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Best Poet Quotes Today

  1. LettingSecretsGo LettingSecretsGo
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2013 5:30pm UTC
    It may not be much light
    but it beats the darkness.
    - Charles Bukowski
    Format Credit: LettingSecretsGo

  2. savannah* savannah*
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 11:25pm UTC
    “Dear Future Daughter:
    1) When you’re at some party, chain smoking on the roof with some strange girl with blue hair and exorbitant large dark eyes, ask her about her day. I promise you, you won’t regret it. Often times you’ll find the strangest of people have the most captivating of stories to tell.
    2) Please, never mistake desire for love. Love will engulf your soul, whilst desire will emerge as acid, slowly making it’s way through your veins, gradually burning you from the inside out.
    3) No one is going to f/cking save you, anything you’ve read or heard otherwise is bullsh/t.
    4) One day a boy is going to come along who’s touch feels like fire and who’s words taste like vanilla, when he leaves you, you will want to die. If you know anything at all, know that it is only temporary.
    5) Your mental health comes before school baby, always. If its midnight, and you have an exam the next day but your hands have been shaking for the past hour and a half and you’re not so sure you want to be alive anymore, pull out that carton of Ben and Jerry’s and afterwards, go the f/ck to bed. So what if you get a 68% on the exam the next day? You took care of yourself and at the end of the day that will always come before a high test score. To h/ll with anyone who tells you differently.”
    Abbie Nielsen

  3. LettingSecretsGo LettingSecretsGo
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2013 10:39pm UTC
    i realized i don't care about this bullshi.t
    as much as i thought i did.

  4. dauntless* dauntless*
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 9:10pm UTC
    i think
    mental scars are
    the saddest of all
    no one will
    ever see them
    no one will
    ever care.

  5. notyouraverageteenagegirl notyouraverageteenagegirl
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2013 8:56pm UTC
    pretty face, nice
    hair, clean skin, but it's not fair. she doesn't see beauty
    when she looks in the
    mirror, though, in reality,
    it couldn't be clearer.
    format credit: notyouraverageteenagegirl

  6. Chris* Chris*
    posted a quote
    October 23, 2013 12:52pm UTC
    "Smooth out your skirt and do not look at him." -Hannah Beth

  7. LettingSecretsGo LettingSecretsGo
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2014 4:47pm UTC
    Some people never go crazy,
    what truly horrible lives they must live.

  8. E* E*
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2013 2:46pm UTC
    i spent a lot of time
    searching for affecttion
    in shallow spaces
    i gave people bits of me
    they didnt deserve
    and i let myself be hurt
    because i thought
    thats what i deserved
    but once i let go
    of trying to shove puzzle peices
    in places that did not fit,
    once i let go of all the hate
    i secretly had stored in gashes
    that decorate my heart
    i met you

  9. mads* mads*
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2014 4:05pm UTC
    Blank Pages
    they gave me a book
    filled with countless empty pages
    they told me to share my feelings
    they said they'd make it better
    i stared at the pages
    so plain and white
    pen in hand,
    i wrote few words
    they said they fixed me
    "how do you feel?"
    they asked me.
    "i feel how you want me to feel"
    my origninal quote if you steal it i'll track your as.....s down

  10. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 7:54pm UTC
    Format chickittylover
    “I do not trust people who don’t love themselves and yet tell me, ‘I love you.’ There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.”
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    -Maya Angelou

  11.  Hatshepsut * Hatshepsut *
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2014 3:14am UTC
    You understood that death doesn’t hurt the dead,
    it only hurts the living.

  12. Smile Hope * Smile Hope *
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2015 11:56am UTC
    People are temporary, they come and go.
    Books, they are forever .
    Always there to caress you back to sleep.
    People humiliate you, walk off while;
    books cradle you.
    They become the marrow in your bones.
    Like fluoride in the water, they make your soul impervious to the world's soft decay.

  13. LettingSecretsGo LettingSecretsGo
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2015 10:41pm UTC
    People are weird.
    They are constantly angered by trivial things
    but on a major matter like wasting their lives,
    they hardly seem to notice.
    -Charles Bukowski

  14. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2014 10:15pm UTC
    format by cloudlings credits please do not remove. please do not remove the credit (do not remove this section either)! thank you :-)
    “Have a heart that never hardens,
    a temper that never tires,
    and a touch that never hurts.”
    —Charles Dickens

  15. converse_girl17 converse_girl17
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2013 10:26pm UTC
    so my friends keep tellin me that i am an awesome author/ poet. in short i dont believe them but ok, heres one of my poems.. hooe u like it.
    Tragic Love
    once upon a time
    there was a boy and a girl
    up against the world
    tortured and treasoned
    they had so many reasons
    trapped in the tower of hate,
    noone could love more than they
    they loved with no tomorrow
    they loved with no sorrow
    Life was Perfect
    until one day
    the dragon appeared
    to steal Juliet from Romeo
    "Romeo," she cried,
    "I love you!"
    He jumped, thought fast
    this was their last
    he shot his bow at the dragon's heart
    the dragon that tried to tear them apart
    he ran to her, seeing she fell
    'i was too late!' he cried out
    'no! this isn't how this was supposed to be!'
    'i love her!'
    her head bleeding, his heart broken
    all hope shattered
    he was alone and torn apart
    all because of a dragon that broke his heart.

  16.  Hatshepsut * Hatshepsut *
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2014 3:30am UTC
    The higher we soar,
    the smaller we appear to those who cannot Fly.

    posted a quote
    April 21, 2015 8:01am UTC
    It is impossible to remove your memory from my mind, the mystery of your smiles... There are just things that have no place in oblivion. Like you.

  18. dauntless* dauntless*
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2013 5:01pm UTC
    even though they're silent,
    i can hear them laughing at me.
    even though they're smiling,
    i can see them judging me.
    even though they say they do,
    i can feel that they don't.
    even though i try my best,
    it still isn't good enough.

    posted a quote
    November 25, 2014 12:26am UTC
    Do I live to love you? or Does your love makes me live?

    posted a quote
    January 4, 2015 9:43pm UTC
    Time stop Slow like a falling star Hopefully it's not my heart That's going to crash Here I am In white wall that are chains White everythingThese white walls are like chains Chains that don't let me move One hour turns to 3 hours 3 hours turns to 10 hours The wait is torturing meMaybe my flower is aMayflower moonflower sunflower But it's increasing my willpower


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