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Best Phan Quotes This Week

  1. DanHowell DanHowell
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2013 8:15am UTC
    wtf how did i accidently stay up till 5 in the morning

  2. rebecca* rebecca*
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2013 11:57pm UTC
    Perfection is defined
    when your heart beats next to mine.

  3. rebecca* rebecca*
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2013 12:15am UTC
    We crossed paths for a reason.
    The planets aligned in that particular season.
    It's clear to me that we'll eventually be

  4. rebecca* rebecca*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 9:19pm UTC
    You see my soul,
    I'm a nightmare.
    I'm out of control. I'm crashing.

  5. rebecca* rebecca*
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2013 12:08am UTC
    My hand in your hair, and yours
    on my chest x x x x x x x
    Moments with you are my life's best.

  6. AwkwardlyFiona* AwkwardlyFiona*
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2013 3:38pm UTC
    I think Dan has depression. The fact he's wearing long sleeved tops this summer just shows it. Apparently, he starves himself too. Just because people have carelessly been calling him fat and ugly online. Phan isn't helping. If you all can just keep it to yourselves. I think it's going to destory they're friendship. Because of phan, Dan has unfollowed phil on twitter. Just stop please, for the sake of Dan and Phil. What if, soon people will be like: i really miss when Dan and Phil were best friends. That's the direction it's turning in. So please. And spread this too, so we can help Dan and Phil!

  7. Sock_Monster Sock_Monster
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2013 4:03pm UTC
    So Dan and Phil played High School Musical songs on their radio show the other day.

  8. BrokenTwilight BrokenTwilight
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2013 2:33pm UTC
    Every night in my FACE, I see you
    I feel you even though the MonkeYS are gay.
    (*Far*) across the LIZARD, The polarbears are making pancakes,
    Drinking all the LUCOZADE for themselves.
    Near, far, where ever you are,
    and I know that my heart will go on..
    Once more, a SNAKE'S at the door.
    As they crawl violently toward your MUM

  9. rebecca* rebecca*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 9:29pm UTC
    I hate my life. I can't sit still for one more single day. I've been waiting for something to live and die for.
    Let's run and hide.

