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Best Loveyourlifeee Quotes This Year

  1. Lifehappens Lifehappens
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2013 7:50pm UTC
    shoutout to my besties,
    Thanks for nearly forcing my to listen to country music now im like obessed with it, Even though we never EVER got sleep when you came over, we were never tired,
    We completly rebel all the time, Remember Barbie Wild Horse Adventures? And GINGERALE? And that river with the car in it? Well gtg BYeeeeeeee

  2. Lifehappens Lifehappens
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2013 11:32pm UTC
    Secrets Untold
    Chapter 1
    "Kiana Get over here!" Jamie screamed "There is a spider! KILL IT NOW!" I rushed down stairs only to see it was the smallest
    spider I had ever seen. " Jamie its the smallest spider I have ever seen. You will survive!". Jamie was eighteen and she was scared of that small of a spider? She would never make in the real world there were spiders everywhere ( Mean People). *Beep Beep* It was a text from my all time best friend Josh, He wanted to meet me at the Gypsy Hill Park to walk his new dog Spector
    I slipped on my shoes Grabbed my purse and left to meet him there. As I was walking down the street I saw May Hanson She was a big priss and she made fun of me a lot, Suprisingly she left me alone. " Hey Kiana! over here!" Said A familiar voice I looked behind me It was Josh. " Where Is Spector?" I asked. " I actually didn't bring Spector. Uhm I need to tell you something, And if you say no please still be my friend?" He said I was very worried but I said " Of course I will still be your friend!".
    " We can't pretend anymore. We have to face our feelings for eachother. I Love you! And I think we should be more than friends.".
    I stared into his eyes in disbelief. " I Love you too. I think we are ready". Suddenly I felt his warm lips press against mine people in the backround were cheering us on. We got up and went back to his house to get away from the crowd and talk for a moment.
    "Did that really just happen?" I asked. "I think so" He said. " I love you and I want to go all the way with you".......
    author note: I really hope you like and a Special thanks to Loveyourlifeee (Im at her house) And Blueskyy (They're sisters)

  3. Lifehappens Lifehappens
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2013 12:33am UTC
    Secrets Untold
    Chapter 2
    I gazed into his eyes and said... " I'm ready. Lets go". We walked over to the bedroom his hand on my back leading me.
    "Wait I don't have protection" He said. " It's ok Im on birth control" I say. We make it to the bedroom he grabs my waist and brings me closer to him we fall to the bed as I unbutton his shirt. This moment was perfect everything was perfect. Awhile past my sister comes over to check in on me. She knocks on the door and says "Hello??.. Are you there? Josh??". "Coming" he says. I hide undercovers as he gets dressed and answers the door. " Hey I was wondering if you have seen Kiana? She is needed at home" Says Jamie. " No I haven't seen her sorry I will call if I do" He says. i stay under the covers until im sure she's gone. He heads back to me. And I get up get and get dressed. " Thanks" I say as Kiss him. I rush home to see my sister. " Jamie!Jamie!" I scream tears rushing down my face...... To be continued

  4. blueskyy blueskyy
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2013 11:03am UTC
    there is no better friend then a sister
    there is no better sister than you

  5. Lifehappens Lifehappens
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2013 9:05pm UTC
    Secrets Untold
    Chapter 3
    "Jamie!!Jamie!!" I screamed at her limp body on the floor. She passed out. Or worse she could be dead. " Jamie you have to wake up!" I screamed tears choked me, I was scared I was loosing her. Waiting for the ambulance was like taking a test without studying. Finally the paramedics came in and took her to the hospital. I had to wait home, No kids allowed on the ambulance. I called Josh to make sure he was ok. " Josh?" I said. " Yeah babe?" He said. " Jamie is in the hospital she passed out. Can you come over?" I asked. "No I have someone over" He said. I hung up I just couldn't speak........ To be continued my brother needs the laptop

  6. blueskyy blueskyy
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2013 10:57am UTC
    Back To School Countdown:
    *coment when you go back to school and i dare you to
    make a countdown quote*

  7. IWillGiveYouLotsOfLove IWillGiveYouLotsOfLove
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2013 3:11pm UTC
    She is beautiful and her quotes are really amazing.
    Her profiles song is just perfection. She is one of my favorite Wittians.
    She really needs more followers you should follow her right now!

  8. blueskyy blueskyy
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2013 11:15am UTC
    not only are you my sister
    but you are also my
    I love you so much
    Kendra <3 (:

  9. Lifehappens Lifehappens
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2013 4:03pm UTC
    Dawnelle you got a Top Fxkin quote?
    Holly Shizz...
    Like FREAKING OUT...
    Loveyourlifeee's quote.


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