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Best Prose Quotes This Month

  1. cujo* cujo*
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 3:21am UTC
    "I break the spines of my books on purpose. There was a time when I admired perfection. Uncut corners and sharp edges were my visual stimulants and my tender hands refused rough surfaces. That time has passed and my hands have grown. Purity doesn’t fill the new cracks they bear. They cringe at the unscathed and welcome the beaten. So when I hold a new book, before I plunge into its intimacy, I bend, contort, and deform the bound pages to fit my hands - to fit me."
    — Cleo Tobbi

  2. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2015 6:44pm UTC
    Drabble #42 – Dragon
    Close your eyes and I’ll give you this story:
    Stick your hand into your chest and pull out your heart. See if it matches the color of your cheeks. There are two monsters in your gut, and one of them does not belong to you. Everything casts a shadow; remember this even though you told me in a dream you aren’t afraid of anything. We’ll cut into those who leave you jaded, you poor little thing. Recklessness is considered beautiful for a reason, so no, I will not hold back.
    But you want a better story, don’t you? We all do.

  3. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2014 5:34pm UTC
    ~ There are times ~ where it appears you want to say something more, but you hold back. It alludes to this hidden part of you that I’ve never really known, a shadowy closet tucked back from sight, where you do not smile, do not laugh.

  4. cujo* cujo*
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2013 11:20am UTC
    Sinking in your chest, scraping past your ribs, feel it dig deeper down and ache heavier. The needle point always runs, not a second in wait for your pitiful excuses.
    "You are thinking too hard on it, child." She spoke ruefully.
    But stop... take a step back. Look. Is this truth? Is this guilt? You taught yourself to never admit to what you do not acknowledge — hoping then, it would be any less cruel.
    Can you feel the guilt? Feel the anchor's chain slide around your ankle. Feel it pull you down.

  5. starfelt starfelt
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2013 4:15pm UTC
    "but sometimes i really hate myself, y'know? i mean, i see me everyday and there
    are just times when i get really tired of it. i wear myself out just by being myself."
    i spoke out, my words getting lost in the dark. he was so silent that i almost forgot
    that he was there. and when there was no response, i turned to him, trying to get
    a glimpse of his face or any kind of emotion.
    he remained quiet and instead only pulled me closer, my face being buried into
    his chest. i felt a familiar wetness behind my eyes so i closed them and only sighed
    into the comfort of his shirt. needless to say, there was nothing that could be said.
    because we—even himself—all felt like that at some point, and no one could ever
    say anything because that was life.
    you stayed you, whether you liked it or not, and there was nothing you could do
    about it except maybe wipe away a few tears and accept it.

  6. FlorenceSong FlorenceSong
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2013 4:46pm UTC
    "Come little leaves," said the Wind one day,
    "Come to the meadows with me and play.
    Put on your dresses of red and gold;
    For summer is past, and the days grow cold."

  7. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2015 12:13pm UTC
    "welcome to the monster plaza"
    You cannot sleep tonight.
    And as your mind, a blur, chases that imaginative, fickle mistress, a voice rings out,
    Blessed be the Night! For we are but carcasses to the offering, and I am so thankful… Praise the light into which you were born! Kiss the soft curve of Night’s sweet promise. This is Night, and it is a good night.
    If slumber is a gentle caress to the weary traveler, then this is a glimpse at death. And to share such a thing is to lovingly whisper, experience this sliver of eternity with me. I do not want to do it alone.
    Give yourself to the slaughter, and it will give itself to you.
    Pause, as though you are trying to find the meaning behind your words. Choke on the cadence in your throat.

  8. cujo* cujo*
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 11:02am UTC
    Distort! Adjust, adapt, twist and turn, deep into the very dark you've feared all your life.
    All their eyes on you. Testing, calculating, devising with crooked grins and eyes that mock; determined to leave no tissue unripped. Your surroundings in high definition, halfway vertigo. You hear the rush, smell the dryness, taste the staleness, skin crawling to the horrid air, fumed with antiseptics and garlic, all around you. Maybe garlic to warn off vampire in the night from their blood banks. The blood of your family. You start shaking, unruly hair falling over the sides of your face. When was the last time it was brushed? How long since you've been brought here? Long enough for the venom of their silent chastising to seep through your blood, only to spread and paralyze every inch.
    Control, damnit, control your head! You vigorously will yourself to obey.
    "Will you just st-" They tried to calm you down. Take control of you. You. You.
    "No!" You screamed. Another attack, count to ten and hold your tongue.
    All they want to see from you - is what they want of you. They claim to give you choices in life - which they surely they give. But your choice is irrelevant, you are irrelevant. They spend their lives manipulating you, distorting every bit of life that has ever been yours' into theirs' for all that they've missed. They have put out your fire, a fury embers overtakes.
    "I'm leaving." You finally manage.
    "Why not?!" You yell. "You took me, took my parents'. Sayin' you'd help, but only making worse of it all." You continued with gritted teeth as you rise from your seat to leave.
    "Sit down, Richie." The woman said, unaffected. Though soft voice, the command was evident and you almost changed your mind.
    But with every remaining or created dignity you had, you turned around, walked a few steps, only to feel a sharp pain shoot up from your lower back. A slight scream left your dry, pale lips.
    Screw you. You thought, right before all went black.

