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Lunarose13 Quotes

  1. LoveLunaBell13 LoveLunaBell13
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2014 7:36pm UTC
    I love to read books, listen to music, and I dont really watch movies anymore.
    People say words don't hurt but they are wrong...Words can and do hurt...Words are like my definition of love...
    My definition of love~Love is like a delicate rose that has thorns…pain…and heartbreak…are some of those thorns…all the other thorns are just more pain and most likely an obstacle that you can either get past or stay in pain.
    My best friend Eddie Estrada always tells me to stay strong.
    Those thorns may hurt but you should be strong not weak.
    He helped me...a lot of times
    He is the best of bestfriends that I have ever had.

  2. LunaRose13 LunaRose13
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2013 9:43pm UTC
    This Joshua C. He was my very first Crush until he rejected me.

  3. LunaRose13 LunaRose13
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2013 1:16am UTC
    My Baby TabbyMae.

  4. LunaRose13 LunaRose13
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2013 4:35pm UTC
    Dear My Stinker~,
    The River is long and Has a nice flow to it. You are in a boat fishing for anyone who will bite your Hook so you can reel in your catch.. I was swimming when I got hungry for a new change and I was hooked by your Hook, And I decided to be caught so I didn't try to escape because u you were my only way for a new change, so I stayed. You reeled your hook in and caught me. You liked me enough to keep me as yours alone. So I became yours and you Mine. Since then we have been together for 1 month now.
    I Love You My River~
    So Happy 1 month Anneriversary My BabyGirl~.
    Your Lover,
    Pixie Lu~.

  5. LunaRose13 LunaRose13
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2013 6:43pm UTC
    This is a conversation I just had with My GirlFriend.
    LunaBell13: the past is something u cannot change no matter what
    Shikimo: ...I know....
    LunaBell13: living is not depending on what ifs or anthything else
    LunaBell13: for that matter
    Shikimo: ...sorry.........
    LunaBell13: Living is doing ur own thing that u believe in
    Shikimo: I know that very well.
    LunaBell13: taking risks
    LunaBell13: living for once
    LunaBell13: U only have one chance at life
    LunaBell13: dont waste it on what ifs or buts or anything else
    Shikimo: I know that very well.
    LunaBell13: Got it
    LunaBell13: Do u understand me
    LunaBell13: ?
    Shikimo: Yes...
    LunaBell13: good
    Shikimo: ....but I still can't.
    Shikimo: I learn my mistakes in the past... It either made me stronger or weaker
    BELIEVE IN URSELF FOR ONCE WITTIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. LunaRose13 LunaRose13
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 2:09pm UTC
    I miss my 4 Year old Cousin Bailey.
    That picture was on a christmas.
    That was the Day i Taught My cousin how to walk she was i think 1 or 2 years old at the time.

  7. LunaRose13 LunaRose13
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2013 5:44pm UTC
    This is the truth about me. Don't believe or Do Believe this but it is not my choice, it is your choice. So chose carefully.

  8. LunaRose13 LunaRose13
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2013 5:02pm UTC
    You can shatter my heart until there is nothing left to shatter but I'll always be there when you need me, no matter what, I'll listen to you, I'll be there when your down, I'll attempt to cheer you up, no matter if I'm shattered into pieces, Because thats what I do.

  9. LunaRose13 LunaRose13
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2013 4:43pm UTC
    There is only one word that sums up my second day of high school it is


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