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Best Philisnotonfire Quotes This Week

  1. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2013 5:34pm UTC
    "What's your Favorite Beyoné?"
    - Phil Lester
    "Phil is not on fire 2" |Amazing Phil & Danisnotonfire

  2. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2013 9:54pm UTC
    Scarred and left me, like a sunburn.
    Chapter 2
    Phil's POV
    "C'mon, Phil, it'll be fun!" Dan cried.
    "No," I protested, groaning. I was tired of going to stupid partys with Dan, him leaving and I'd be left standing awkwardly alone in the corner because I was teachnically Dan's designated driver. Plus, I don't really drink. Or at least, I haven't drank since Dan noticed I'm an emotional drunk and made a video specifying the five kinds of drunk people, me being one of them.
    "But Phil! I need to get my mind off things. And why not?! You're just going to sit on the internet all day?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
    I stopped chewing the Maltesers I had in my mouth and looked down at my lap. Yes, I was watching Smosh videos while blogging in my pyjamas. I bit my lip, Dan was right, I was probably going to end up being unproductive all night.
    "I just don't want to be left alone is all, like always when we go to partys together."
    Dan looks hard at the ground, leaning back agaist the counter in the kitchen when he snaps back to me, his eyes lit up.
    "Wait-" I started. I knew where this was going.
    "Phil! I'll call a friend at the new years eve party so you won't be lonely!" He said, grinning.
    I facepalmed myself for my choice of words and Dan skipped back into his room to do his hair or something. He would ask one of his equally drunk (or soon to be drunk) friends to hang out with me and eventually I'd have to take care of him. Dan peaked his head out from his door.
    "Unless you want to stay here all by yourself...?" Dan teased, smirking. I shook my head in resignation and a smug grin appeared on Dan's face.
    "Good. Now get ready."
    This one shot is based off Ed Sheeran's song, Sunburn! Go look it up. I've had it stuck in my head for a week! xD
    I'm trying to work on the new story (the sequal to broken) I know it's going to be called, don't leave.
    Yayy! c:
    Thank you! c:
    I love you!
    Oh and you can follow me on tumblr at budd3r.tumblr.com c:


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