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Best Mostly Quotes This Month

  1. ^_^* ^_^*
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2013 2:05pm UTC
    it seems when we want someone,
    they dont want you.and when someone wants you,
    you don't want them.and when you both want eachother,something has to come around and mess it up.

  2. gab* gab*
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2017 2:27am UTC
    "I love my country, sometimes even more than it loves me."
    Dear Mr. President Elect,
    I am just a small town country girl that you have never heard of and whose voice you will never hear. You will probably never see this. It probably won't be shared enough or even at all. It may as well be gone as soon as I hit publish.
    All of that said, I am going to use my small voice to tell you what I think and feel, what I hope comes of this.
    I hope you prove me wrong. I hope you do make America great again as you say you will. America needs saving.
    I hope you close the great divide that we have suffered due to the hatred and r.ácism, that you yourself are guilty of portraying to this once great nation.
    I am terrified, because you placed a man who legalized discrimination in his state a heartbeat from the office you just won. I pray for our LGBT community who's rights are being endangered because of who they love. They deserve to love as fiercely as anyone. Please help them in through this battle they so deserve to win.
    I want you to prove to me that you are not the man you appear to be. You are the man that is the leader of all things hate in this country. The r.ácists, the bigots, and the bullies.
    I fear for my rights as a(n African American) woman. You have so clearly shown nothing but blatant disregard and disrespect while promoting rápe culture in this Nation. I am an asset to this country, as are all of our strong willed women.
    You are not the type of person that I would have ever imagined becoming a president.
    Frankly you are a far cry from the role model I thought I would call a president when explaining to my children who to look up to. I'm begging for you to prove me wrong.
    I fear what you can do in just four minutes. I fear for our military families. They never know what wars they may be thrown into because a world leader baits you in a tweet.
    I fear for our recovering economy, that was doing well under a great man.
    In short, you have some big shoes to fill Mr. President Elect. I have mounds of fears and concerns where you are involved in America's well-being.
    I honestly think America made a mistake by choosing you.
    I will pray for you, like every good American should. I pray you show me that you can be a man that we as Americans can be proud of. Mostly I pray you prove me wrong.
    A small town country girl.


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