  10. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2013 7:39pm UTC
    I'll take care of you.
    A Phan-Fiction One Shot
    "Daniel, I'm cold." I shivered. We were making our way out of Starbucks, coffee in hand, in the big city of London on our way to a meeting. I had gotten myself awake later than I should have. I didn't bother looking out the window whilst I was getting ready in a race against the clock and I found myself having to walk in a tshirt in the chilly, dewy early morning.
    Dan sighed and glanced back at me, deep brown eyes rolling in annoyance. "Well... you should have at least worn a jumper, Phil."
    I involuntarily shivered once again before saying, "Too late for that now, huh."
    Dan nodded, biting his lip at my goosebumps. "Fine, here's my jacket. Give it back later, yeah?"
    I nodded and he stripped himself of the black, slim coat which fit around my small frame easily. I wrapped it around myself gratefully as we made our way down the pavement.
    "Ahh- ahhhhh- AHHHCHOO!" I woke up suddenly, eyelids shooting open and my back straightened up. I had the most horrible dream where I had frostbite and my toes fell off, and a wild eagle ate them off of the floor of the freezing tavern I was lying down in. For the first few seconds of my conciseness I thought the noise coming from the other side of my wall was actually an eagle waiting to devour my toes but then I realized that it was just Dan's sneeze. I chuckled quietly to myself and found my throat a bit foggy. I cleared it and shrugged that off, checking my watch and seeing that the time was 8:43am.
    It was time to get up anyways so I decided to go downstairs to my flat and make some waffles for Dan and I. As soon as I got up, however, I just wanted to sit back down and sleep. Oddly enough. I'm somewhat of a morning person (unlike Daniel) so this was really unusual. I had to pay attention to my body and what it tells me, though, so I layed back down and feel into a deep sleep.
    Dan's POV
    My alarm buzzed annoyingly for the up-tenth time and I swear if it didn't shut up I would break the thing. But a thought ran in the back of my head; Phil didn't wake me up early today... is he okay? I glanced at the alarm clock and it read 12:19pm. I rested my head back down on my pillow and cursed myself. Why didn't Phil wake me up?
    I slowly sat up in bed and stood up uneasily, not hearing the television or board creaking, nothing. I quickly strode out into the hallway and to Phil's door.
    "Phil, are you okay?" I asked, my voice cracking. "It's late."
    A sleepy murmur came from the behind the door and I had to open it to hear, which is odd since our walls were really thin. Opening his door revealed a sleepy Phillip lying backwards on his bed, literally, his feet were on the headboard and the duvet was tangled and shoved off of him to the side, perched at the side of the bed threatening to fall off. Phil looked towards me, his face bright fever red and said,
    "I think I have the flu."
    "Oh, and can you get me some tea?" Phil laughed. I sighed. Phil had me completely at his command, he was ordering my around like some sort of servant or something. But honestly, I couldn't say no to that adorable smile. Wait, what did I just think? Adorable smile? Well... I guess he's adorable but we both are. Yes. That's right.
    Phil had on his green hoodie which was almost exactly the same color as his eyes and really made them stand out. I got distracted a number of times when I just found myself looking at them.
    "Are you okay, Dan? You've been quiet all day." Phil called from the living room. Well, yeah, I'm quiet because you're acting cute and feverish while I'm stuck as your servant. Oops. I couldn't say that out loud.
    "Well I'm not the one who feels like crap today, so at least that's good." I said jokingly and Phil chuckled and put on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, his favorite TV show when he was younger, and even though he doesn't really want to admit it, he still loves watching reruns. I sighed contentedly and poured us our tea, bringing Phil over his tray of food.
    "Well, Mr. Lester, here's what you ordered. Tea, coffee, waffles, and maltesers. Anything else I can get you, hm?" I asked in a uptight, butler accent.
    "No," he laughed. "This will be fine, thank you Daniel."
    I loved the way he said my name. You can tell he says it a lot, by the way Phil says it, with confidence and you know that my name is on the tip of his tongue.
    I sipped my tea and tried to focus on the rerun that Phil was watching eagerly but couldn't do it. Phil's naturally straight, black hair stuck up in all directions in a lazy, comfortable way and his eyes. I could not stop looking at Phil's eyes... his sweatshirt made them stand out immensely, but they were like this regularly, weren't they? Why did I never notice how beautiful Phil was? I'm sure he didn't notice me staring at him (he was too consumed with Buffy) but his tongue flicked out, quickly wetting his soft lips before retreating back into his mouth. Or, at least I think his lips are soft.
    "Phil," I said suddenly. He turned towards me, pausing the program and smiling at me and a "go on," kind of face and I felt butterflies in my stomach about what I was about to do. "I love you, and I promise, I'll take care of you."
    Then I pressed my lips to his and it was magical, and of course, his lips were very soft and tasted of a mixture of maltesers and tea.
    This one shot is based off of AmazingPhil's video, "MAN FLU!". I hope you guys like it, I wrote it while I was half asleep on tumblr last night.
    What do you guys think? Feedback is welcome, even if it isn't from Phan-shippers or even if you don't watch them!
    Love you guys,

  11. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2013 6:25pm UTC
    It's starting
    To scare
    Me how
    Much Gay
    is in
    my straight
    I mean
    there is
    Gigi Gorgeous,
    MY Wifey;
    Robyn <(^U^)< :P
    I'm not
    saying being
    Gay is
    a bad
    thing AT
    ALL I
    completely Support
    Gay Marriage
    everyone should
    be able
    to love
    who they
    love♥ I
    And just
    as important;
    to Feel
    its ok
    to show
    who they
    really are.
    (.... And Jalex *-* :P)
    the more
    of gay
    in my
    straight life
    is fabulous
    <font color="#008000" face="cutelove=" 5"="">

