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Best Ranianaim Quotes This Year

  1. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2016 8:38pm UTC

    I can’t wait for the day that life makes sense – some days I understand why certain things happened and others I’m not so sure, but all I know is that somehow we’ll connect the dots and someday we’ll complete the puzzle, until then, we have to learn how to live our lives without trying to understand it and we have to learn how to be comfortable with the irony and uncertainty of life; otherwise we’ll lose our common sense trying to make sense of the life we’re living.

  2. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2016 1:58pm UTC
    I wish I was a train because trains always
    know where they’re going. They know their way and they know their stops. They don’t stop at the wrong station and they don’t stop at stations that don’t have room for them. They always make sure that the station knows, that the station is ready and that the station is waiting for them.
    A train doesn’t wait for late passengers or passengers who are not sure where they’re going. They only let passengers in who are on board, who booked a ticket, who know they have to be on that train to get to their destination.
    A train doesn’t make excuses for confused or hesitant passengers; a train doesn’t care about those who can’t make up their minds.
    A train just rolls into the darkness and doesn’t fear the obstacles on the way. It keeps going in one direction and it doesn’t turn back. It looks ahead and moves ahead and rarely looks at what it left behind. A train doesn’t really care about the pebbles on the tracks as long as it can keep moving and a train doesn’t care whether it’s night or day as long as it can see the road.
    A train stops at all sorts of stations and learns to adjust along the way. It may not be the fanciest or nicest station but it’s part of the path and a train embraces all parts of the path; the good, the bad and the ugly. A train doesn’t wait for the perfect station, a train knows there is something to be picked up from each station that will make the road easier and less frightening.
    A train doesn’t care about the weight of the cargo it’s transporting; heavy or light, it will just carry it and take it where it belongs; instead of worrying about the cargo, the train enjoys the scenery it passes through, the sunsets and sunrises it witnesses, the farms, the greenery and the beautiful land it looks at and the rainbows that penetrate the skies every now and then.
    Because these moments make the ride worthwhile, they make it easier, they make it more meaningful and they make the train forget that it’s alone. Trains find beauty in isolation.
    I wish I was a train because trains make people happy, they take them to see loved ones, they make it easier to connect with those far away and they give people something to look forward to. Trains bring loved ones together.
    I wish I was a train because trains don’t stay in one station for too long; trains keep moving no matter how special one station was, if it’s time to go, a train just leaves. Trains always know when to leave. Trains always leave before it’s too late.
    I wish I was a train because even when trains crash, they make the front page, even in their destruction, they still leave something for the world to talk about.

  3. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2016 8:09pm UTC
    I can’t convince you to love me but I can show who I am when no else is around. I can show you how shy I really am underneath the loud laugh and the crazy stories. I can show you how vulnerable I really can be no matter how tough I try to act. I can show you my box of memories and walk you through the journey of my life, tell you my secrets and share with you the lessons I learned along the way. I can show you how I became who I am today.
    I can’t convince you to love me but I can show you what I’ve written. What I don’t want the world to see or know, what I wrote when I was scared, what I wrote when I was broken and what I wrote when I was in love. I can let you read my words and tell you what they really mean. I can let you read my poems and the pain behind them, the letters I never sent and the faded paragraphs I wrote when my tears filled the pages.
    I can’t convince you to love me but I can be your friend. I can be your wise friend when you want someone to talk to — someone who can listen and not judge. I can be your crazy friend when you want someone to have fun with, I can be your buddy when you just want to watch sports and play video games and I can be your best friend when you feel like no one else understands you. I can be all your friends in one not just to please you but because I find myself in all these friends and I want to be all that to you.
    I can’t convince you to love me but I can introduce you to a different kind of love. I can promise you days filled with adventure and laughter and nights filled with deep conversations and passionate kisses under the moonlight. I can promise you unforgettable trips and special memories. I can promise you mad passion and fireworks, I can promise to fill all the empty veins in your heart and ease the restless thoughts in your head. I can promise to fill the void that creeps up on you at 2 PM on a random Tuesday when you feel that everything is great but something is missing.
    I can’t convince you to love me but I can perfectly describe what I love about you. The way you run your fingers through your hair when you’re trying to concentrate, the way you scrunch your eyebrows when you’re confused or how your voice softens when you talk about your family and what’s wrong with the world. I can tell you how I love you when you’re fierce and how I adore you when you’re fragile. I can show you how beautiful you really are and how you add beauty to everyone else’s life. I can show you your own light and how it brightens the world of those who love you.
    I can’t convince you to love me but I can show you the parts of me that I love and the parts of me that I hate. I can reveal myself to you – unfiltered. I can promise to love you bravely and fearlessly and show you how ethereal you really are.
    I can’t convince you to love me but that won’t stop me from loving you.
    —Rania Naim

  4. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2016 8:14pm UTC
    Yes we can — as long as I don’t look you straight in the eye when you are talking to me because I will be mesmerized by the depth of your soul.
    As long as I don’t ever hug you and feel the warmth that comes with your embrace.
    As long as you don’t hold my hand as you talk to me because I won’t be able to let go.
    As long as you don’t whisper in my ear because your voice is my lullaby.
    Yes we can — as long as you don’t dance with me because no one moves me like you do.
    As long as you don’t smile at me, because I lose myself in your smile.
    As long as you don’t listen to me when I tell a story because I will want to tell you all my stories.
    As long as you don’t tell me intimate details about your life because I will want to fix it all and be there to heal your scars.
    Yes we can — as long as you don’t put your hands around my waist as we walk into a crowded room, because then I will feel the security that comes with knowing you are behind me.
    As long as you don’t tell me about that other girl that I will envy so much.
    As long as you don’t text me in the morning because I will not be able to stop thinking about you all day.
    As long as you don’t kiss me goodbye because the taste of your lips still lingers.
    Yes we can still be friends — as long as we keep this distance and keep pretending that there is nothing more between us.
    Yes we can still be friends — as long as I hold my words in, silence the voice that wants to scream that I am madly in love with my friend.
    —Rania Naim, Can We Still Be Friends?

