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Rewind Quotes

  1. Lady Phantomhive* Lady Phantomhive*
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2014 3:33pm UTC
    Oh remember at 16
    Oh the crazy drunken night we had
    When I kissed you in the hallway
    Then I took you straight to bed

  2. addy* addy*
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2014 9:23pm UTC
    We danced in the streets, under the stars, no music, all smiles, and love. Crowds, lights, and noise, but all I could look at was you. I'll never forget that night. The night you were mine and I was yours.

  3. JustNodandSmile JustNodandSmile
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2013 9:24pm UTC
    That song's like a melody in my head that I can't keep out.
    Got me singing like...

  4. 1D_Forever 1D_Forever
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2013 1:56pm UTC

  5. RawrKatYeah RawrKatYeah
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2013 3:41am UTC
    I wish I could rewind...
    and change those little big mistakes I made

  6. Trustmeee Trustmeee
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2013 7:44pm UTC
    If I could hit rewind
    and turn back time,
    you know I would.

  7. lostindaydream lostindaydream
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2013 10:20pm UTC
    If only life had a rewind button
    For every mistake I made.

  8. TheHalfbacksGirl TheHalfbacksGirl
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2013 2:56pm UTC
    All the sudden, I really hate people. And life. And just today. Can like this past week just not happen? REWIND.

  9. SoftballMyLife22 SoftballMyLife22
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2013 6:37am UTC
    Life is short.
    Time is fast.
    No replay.
    No rewind.
    So enjoy every moment as it comes...

  10. GlassHorizon GlassHorizon
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2013 1:25pm UTC
    No sleeping at night,
    and I'm going from bar to bar,
    why can't we just rewind?

  11. PowerTumbler411 PowerTumbler411
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2013 9:52pm UTC
    I wish I could rewind to when
    we became friends
    so I would know how it happened

  12. isabeltheosm isabeltheosm
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2013 1:40am UTC
    ► The Laughter ▌▌ The Memories █▌ The Pain ◄◄ The Happiness

  13. KenzieKenz KenzieKenz
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2013 8:03pm UTC
    The worst part is . . .
    When you look back and see you were the one that
    messed everything up. You were the one who caused
    everything to fall apart. You were the one reason
    you drifted apart, the reason you stopped talking.
    When you realize all along, you were the problem.

  14. swiftie_forever13 swiftie_forever13
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2013 12:04pm UTC
    im sorry if i hurt you
    if it seemed like i didnt care
    i know you wont forgive me
    but listen, while im here
    i didnt mean what i said
    i would take it all back in a second
    it came out wrong and i hurt you
    thats when you decided to end it
    so i ran away
    leaving you alone
    to playback what i said
    what i couldnt control
    and i dont know what you thought
    for the next 13 days
    but all that i saw
    was your beautiful face
    so i regret it all
    every last word
    but i still love you
    havent you heard?
    i try not to care
    i try to move on
    but your face comes to mind
    when i hear our song
    your eyes and your laugh
    and the way that you smile
    they way that i felt
    when you were mine
    when i lived with no cares
    and i lived with your love
    and no whole in my heart
    and no threat up above
    when i thought we were forever
    and i thought it wouldnt end
    and you thought you loved me
    and you thought i was your friend
    we both believed
    in love at first sight
    but all of it shattered
    in our first fight
    and i tried to fix it
    believe me; i did
    but you wouldnt let me
    so i left you and hid
    and all this time
    i've been missing you
    i wonder what
    you've been up to
    and if there is
    someone else
    who you think
    loves you more
    than i did then
    and if there is
    please let her know
    that i still love you
    but im alone
    and sorry for everything i said
    but i still love you
    even if our love's dead
    so if you hate me now
    i understand
    but there's always room
    for a second chance
    I wrote all of this poem
    Please dont copy

  15. LastOfTheAmericanGirls LastOfTheAmericanGirls
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2013 4:45pm UTC
    Just because the past taps you on the shoulder
    It doesnt mean you have to
    look back.

  16. ledukester ledukester
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2013 11:59pm UTC
    I need a remote control for life. I want to see what would happen if I made certain desiscions...


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