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Ledon Quotes

  1. avexoxo16 avexoxo16
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2014 10:07am UTC
    I hate that feeling when
    You know you were being led on...

  2. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2014 10:39pm UTC
    You see, I think that people don't understand that if you don't like someone, you don't have to stick around and put up with their sh/t. I see so many quotes on here about how you can't just leave someone when you get sick of them, but yeah, yeah you f/cking can. If you don't like someone, then you can cut them out of your life. Why surround yourself with people you don't like when you could be around people who are bettering you in some way and trying to help you or are good people.
    Having been on both sides (leaving and being left) I can say, it sucks on the being left side, but you just have to get over it. Sure, it blows, and you feel like sh/t for a while, but guess what? They left for a reason, whether it's a good one or not, they had one. It blows, yeah, but you can't so anything about it. You need to move on, surround yourself with better people. Complaining about it on a website that the person doesn't even go in, isn't going to help you.
    And anyway, would you prefer that they fake liking you? Talked sh/t behind your back? Led you on for months or years then left when they couldn't fake it anymore? At least if you talk for a few days or weeks they're giving you a chance and they just don't like you*, and you don't have the time to get seriously attached.
    *Disclaimer because I figure people will see it like this: Just because one person (or a few, i dont know how many have intentionally left you) does not make you an unlikeable person (you might be, I don't know you, but other people don't define you). It means you didn't mesh well with those people, and they realized it. Maybe you didn't see it, or you denied it, or you thought it would change once you got closer. Whatever it is, you and that person would have ended badly sooner or later. There's some people that you just don't get along with, and if you try to force it then it makes the whole relationship sh/t, and makes the ending even worse.
    Also, as a side note, if you're thinking about leaving someone, and there's like one specific issue about them that irritates you (not like their face, but like a joke they say) then it's ok to ask them to stop making those jokes around you. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can say that. Speak up. Again, complaining on the internet doesn't help the situation. Stop complaining about someone elses behaviour, on a website that they don't even use, and tell them about it. Tell them off. Tell them why you're angry or upset or hurt or dissapointed or whatever. What do you have to lose? And if you can do it without being a b/tch, then go for it.

  3. AllieSmith7 AllieSmith7
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2013 5:25pm UTC
    Totally got led on by a guy that I thought liked me today.. My relationship status right now is Netflix and ice cream.

  4. Bri * Bri *
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2013 8:30pm UTC
    am i being led on?
    cuz "someone" plays with my hair, always has their arm around me, always asks me about my day, always has to be touching me in some way, smiles at me in the hallway, rubs my face. lol it was weird and you older than mebut......im so being led.:((


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