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Outdoors Quotes

  1. pants13579 pants13579
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2013 6:26pm UTC
    Picture this. I'm eating a sandwich in Maine, sitting on a dock with mountains and the ocean in front of me and I'm just starting to feel like I love the outdoors. Then these 2 seagulls near me start screaming their stupid seagull screams (drawing my attention away from my sandwich) while their accomplace (the meanest seagull ever) runs up and attaches his stupid seagull beak to my sandwich. Now this gull and I have a tug-of-war where he ultimately comes out victorious due to the element of suprise. Him and his stupid seagull friends then fly off splitting my sandwich amongst themselves and overall just being the stupid seagulls that they are. My shock then registers at the fact that the birds came up with that genious plan to steal my sandwich. And now I am currently cursing all of seagull kind and crying because I am hungry. True story. Never trust a seagull. Those things are devious. In fact, never go outside. That place is rigged.

  2. kristalorrainee5 kristalorrainee5
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2013 1:11am UTC
    I like watching thunderstorms...
    people think I'm weird.
    I'm just an outdoorsy person. ;)
    boom. boom. flash.

  3. AnaCastro196 AnaCastro196
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2013 6:41pm UTC
    I lied about
    being the outdoors type...

  4. beautifulsmiles beautifulsmiles
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2013 6:09pm UTC
    Don't be afraid to let the wind mess up your hair.

  5. Shorty_Helps Shorty_Helps
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2013 10:59pm UTC
    Like a good neighbor,
    stay over there.

  6. noseogefil noseogefil
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 5:21pm UTC
    Sometimes I just want to go do something else, and not be worried about all this stupid crap. I wish I was born with wings so that I could fly away from all my problems. I wish pets lived forever. I wish my hair looked perfect everyday and I had all the cool clothes and was popular, but I don't think that's reall what I want because all that glory is just an illusion. I wish we were born wild and we all ran free and cared about each other but not what our hair looked like or what kind of clothes we wore. I wish I wasn't born diseased. I wish I could just roll around in the dirt all day and play and climb trees and run around and splash in creeks and be happy. That's what makes us truly happy, because we were born wild. I hate being tame, and there is nothing I can do about it. I just want to get out and strectch my legs and run forever. Outdoors is where we truly belong. Nature is beautiful, so beautiful. I want to capture it all but I'm not sure how. What is our true potential? It's gone, gone, gone. Am I a poet because I can write? Or is it because I love to write, and it comes naturally like the sea foam? Does everyone have a talent, a real talent, but they forgot about it because they were too busy being teenagers? I don't want to forget. I want to stay, stay, stay. Stay in this magical beautiful real world forever and I don't want any more buildings and modernization because modern is not beautiful. It is simple and smooth and sleek and draining. I want to get lost in awe but there is none left in this town. If everyone listened to my music, would they understand? Would they understand how real everything is, but we've forgotten it? Will I grow out of this? I don't want to. I don't at all. I want to stay like this forever because this is my infinity state. The rest is just pollution and dust. I want to sail out to sea and fly above the clouds and burrow beneath the Earth. There is so much. So much. It's all over, over, over. Gone. Can we be saved? I believe it. There is something down there and we can uncover it in ourselves. Just stop. Stop being that which you are not. Stop being a costume and just shine. Just do everything that makes you happy. Not cool, not high, not the happiness which your illusionist self fed upon. Uncover your true being and be what you were made to be. Free. And I promise you will be truly, truly, truly happy.
    That was my jumbled mess of a mind and the best thing I've ever written. If you read it all, thank you.

  7. noseogefil noseogefil
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2013 4:58pm UTC
    Everyone has something they love doing. Something they think about often, something they are passionate about. No, it's not One Direction or YOLO or Swag. It's a genuine thing that you love. Whether it be singing or dancing or painting or writing or cooking or the outdoors or even playing sports, there is something. Find it. Enjoy it.

  8. SarahUrsini SarahUrsini
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2013 3:56pm UTC
    Today's One Of Those Days
    Where I'm just playing music and reading a really good book and I look up out the window and it just looks so beautiful outside so I wish it was warm because then I could go outside and breathe in the warm air and the smells and sit and read on my hammock and just feel really peaceful.


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