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Leaf Quotes

  1. musicure musicure
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2016 12:17pm UTC
    Stop and stare
    I think I'm moving but
    I go nowhere

  2. musicure musicure
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2016 1:35pm UTC
    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me &
    just forget the world?

  3. dontsellyourselfshort dontsellyourselfshort
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2016 8:04pm UTC
    How can someone be so full of life and then be empty? Where does it all go?

  4. Herown Herown
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2015 6:52pm UTC
    Like a leaf in the breeze
    I shiver at your slightest touch

  5. Sunny* Sunny*
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2014 1:47am UTC
    Anyone can love a rose
    But it takes a great deal to love a leaf
    It's ordinary to love the beautiful
    But it's beautiful to love the ordinary

  6. Halcyon09* Halcyon09*
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2014 8:50am UTC
    Who should be blamed when a leaf falls from a tree?
    Is it the wind that blew it away?
    The tree that let it go?
    Or is it the leaf who grew tired of holding on?

  7. MarsMellow MarsMellow
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2014 12:39am UTC
    A best freind
    is like a leaf clover,
    hard to find lucky to have.

  8. appleloop* appleloop*
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2014 7:01pm UTC
    I'm not a size double zero, I'm not the worlds greatest super hero, I'm not a beauty beyond belief, and I'm not as gentle as a tender leaf. I'm not drowning in money, and I'm not exactly as sweet as honey. But I'm simply me. And there's no one else I'd rather be.

  9. ayeitzemilayyy ayeitzemilayyy
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2013 8:20pm UTC
    I didn't believe in four leaf clovers
    until I met you.

  10. Bec* Bec*
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2013 11:08pm UTC
    Does anyone else get dissapointed when you see a really crunchy looking leaf and when you step on it, it doesn't do the thing.

  11. уσυαяєѕσνєяувєαυтιfυℓχχ* уσυαяєѕσνєяувєαυтιfυℓχχ*
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 3:20pm UTC
    I'm that girl
    Who sees beauty in the simple things
    Like a leaf
    Pretty, pretty leaf

  12. Rajsonkar Rajsonkar
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2013 9:17pm UTC
    Anyone can love a rose, but it
    takes a great deal to love a leaf
    But it's the leaf who makes the rose beautiful.
    Dont love someone who is beutiful ,
    but love the one who makes
    your life beautiful
    format credit-rajsonkar

  13. flyingbacon7 flyingbacon7
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2013 2:30pm UTC
    This morning on my run I noticed a tree
    and there was this leaf and for some reason it caught my eye
    so I picked the leaf off the tree and to most people it would just be a nasty ordinary leaf
    but if you looked closer you would realize that the leaf had colors and it was beautiful
    from afar it looked like just a leaf but up close it was so much more
    than I realized leaves are like people
    you have to look closer to see the true beauty

  14. Soup2434 Soup2434
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 5:34pm UTC
    Anyone can love a rose,
    But it takes a lot to love a leaf.
    It's Ordinary to love the beautiful,
    But it's beautiful to love the Ordinary


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