTC
    Today marks one year. One year since he left this cruel world and was taken up to Heaven. The pain of loosing him never goes away, but eventually it does get duller. The memories are still bitter sweet, but I guess we just all have to move on one way or another. He may have left our world, but he will never leave our hearts.
    No text is worth a life, so please wait to pick up your phone untill after you have reached your destination.
    R.I.P Thomas Clark

  14. Fayedaway Fayedaway
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2014 5:22am UTC
    I by no means am the voice of reason,
    I merely amplify your thoughts and feelings.
    I jot them down in rythmical lines on a page,
    So those who have no clue are able to engage
    With what it feels like to have a head full of war,
    To experience the agro of your heart and mind being torn.
    So this one's for them, it goes out to you who fail to understand,
    Why someone would tear, rip, burn and cut the skin above their hand.
    It acts as a drug, a release, a soother, a suppressor,
    The more it occurs, the more it is mistaken for as pleasure.
    As with every drug, it comes with its addiction,
    Even when the mind is clear, there's a crave for that burning friction.
    You point people out and mock them for being a victim of themselves,
    Without a sense of the stability regarding their mental health.
    What if it was your sister, brother, cousin, mother or dad?
    What if your mocking is responsible for some of the scars they have?
    How about instead of judging you reduce their need for the knife?
    Go and be a decent human, go and save a life.

  15. silverrose101 silverrose101
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 7:48pm UTC
    We lose the people we love,
    because we take them for granted.
    We never tell them that they mean the world to us, or that they are loved.
    Take them time to tell them that they are loved, you could save a life.
    Smile at people who look down, you could brighten their day.
    Make someone feel better.
    Pick up someone's books when they drop them.
    Be Kind. Because you have no idea what someone is going through.

  16. xXLittleEllieBlueXx xXLittleEllieBlueXx
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2013 9:30pm UTC
    Dear Charli x
    Lives of the very latest between you and I are always turning into a quiet thought, I keep on wondering how you could be so far, but still so distant. I'm lost not knowing where you are, even though I can't find you, I still know you're out there, seeking the words to write back to me I keep hoping. But as of right now, I hope you can just listen.. You'll like this. ♥
    So Umm. Here Goes...
    A few weeks have gone by and I'm hurting deep down inside, I try to keep myself positive, for my best friends sake. I stay strong for her because she has had a tough childhood as much as I have. Growing up without one parent has been difficult. I, a mother. Her, a father.. Although I guess I should leave that part out. It's not for me to say. I've known her a very long time and I take great courage to stand up and let her become her own person.
    She's a good one. You'd like her, head all up in the clouds in her favourite books, trying to make herself feel better as each living day goes by, being there for her family and friends. Past all the things you might know about her, you probably wouldn't know half of it. I mean, there are loads of things I might not know about her, but that's ok.. I'm at a level where I can trust her and have her be the closest person I have to family besides my dad and brother.
    She sees a light in me than no one really can. I often worry that my phone might die out and she'll call me one day. Maybe because something tragic might happen. Maybe I'm scared that if it dies, the bond between a friend you can almost tell anything too.. hasn't been able to pick up the phone. I carry round my charger, not for the faint of heart, but to maybe save a life as she does for me. And everyone else. I could be missing the big picture entirely. But of course nobody can ever compair that likeness Charli, even you know that xx


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