  12. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2013 11:23pm UTC
    "What do you think?" Phil says. Dan looks up at the pale boy, confusion knitting his eyebrows together.
    "What do I think about what?" Phil's looking at the ground, now, and Dan thinks he can see embarrassment and redness falling across his face. Dan walks over to the other side of the kitchen where Phil is standing and puts a finger under his chin, lifting it up slightly so that Phil's eyes meet his own.
    Sometimes Dan swears that Phil's eyes are the sky. But surely they're more clear. And definetly the only thing that can relax Dan.
    "You're sad." It's a statement, and even though Dan wants to agree with it more than anything, wants to tell Phil that he's been dying to just... hold him, he keeps quiet. As always.
    "Mm." Dan says, and without glancing at the blue-eyed boy, because he knows it will cause him more pain, he goes to his room and shuts the door, leaving Phil alone in the kitchen.

  13. of_mice_and_lucifer* of_mice_and_lucifer*
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2013 2:02pm UTC

  14. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2013 5:34pm UTC
    "What's your Favorite Beyoné?"
    - Phil Lester
    "Phil is not on fire 2" |Amazing Phil & Danisnotonfire

  15. EmmaKitty EmmaKitty
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2013 11:21am UTC

  16. Sock_Monster Sock_Monster
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2013 3:54pm UTC
    Hey, you like Dan and Phil?
    Come check out the gifs on my profile ;)

  17. BeckyBeccaful BeckyBeccaful
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2013 8:48am UTC
    You know it's worrying when you're on Tumblr at 5am, looking up gifs of pugs and phanfictions.

  18. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2013 9:54pm UTC
    Scarred and left me, like a sunburn.
    Chapter 2
    Phil's POV
    "C'mon, Phil, it'll be fun!" Dan cried.
    "No," I protested, groaning. I was tired of going to stupid partys with Dan, him leaving and I'd be left standing awkwardly alone in the corner because I was teachnically Dan's designated driver. Plus, I don't really drink. Or at least, I haven't drank since Dan noticed I'm an emotional drunk and made a video specifying the five kinds of drunk people, me being one of them.
    "But Phil! I need to get my mind off things. And why not?! You're just going to sit on the internet all day?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
    I stopped chewing the Maltesers I had in my mouth and looked down at my lap. Yes, I was watching Smosh videos while blogging in my pyjamas. I bit my lip, Dan was right, I was probably going to end up being unproductive all night.
    "I just don't want to be left alone is all, like always when we go to partys together."
    Dan looks hard at the ground, leaning back agaist the counter in the kitchen when he snaps back to me, his eyes lit up.
    "Wait-" I started. I knew where this was going.
    "Phil! I'll call a friend at the new years eve party so you won't be lonely!" He said, grinning.
    I facepalmed myself for my choice of words and Dan skipped back into his room to do his hair or something. He would ask one of his equally drunk (or soon to be drunk) friends to hang out with me and eventually I'd have to take care of him. Dan peaked his head out from his door.
    "Unless you want to stay here all by yourself...?" Dan teased, smirking. I shook my head in resignation and a smug grin appeared on Dan's face.
    "Good. Now get ready."
    This one shot is based off Ed Sheeran's song, Sunburn! Go look it up. I've had it stuck in my head for a week! xD
    I'm trying to work on the new story (the sequal to broken) I know it's going to be called, don't leave.
    Yayy! c:
    Thank you! c:
    I love you!
    Oh and you can follow me on tumblr at budd3r.tumblr.com c:

  19. Music_Is_Freedom Music_Is_Freedom
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2014 10:15pm UTC
    Just saw Michelle Phan on a commercial for pepsi... best pepsi commercial ever

  20. Philip Lester* Philip Lester*
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2016 12:16am UTC
    phan is real


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