  9. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2014 11:55am UTC
    Drabble #35 – Flavors
    Swallow the universe and you’ll be picking stars out of your teeth. Put the bottle down and leave the dregs of planets and speckled backwash for me. I’ll smoke those infinities from your lungs, if you let me. I swear I will, for all the gold encrusted and diamond studded promises I offer, this one comes laced in stardust. This dusty shelf holds a more cracked you. This rusty faucet knows the color of your teeth too well. This frozen mountain that we’re dancing on is a slippery slope indeed, but you’re so beautiful when nebulae are swirling in our drinks and painting the surface of your eyes.

  10. FlorenceSong FlorenceSong
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2013 4:42pm UTC
    “Be gentle with yourself.
    You are a child of the universe,
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”

    excerpt from Desiderata by Max Ehrmann

  11. *Yours Truly* *Yours Truly*
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2015 9:01am UTC
    I'm trying to get it together.
    I'm laughing and smiling
    and I started running to get in shape.
    I'm eating well and making plans.
    I'm really trying to have a good life,
    but that's hard to remember when
    I'm crying at 5 a.m. because
    everything you ever did was a lie
    or it was temporary,
    but everything I did was permanent.
    And now I'm starting to realize
    maybe I'm just running from all of these
    broken memories you left behind
    for me to step on in the middle of the night.

  12. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2015 3:09pm UTC
    Drabble #40 – Where the asphalt flowers grow.
    You live in the cracks of rock on spray-painted concrete in Hong Kong. You live in the bikes and cars riding in the early morning rush hour of New York City. You live in the gold flecked domes on top of painted beauty in the churches of Moscow. You live in the purple tulips blooming in the shade of the Eiffel Tower. You are a fleeting whisper of something special in my 3am thoughts. You are here, and now. You are everywhere. You are the world, my world. That’s where you live. You are the cuts of inspiration I get in the spaces between seconds. You live in those spaces.

  13. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2015 2:48pm UTC
    Drabble #43 – Fingers drumming down your skin (shaking up your heart)
    Hey, your heart has its eyes closed. Should I make a ruckus? I bet you want someone on the straight path to success but I’ll be crooked. Tortured me poised, I’ll show you your crimes, I’ll mix you up. Push me hard into the sunset; you’ll only burn and I’ll glitter across the horizon. But why are you being distant? You’re a bit blue these days. Come, tie your shoelaces and run with me. How does it feel to live for yourself? The diamonds shaking across your skin, they’re free to shimmer through your hair and trace the patterns plotted on your skin.

  14. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2014 8:01pm UTC
    Drabble #36 – What worlds she did not break.
    Hearken this grove of secrets pulled by the tide, the shore grasps to keep. I’ve glimpsed the shadow of doubt across your face so here, take these words I couldn’t form so they decayed on my tongue and inlayed them gravestones, but we call them teeth. Here, listen to the ripple of my heart being pulled out to sea. Here, listen to the ocean; it will translate my soul better than I. Here, pluck these heartstrings, make a melody of my love and remember it. I coveted the shore and its inability to stop loving the tide, reminiscent of cold hands on my ribs. We swish salt water in our mouths to heal the cuts, don’t you see? It’s love, dissolved in a glass, magical, healing.

  15. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2014 3:03pm UTC
    Drabble #31 – And it tastes like a Friday night.
    There’s a novel at my fingertips waiting to be written, or read, or… something. It’s breathing icicles, which doesn’t really make sense, but there they are: cutting into the soft skin of my palms. My body is trying so hard to remember how to burn, how to be light in the animal of your touch. I want to be loud, but not too loud, just enough to be listened to. Your paper skin on my paper heart is enough paper for us to get lost in. Or write love stories for. This novel is writing itself, you see.

  16. *Yours Truly* *Yours Truly*
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2015 5:14am UTC
    What's "good for you" doesn't always make your heart skip a beat,
    and your mind whir in the middle of the night.
    But it also doesn't leave you crying alone in your bed,
    with a dying hope the size of North America.

  17. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2015 3:15pm UTC
    Drabble #50 – Hot, Top, Flight (Boy I’m out of sight)
    My toes are curling against the worn, chapped leather of your soles and I’m wondering what roads you have traveled for them to be so weathered. I’m sure if I walked across the moon, I would feel you in the dust beneath me, breathe you in with the stars like little candied bursts painting the universe on my lungs. Well, I too have been plucked like the strings of a fiddle. I have been strum to the beat of someone else’s heart all along. And we're walking down this path and the treetops are howling and I’m thinking… maybe that’s not so bad.

  18. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2015 8:52pm UTC
    For a while, the rain hitting my window
    Sounded like gunshots.
    I would sit back against my curtain,
    And count the bullets.

  19. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2015 7:17pm UTC
    Reflections in Puddles
    The moon is no longer out tonight,
    So I’ll howl at you if I can.
    You stole her from the sky.
    My, oh my, you were a hungry man.
    A whirlpool exists in your lungs,
    But you’re past the beginning.
    There are miles of water between us,
    Time to start swimming.
    Crunch down like smooth seas,
    Listen to the water not make a sound.
    That silence will consume you,
    Silly man, you are drowned.
    The moon is inside of you now,
    And she’s got a bit of a bite.
    “Shh, now,” She whispers,
    “This is not conducive to the night.”

  20. ribcaged ribcaged
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2013 12:01am UTC
    sometimes we all need to stop and close our eyes
    for a bit. inhale and exhale. realize how exhausted
    we are and slow our heartbeats down to a calm,
    beating cadence. remove the stress that anchors us
    down physically and mentally. crack our knuckles
    and let out a deep, full sigh that has been held in
    our lungs for way too long. just relax, you know?


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