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Moody Quotes

  1. musicure musicure
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2018 6:05am UTC
    there is bravery in being soft

  2. hello_universe hello_universe
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2014 11:28pm UTC
    I don’t know whats been wrong with me.
    I’ve been moody and tired a lot lately.
    And just annoyed with everything.

  3. breezy_mac breezy_mac
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2014 6:06am UTC
    Its like I'll only find happiness when I'm dead or asleep

  4. fool's gold* fool's gold*
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2014 8:45pm UTC
    I'm not a perfect lover.
    I say what's on my mind.
    I start fights. I'm demanding. I'm moody.
    But I am faithful, sweet,
    and when I choose him, it is
    him and only him. ♥

  5. Zonnique Jailee Pullins* Zonnique Jailee Pullins*
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2013 6:13pm UTC
    Not in the mood :(

  6. babsimacbeth babsimacbeth
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2013 5:56pm UTC
    i have like the weirdest moods
    this side of north pole
    now i can love me like a queen
    next minute i can hate me like a b*tch

  7. steffykins steffykins
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2013 9:07pm UTC
    That mood you get in where you want to kill every person that talks to you.

  8. The Quiet* The Quiet*
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2013 12:15am UTC

  9. FelicisFeather FelicisFeather
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2013 9:18pm UTC
    some days I don't understand you at all

  10. hayXitsXyourXlove hayXitsXyourXlove
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2013 8:35pm UTC
    Whenever you get done crying after a long period of time,
    do you ever just feel...tired?
    Not just exhausted because of crying.
    Tired of everyone. And everything.
    It's like you're just tired of thinking, breathing, living.
    But it's not so severe that you actually want to die,
    but that you just want a break from thinking.
    That over-thinking, the little voice inside your head with all the negative.
    You're just tired of trying to change your thought process,
    and you just want to sit wherever you are and not get up.
    Not make a single movement, because even that is too much.
    But the main thing is, you don't even know what's wrong.
    And you can't even figure it out.
    Does anyone else feel that way sometimes?

  11. ThisIsMe943 ThisIsMe943
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2013 4:51pm UTC
    My English Teacher today
    Um, I guess she was in a mood?
    Teacher: ok, so now that you all have your tests and have started working, I'm going to play a song really loud to keep you from concentrating. Hopefully it will get stuck in your head all day and you'll be sad miserable children.
    *plays song very loudly*
    *we are annoyed*
    Someone: Can you please turn it down a little? The stereo is right next to me and it's way too loud
    Teacher: *turns it up louder* No
    Me: *can't think, stares at teacher menacingly* -_-
    Teacher: Is there anything else I can do to make you guys more miserable? After all, you all know much I hate kids. Some mornings I really don't want to come to work, but I come anyway, because I think of all the ways I can make you suffer and suddenly feel the need to come
    Class: O_O

  12. SoftballMyLife22 SoftballMyLife22
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2013 4:34pm UTC
    It's okaay to screw up,
    Because, I have been doing it my whole life.

  13. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2013 10:53pm UTC
    I'm not
    I simply have days where I'm less inclined to
    put up with your bullshıt


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