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Best Mindblowing Quotes Today

  1. Livelovemusic11 Livelovemusic11
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2013 9:11pm UTC
    What if...
    Crazy Steve killed Drake and Josh and their family,kidnapped Megan,moved to a different city,forced her to call herself Carly,pretended he was her older brother,and renamed himself Spencer?

  2. Bec* Bec*
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2013 2:59am UTC

  3. AgainstNoOne AgainstNoOne
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2014 5:49pm UTC
    Lets be honest here people!
    Boxers with Hearts on them
    Are Extrememly Manly

  4. Swaggot Swaggot
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2013 2:53pm UTC
    Don't read the next sentence.
    you little rebel I like you

  5. cupcakes21 cupcakes21
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2013 11:29pm UTC
    Lets say a mother was giving birth to twins on new years, and it so happens that one twin was born at 11:59 p.m and the next twin comes at 12:00 a.m. One would celebrate their birthday on December 31 and the other on January 1.. they are twins but with different birthdays, like wow, that would be so cool. sorry, this just came to my mind, and i though it was cool.

  6. riimsha riimsha
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2013 9:55pm UTC
    "We are all just parts of the universe that have become self-aware"
    Think about that for a minute.
    At some point, some part of you was the center of a dying star.
    Now, it's you.
    Harming it would do no good, now, would it?

  7. LayziLatino LayziLatino
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 8:22am UTC
    Despite the well-known urban legend, if a bird ingests uncooked rice it will not explode.

  8. thelostheartedteen thelostheartedteen
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2013 1:31am UTC
    I love finding people who blow my mind. People you thought to be average, but end up being unforgettable.

  9. dauntless* dauntless*
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2013 8:39pm UTC
    +////////+ 'cause you're just ♡
    mind blowing,
    h y p n o t i z i n g, [x] [x] [x]
    head down to your toes

  10. Callisto* Callisto*
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2014 2:20pm UTC
    Cows are awesome.
    And here are some reasons why.
    1. Cattle are extremely curious and actually pretty intelligent. They investigate everything around them and, when feeling up to it, have been watched to even spend several hours investigating the same thing in order to try and solve a problem they see. Detecting a problem and trying to solve it without having any ulterior motive to do so (e.g. hiding treats behind the door to get the cow to open it) is a trait only felines are otherwise known to have. Not even dogs will try to solve a problem without you having to blackmail them into it.
    2. Cattle are most certainly able to learn and understand "accents." A farmer in Germany always had his horses, sheep, goats and cows in one herd on the same willow for years. One day, he observed something strange. A cow and a few goats were sleeping together in a small group. Upon further weeks of observation, he watched the cows in the herd frequently "visiting" the goats, sheep and horses and being able to perfectly blend in with them. From that, he concluded that cows are able to learn another animal's body language and re-interpret their own in order to avoid conflict. Even though they yet have to find solid evidence, animal behavioral scientists think this theory is "very probable."
    3. Cattle can feel almost the same amount of emotions than humans! They can distinguish and correctly interpret a variety of bonds, ranging from "best friend" to "worst enemy." Especially older females have even been proven to be able to sense and relate to the emotions of not only other members of their herd, but even other species! Would you let that sink in for a moment? When you see an older cow, chances are she knows what you feel and how that must feel! Other than humans, there is currently no other species known on this planet, who have this ability. No, not even your dog!
    Simply Wow

  11. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2013 2:43am UTC
    “A gentleman is one who doesn't and can’t forgive himself for
    self-committed mistake even if others forget it and the self-
    criticism is a mark of his right attitude towards life.”~ Anuj Somany


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