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Best Roughdraft Quotes This Week

  1. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2013 4:12pm UTC
    It's finished.
    The rough draft of Chinese Lanterns was finished today at 3:44.
    I want to put the emphasis on 'rough draft.' It's no where close to being actually done. But it's getting there.
    The rough draft is 19 chapters and an epilogue. It's 117 pages and 56,361 words.
    The entire book takes place over 3 days. My teacher is calling it a "Masterpiece in the making."
    Would you like a little preview? (:
    I crossed the sands of the calm beaches, and I encountered the people who were lighting off the lanterns. We didn’t exchange words, I only passed by them. They stood on the beach directly in front of the cottage.
    The moon was a bright, wonderful orb in the dark night sky that evening, and I decided I didn’t actually want to go inside. So I moved myself to the water and, wading ankle deep, I watched the people light off the lanterns.
    That night was perfect. The wind was gentle, the beach was serene, and the moon was beautiful. As my eyes were locked on the wonderful sphere, I decided to myself that this would be the perfect place for a kiss.
    No sooner had the thought entered my mind, I heard the swishing of running footsteps splashing up the beach and through the water, in my direction. With a skipping heartbeat, I whirled my head around.
    I know it's not much, again, but at least it's something.
    Thank you guys for being awesome. I love you! I'll keep you updated when more stuff starts happening with it (:
    (Oh, by the way, there's a chance a girl I used to be friends with might be on 'The Voice' tonight. Her name's Dakota and she's kind of really pretty. She's a good singer (obviously) and used to go to my high school before she started to get homeschooled because she was travelling so much. Keep an eye out for her!)

  2. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2014 9:53pm UTC
    format by: fake_a_smile
    I blur
    the lines
    that define
    who I
    am and
    Where I'm
    going to
    I break
    down these
    Walls and
    build bridges
    that span
    the sea,
    These Hands
    Catch Fife
    and ignite
    the things
    I hold
    dearest to
    So what
    is the
    When I've
    got the
    Whole World
    at my
    finger tips?
    - Alex Gaskarth
    "These Hands Catch Fire"|Lyrics written but never sang

  3. imjustthatcool imjustthatcool
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 3:09pm UTC
    Brown eyes,
    What happened between us?
    There's an empty space that has replaced what was once here.
    We talk once a day.,
    we share no more jokes.
    We finally moved on, but I'm still broken.
    Lost in the memories we created and shared together.
    What happened?
    Maybe you got tired of me starting fights,
    or of me being too clingy.
    Is it too late?
    Too late to bed for forgiveness?
    To late to try and rebuild what was once here?
    Too late for us again?
    Brown eyes, I know it's my fault,
    It usually is,
    but give me a chance.
    Come back to my green eyes,
    the ones you said you love.
    we can rebuild our world; the one safe place for us both.
    Going back to the time,
    the time we watched the stars above.
    I can't help fading back into the cruel reality that is my life.
    Hoping you'll soon see;
    I need you here with me.
    So brown eyes, if I may ask you one last question;
    Brown eyes, what happened between you and me?


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