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Poseidon Quotes

  1. Dinocaulay Dinocaulay
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2013 1:22pm UTC
    Whenever you do something stupid, just remember that Roman Emporer Caligula waged a war on Poseidon. He had his army march to the beach and told them to stab the water

  2. Delusionalpieceofdust  * Delusionalpieceofdust *
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2013 12:00am UTC
    If I were a demigod, I would like my dad to be Poseidon, Hades or Hephaestus.

  3. Unknown Potato * Unknown Potato *
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2013 2:01am UTC
    [ ] You are a natural leader
    [ ] You are interested in meteorology
    [X] You would love to be able to fly
    [ ] You’re not afraid of/you love thunderstorms
    [X] The ability to control air and electricity is appealing to you
    [ ] Eagles are among your favorite animals
    [ ] You get angry when people ignore you or don’t listen to you
    [ ] Pride is one of your biggest flaws
    [X] You can sometimes be a bit overdramatic
    [X] Even though you try to be fair, you sometimes come off as hypocritical
    [X] Swimming and/or canoeing are among your favorite things to do
    [ ] You love taking trips to the beach
    [X] You get along well with horses, or you love them
    [X] You have often wished for the power to breathe underwater
    [X] The ability to control water sounds awesome
    [X] Your loyalty to the ones you love is your weakness
    [ ] You can be a bit moody and temperamental at times
    [ ] You are interested in seismology or marine biology
    [X] Dolphins and sharks are your favorite animals (or one of your favorite animals)
    [X] You have an overall caring personality
    [ ] You tend to make people feel nervous around you
    [ ] You are interested in Geology or Forensic Science
    [X] You sometimes feel a bit lonely
    [ ] Your weakness is that you tend to hold grudges
    [ ] Most people don’t see your kinder side because you hide it by being cold
    [ ] You crave power over darkness and the dead
    [X] You are drawn to gemstones and precious metals
    [ ] When you are in a relationship, you are deeply devoted to that person
    [X] You often feel like you don’t belong in the group
    [ ] You can be quite cynical at times
    [X] You value intelligence and wit highly
    [ ] It is a bad idea to get in your way, because you will never give up until you are finished
    [X] You prefer to think things through, rather than start working on a problem immediately
    [X] You tend to let logic get in the way of your emotions
    [ ] Owls are among your favorite animals
    [ ] You like sewing, crocheting, and other types of arts and crafts
    [ ] You are interested in architecture
    [ ] You don’t like the idea of someone else being better at something than you
    [ ] You usually regret losing your temper after you see the damage
    [X] You have arachnophobia
    [ ] You pick fights with other people a lot
    [ ] Dogs or wolves are one of your favorite animals
    [X] You like learning about different types of weapons and famous wars
    [ ] With a few exceptions, people generally don’t like you
    [X] If you had a power, it would be to have the best fighting abilities ever
    [ ] You have a short temper
    [ ] You charge into situations without thinking things through
    [X] You love playing first-person shooter games like Call of Duty and Halo
    [X] You love violence in general
    [ ] You are brave and very protective of your friends
    [X] You have always wanted to/you love to travel
    [ ] You love playing pranks
    [ ] You can be very sneaky
    [X] You try to help other people a lot
    [X] You are pretty good at accepting of others
    [X] You’re good at using phones and the internet
    [ ] You’ve been known to try all kinds of things
    [ ] You often rely on your sixth sense or intuition
    [ ] If you wanted to, you could steal something without people noticing
    [ ] You love watching sports competitions or even participating
    [ ] People have told you that they think you are beautiful/handsome.
    [ ] You are good at convincing people to do things
    [ ] You can read relationships very well
    [X] You believe in spreading love (not necessarily romantic) and beauty
    [ ] You can speak French
    [ ] You can see possibilities more clearly than other people
    [X]You like pretty things
    [X] You may have been described as a “girly girl” or in a boy’s case, “cute” or “hot”
    [ ] People sometimes underestimate you
    [ ] You are good with your hands
    [ ] You like tinkering with things
    [ ] You prefer inanimate objects over human company
    [X] You wish you had the power to summon and control fire
    [X] You fiddle with things in your hands when you are nervous
    [ ] You have built a robot or some sort of contraption before
    [ ] You tend to fall in love with people who you feel are too good for you
    [X] You are afraid of heights
    [X] You have a bit of an inferiority complex
    [ ] You love creating things
    [ ] You love sunbathing
    [X] You like archery and/or are very good at it
    [ ] You like writing poetry and/or songs
    [ ] You know how to give first aid
    [ ] You are good at anything involving launching projectiles (i.e. basketball)
    [ ] You can play an instrument
    [X] You are afraid of the dark
    [X]You sometimes have premonitions about things that are going to happen
    [ ] Sometimes you can be a bit of a flirt .3.
    [ ] You have sharp senses
    [X] You like gardening
    [X] You would love to have the power to control plants
    [ ] You can be a bit bossy at times
    [ ] You argue with other people a lot
    [X] You love flowers
    [X] You are passionate about nature conservation
    [X] You eat a lot of grain products
    [ ] Poppies are one of your favorite flowers
    [ ] Geckos or snakes are your favorite animals
    [ ] You feel an unusual sadness as summer changes to fall and then to winter
    [ ] You’re a real party animal
    [X] You like grapes/grape juice/wine/kool aid/diet coke
    [ ] You love the theater
    [ ] You think leopards are one of the coolest animals ever
    [ ] If you could have any power, it would be to literally drive people insane
    [ ] You become a bit hyperactive when you’ve had too much of your favorite drink
    [X] You like playing Pac-Man
    [ ] You believe that a REAL party is an extravagant one
    [ ] You hate being restricted in any way
    [ ] Sometimes you tend to go overboard when you are planning things


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