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Best Myjourney Quotes Ever

  1. MyJourney MyJourney
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2014 8:46pm UTC
    150 pounds
    scares the héll out of me.

  2. MyJourney MyJourney
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2014 6:53pm UTC
    March 4th, 2013
    Yesterday was the beginning to a new future for me. I have finally decided to get off my lazy bum and lose the weight that has been driving me crazy the past few months. As I have entered college and was eating less and less of food that is healthy for me, and more and more processed food and candy.
    Since entering college, I have changed who I was. I had my first alcoholic beverage in September of 2013, and spent the majority of October and September drunk. In October I recieved my first underage. Also in October, I tried marijuanna for the first time. And yes, that was not the last time I smoked. In early November, I began smoking cigarettes regularly. Over my winter break at a party with some girlfriends, I recieved my second underage and have my court date coming up at the end of April. My parents were ready to kick me out of the house. I was failing out of school and had to petition for a chance to come back second semester.
    God must have been feeling particullarly generous that day because I was allowed to come back for the second semester. When it started, I was prepared to turn my life around, but I had no idea what it would really entail. I was not prepared. Within the first several weeks of second semester, I missed two quizzes and one online assignment. It was a rude wake-up call and I realized what I needed to do.
    Today I will begin the first day of my "juicing diet". After I finish the gatorade that is sitting next to me, I will consume nothing but juice made from fruit and vegetables. Because I am unable to make my own from fresh fruits, I will be using the Naked smoothies which are available at my school's convience store. I will be consuming 4-6 drinks a day between 16 and 20 ounces.
    My future begins today.
    Activity Log:
    Ran 25 minutes
    5 minute ab workout
    20 minutes yoga

  3. MyJourney MyJourney
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2014 3:32am UTC
    March 5th, 2014
    I know technically it is the 6th (it's 2:26am), but seeing as I haven't had a chance to post yet today, this is when it will be done.
    Today was rather uneventful. Due to a late night last night (a 2am perkins run in a town 45 minutes away), I slept in. I actually did not get out of bed until amost three in the afternoon. I did a lot of lazing around today. I watched a lot of Teen Wolf this afternoon and actually did not leave my room until my friend Megan asked me to come hang out with her. We went shopping and when we got back, we sat in her room for awiile and she worked on some homework. After a bit, I went back to my room and went mad cleaning, because it desperatley needed to be done.
    After I was finished cleaning, Megan asked me if I wanted to run some errands. At about 11pm, we left to go to Walmart and the grocery store. While we were there, I was talking to her about the decision I had to lose weight, and she offered to do it with me. It will be nice to have someone to help me along this journey, and I look forward to having someone to workout with and make healthy choice with in regards to eating habits.
    Activity Log:
    I took the day off because I was sore from the previous two days.

  4. MyJourney MyJourney
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2014 12:38am UTC
    March 6th, 2014
    I feel accomplished today. I woke up, went to class, did my homework, worked out and even wrote a paper. However, as because of the amount of exersize I did today, I will probably take tomorrow off as recovery, or greatly shorten it. Other than that, there is really not a lot to say about today.
    For those who favorite my quotes, thank you.
    Acctivity Log:
    30 minute run
    20 minutes yoga
    5 minute ab work
    60 minutes yoga
    60 minute run


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