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Longpost Quotes

  1. CatchYourPandas CatchYourPandas
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2014 8:03pm UTC
    5 Truths Quiz
    1. Last beverage= water
    2. Last Phone call= i dont talk on the phone oOps
    3. Last Text Message= bethany
    4. Last Song You Listened To= Hush-Miss A
    5. Last time I cried= last night
    6. Dated Somone Twice= nope
    7. Been Cheated On= yes
    8. Lost Someone Special= yes
    9. Kissed Somone and Regreated It= no
    10. Been Depressed= yes
    11. Been drunk and threw up= nah
    12. Black
    13. Red (or purple tbh)
    14. Blue
    15. Made a New Best Friend= Yep
    16. Fallen In Love= Yes
    17. Slept With Someone New= No
    18. Met Someone Who Changed You= Yes
    19. Found out who you true friends are= No
    20. Found out someone was talking about you= Yes
    21. Kissed anyone on my friends list= no?? what do you mean by friends list
    22. How many people on your friends list do you actually see= DO YOU MEAN FACEBOOK BC I DONT KNOW WHAT FRIENDS LIST MEANS HELP
    23. How many kids do you want to have= zero
    24. Do you have any pets= Nope (sad face)
    25. Do you want to change your name= Not really I kinda like my name
    26. What did you do for your last birthday= Nothing tbh
    27. What time did you wake up today= I didnt sleep
    28. What were you doing at midnight lastnight= On twitter
    29. Name something you can not wait for= Death tbh
    30. Last time you saw your mother= lookin at her right now
    31. What is one thing you wish you could change about youself= my face
    32. What are you listening to right now= Hush- Miss A
    33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom= ive spoken to many toms
    34. Whats getting on your nerves right now= my family
    35. Most visted webpage= tumblr
    36. Whats your Name= Hannah
    37. Nicknames?= Hanners
    38. Relationship Status= taken<3
    39. Male/Female= female
    40. Primary school= what
    41. Middle school= again what
    42. College= not there yet
    43. Hair colour= dark blonde with bright red ends
    44. Long or short= Long
    45. Perfume= Twilight Mist
    46. Do you have a crush on someone= just my boyfriend <33
    47. What do you like bout yourself= my eyes
    48. Piercings= Nope. just my ears
    49. Tattoos= Nope
    50. Righty or Lefty= righty ayye
    51. First Surgery= when i was like 4 i had surgery (idk for what tbh. shh)
    52. First Piercing= eARS
    53. First best friend= michael
    54. First sport you joined= cheerleading
    55.First Vacation= mall of america woO
    56. Eating= nothing
    57. Drinking= water
    58.I'm about to= go on tumblr
    59. Listening to= pretty sure ive answered this, but Hush-Miss A
    60. Waiting for= my room to heat up jfc
    61. Want Kids= no
    62. Want to get married= depends
    63. Career= i dont know
    64. Lips or Eyes= Eyes
    65. Hugs or Kisses= Both
    66. Shorter or Taller= taller
    67. Older or younger= it doesnt matter omg
    69. Smart or good face= again, doesnt matter
    70. Sensitive or loud= Both
    71. Hook - up or relationship= Relationship
    72. Truble maker or Hesitant= Both
    73. Kissed a stranger=No
    74. Drank hard liquor=No
    75. Lost glasses or Contacts= nope
    76. "IT" on first date= "it" wowow so mature. nope
    77. Broken someones heart= probably
    78. Had your own heart broken=Yes
    79. Been Arrested=No
    80. Turned someone down=Yes
    81. Cried when someone had died=Yes
    82. Fallen for a friend=No
    83. Yourself= no
    84. Love at first sight= yes
    85. Heaven= no
    86. Santa= no
    87. Kiss on First date= yes
    88. Angels= no
    89. Had more than one Girlfriend/ Boyfriend at a time= No
    90. Did you sing today=Yes
    91. Ever cheated on somone=No
    92. If you could go back in time how far would you go= back to the 90's
    93. If you could pick one day to relive what would it be= when i visited the mall of america tbh because that was rad as heck
    94. Do you have one certian regret that you wish you could change= one that im not willing to mention
    95. Did you like this survey= no

  2. WatermelonSeed WatermelonSeed
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2013 2:29pm UTC
    seeing a long post and thinking
    ain't nobody got time fo' that
    f o r m a t j i m m y 3 6 5


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