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Notgonnalie Quotes

  1. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2014 10:34pm UTC
    What a
    shame that
    we became
    such fraglie
    broken things
    "Let the Flames Begin";
    What a
    Shame we
    All Remain
    such fragile
    broken things
    "Part II"

  2. enginesGoBOOM* enginesGoBOOM*
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2014 11:55am UTC
    You know those moments when everything suddenly gets so frustrating,
    and then you start crying because you're so frustrated,
    but then you're frustrated because you're crying without reason,
    and then end up even more frustrated before,
    and just wish that you could crawl up in a ball,
    and die in a hole.

  3. enginesGoBOOM* enginesGoBOOM*
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2014 3:48pm UTC
    that moment when you're just like,
    "Holy cows, maybe this is why people stay away from me."

  4. purple_flower purple_flower
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2013 10:19am UTC
    What's the cutest thing in the
    Kittens on a cloud,
    kittens on a cloud.
    Soft and silky,
    drinkin' milky,
    Purry, purry,
    soft and furry.
    on a cloud,
    who else still remebers this?

  5. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2013 10:10am UTC
    I love how half of you little sh.ts think I give a flying f.ck what you think.
    Newsflash, I don't f.cking care. I love it when you guys point out obvious things. I'm c.ocky? I'm rude? I'm full of myself? No f.cking sh.t. That has been adressed in the real world a long, long time ago. Those are all known facts that you do not need to point out. I am 100% okay with you guys insulting my personality because you're just little sh.ts hiding behind your computer screen trying to feel superior to a motherf.cking 15 year old.
    However, I do have a problem with this.
    I am not okay with you insulting my religion. I am not okay with you stereotyping me because of one of my ethnicites. I am not okay with you insulting my beliefs (which I have never even f.cking elaborated on so don't even act like you know everything about them).
    Yes I am a Roman Catholic. I believe in God, that Jesus is my saviour, and I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe the stories in the bible. Now, many of you will call me ignorant for this. I don't care if your Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, or all the other branches of religion I am not including because it would just be too long. I don't care if your atheist. If that's what you believe, all power to you! If I don't judge you for your religious affiliation, you shouldn't just me on mine.
    Yes, my ancestors were Polska Roma. Polish Romani's. Romani's. Polish gypsies. Gypsies. Travellers. Whatever you would like to call them. Yes, I am Romani. But that doesn't give you permission to call me dirty, a thief, a pikey, or any other insult you want.
    It is a known fact that I am against abortion. I have many reasons, many of which I have not elaborated on because they are personal and I don't need any of you knowing everything about me. Just because I don't believe in something, doesn't mean I'm gainst it. If a woman gets an abortion because of the right reasons, okay! Great! Good for her! Yes, I am against it. But I can understand why a woman would get one. I can support a woman who got one if it was for the right reasons. I can be against something and not want to make it illegal. I mean, I'm against vegetables, but do I go around trying to make them motherf.cking illegal?
    This is a concept called being open minded, something many of you have yet to comprehend.
    So, this iturned out to be longer than I intended, but it had to be said.
    More than half of you need to learn your place and learn that it is not socially acceptable to insult people in the ways that you do, even if it is on the internet.


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