  5. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2016 9:00pm UTC
    I want you to remember me when the world gets cold, when you can’t catch your breath from the weight of the burdens and chores that you are carrying on your shoulders. I want you to remember my warmth and how it took some of the weight away.
    I want you to remember me when you are feeling down and anxious, when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I want you to remember my naïve optimism and the paragraphs I used to send you about how wonderful life could be and how wonderful you are. I want you to remember how unrealistic I was but it somehow made you feel better.
    I want you to remember me when you are doubting yourself, when you are unsure if you can achieve something. I want you to remember how I believed in you and the potential I saw in you. I want you to remember that I said you were destined for greatness. I want you to remember that I always thought you were strong and determined.
    I want you to remember me when you are dancing, I want you to remember how much I loved to dance and how I would force you to keep up with me. I want you to remember how you acted like you hated it but you secretly loved it. I want you to remember that our short time together was exactly like a dance; liberating, intimate, fun and hypnotic.
    I want you to remember me when you are walking alone in the city, when it’s quiet at night. I want you to remember the conversations we had in every corner and the laughter that echoed between the walls. I want you to remember how easy it was to open up to each other and how it felt like we are the only two people in the world who could truly understand each other. I want you to remember the way we looked at each other and how the moon was looking at us – witnessing the birth of a new love story.
    I want you to remember me when you are taking pictures, and how I forced you to take too many of them. I want you to remember the goofy faces and the silly poses and the awkward smiles, and I want you to remember the sweet ones, the ones that captured the beautiful memories, the ones that captured the unforgettable experiences we had together. I want you to remember the smile on my face when I was next to you and the moment we both knew this was something special.
    I want you to remember me when you read a poem, I want you to remember my words; how they touched you, how they made you feel, how they described you when you couldn’t even describe yourself and how they built you up when you were tearing yourself down. I want you to remember how my words brought you closer and how they made you fall in love with me. I want you to remember how my sentences completed yours and how my words filled up your silence and slowly pulled you away from your solitude.
    I want you to remember me and smile. I want you to remember me and feel like it wasn’t one of those sad endings. I want you to remember that even the ending was sweet. That the ending was inevitable but it was worth it. I want you to remember that for the first time you don’t have to force yourself to forget someone, you don’t have to forget about your feelings or your memories. That my name doesn’t hurt when you hear it, that my pictures don’t make you cringe when you see them. I want you to remember me as the first person that proved to you that lost love is not completely lost, that we sometimes meet wonderful people who are not meant to stay forever and that some people will always hold a special place in our hearts because we want to keep them there.
    This is how I want you to remember me, because this is exactly how I remember you.
    —Rania Naim, This Is How I Want You to Remember Me

  6. nicole🌹* nicole🌹*
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2017 8:56pm UTC
    "even though you will always be the one
    that got away, i am glad
    now that you got away, you belong
    there- away from me."

  7. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2016 7:24pm UTC
    You were infinite, beautiful in every way. I listened to the sound of your waves and got lost in your depths. I surrendered to your calm and crashed into your storms, you cast your soothing spell on me, you pulled me far away from the shore. In the morning, you and the sun made the most beautiful shades of blue and at night, you and the moon created a breathtaking reflection, I was drawn to your light and mesmerized by your darkness but I didn’t know you carry so many secrets and so much mystery. You knew how great you were, you knew how irresistible you were, you knew I needed you and you knew I drove a long way to find you. I only wanted to feel you on my skin, trying to discover what’s underneath, little did I know that you bring people to you only to leave them drowning.
    —You Were My Sea

  8. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2016 5:15pm UTC
    Hello, do you know me?
    I guess not
    Should I blame you?
    Or should I blame the distance?
    Should I be angry?
    Or should I understand?
    Hello, can you hear me?
    Probably not
    Should I try to speak louder?
    Will words even matter now?
    Do you think it’s too late?
    Or will silence forever be our cornerstone?
    Hello, can you see me?
    I’m not so sure
    Am I still invisible?
    Will you ever notice me?
    And if you do, will you find me beautiful?
    Or will you run away?
    I got used to people leaving
    Hello, who are you?
    I don’t know if I know who you are
    Maybe I too can’t hear you
    And maybe I too can’t see you
    Is trying even worth it?
    Or is it better to forget?
    If I know you, maybe it would be more painful
    Maybe I would not like you as much
    Maybe I would regret trying to fix things
    Maybe it’s safer this way
    Hello, do you even care?
    Am I still on your mind?
    Maybe it’s me
    Or maybe it’s you
    Or maybe it’s both of us
    I would suggest we meet halfway
    But when we do, will I have gotten so used to traveling alone
    And loathe your company?
    And if we meet, will it last?
    Probably not
    Hello, never mind,
    Wrong number
    Wrong address
    Wrong person


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