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Best Meat Quotes Ever

  1. Fαy Στylες* Fαy Στylες*
    posted a quote
    December 17, 2013 9:31am UTC
    I am a social vegan...
    I avoid meet

  2. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2013 5:24pm UTC
    Confession #29 (This counts as Story #2 too because I said so.)
    I havn't willingly ate meat in 4 years as of today
    So like I was 13 when I gave it up
    I remember it clearly
    I was staying the night at a friend's house
    They lived on a farm.
    His dad comes into the house and says
    'Hey. Wanna see something cool?'
    So I follow him because of course I want to see something cool
    He cuts a chicken's head off
    Right there infront of me
    And I just stood there and watched
    As it flopped around,
    Not wanting to give life up just yet
    I remember running to the bathroom
    And I cried for that chicken
    Now everytime I see someone eating meat
    All I can think about is that chicken's struggle.
    The last time I was forced to eat meat was a few days ago
    It was weird
    Because like they held me down and said
    'It tastes good, you'll learn to love it again'
    Once again I thought of the chicken
    And they're just watching as I'm sitting there like crying
    I was tempted to like cut a part of my toe or something off
    As a way to apologize.
    Upon realizing I could never feel the pain that the animal felt as it was dying
    Without dying myself
    I just decided to punch a few walls,
    Break some knuckles
    And call it good.
    Don't get me wrong,
    I have nothing against meat eaters
    I understand it's the normal thing to eat and all
    I wont offend you for what you eat
    As long as you don't offend me.

  3. josie* josie*
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2013 3:26pm UTC
    I'd just like to point out that telling someone they're
    too skinny and must 'eat a burger and put some
    meat on those bones' is just as rude as telling
    someone they're fat and must go on a diet

  4. converse_girl17 converse_girl17
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 9:04pm UTC
    So let me get this strait..
    Charlie Sheen can have a p.orn family, Kelsey Grammer can end a 15 year marriage over the phone, Larry King can be on divorce number 9, Brittany Spears can have a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods can, while married, still have se.x with other women, and yet the idea of same-se.x marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage.
    Animals are cruely raised and forced to breed for livestock. They are treated badly and stuffed on farms too small for the amount of them in the area. They then are brutally killed for meat. On top of that he ferment in your stomach before they are totally digested. And yet I'm weird for being a vegiterian and refusing my share of the meat.
    Innocent men and women are being put on trial under falsly accused facts and then are sentenced for life for crimes they may not have done. And yet our legal system continues.
    Our president, instead of trying to get us out of our trillions of dollars in debt, is spending our tax dollars on the affect of video games on the senior citizen's mind. And yet, millions of people in the US alone struggle to find their next meal.
    .. I don't know how I had planned to finish this. But it's not right where we are now. It's not right for it to be this way.

  5. carson5482 carson5482
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2013 7:22pm UTC
    Cannibals may seem nice,
    but they're just trying to butter you up.

  6. Amanda Zicca* Amanda Zicca*
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2013 9:49pm UTC
    so it begins tomorrow
    I don't plan on going cold turkey, PUN INTENDED LOL, but I'll take it day by day, cutting back more and more.
    please leave a comment or talk to me on kik or by email giving me advice, tips, and yummy foods and snacks to eat!
    Goal one - be totally off meat by summer
    email: diaryofaveggiex@gmail.com
    kik: diaryofaveggie

  7. guptanikhil088 guptanikhil088
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2013 5:19am UTC
    Someone cutting up a CHICKEN...
    Vegetarian: EW! :( So cruel. Why would someone do such a thing?
    Non-Vegetarian: Huh? It's just a chicken. Toughen up, I mean seriously! A real person eats meat. We naturally are meat-eaters. Also, you're made of it!
    Vegetarian: The chicken had a life too...
    Non-Vegetarian: It doesn't matter.
    Someone cutting up a DOG...
    Vegetarian: EW! :( So cruel. Why would someone do such a thing?
    Non-Vegetarian: What!? Why would someone cut up a fluffy puppy? I'm seriously going to teach that guy a lesson...
    Vegetarian: The same way he cut up a chicken. They both have a life, none is more important than the other.
    Non-Vegetarian: But...
    See the difference? Next time, don't make fun of a vegetarian. We have our own beliefs, and you have your own. If you are non-vegetarian, and made fun of a vegetarian, please consider saying sorry. I know how it feels. This isn't directed towards all non-vegetarians, but some that don't understand. I hope you understand. :)

  8. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2013 8:46pm UTC
    Pete: Rebounds are a piece of meat to get your mind off of another piece of meat
    Gary: So eloquently put, Pete.
    Pete: *Laughs*
    Me: *Dies*


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