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Kingdom Quotes

  1. Emma Is Not My Name* Emma Is Not My Name*
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2014 2:49pm UTC

  2. Carla Crahan.* Carla Crahan.*
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2014 1:11pm UTC
    So when you die the only kingdom you'll see is two foot wide and six foot deep.

  3. Vanessa15* Vanessa15*
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2014 1:21am UTC
    look into my eyes it's where my
    demons hide it's where my demons hide

  4. Repair Boy 🔥* Repair Boy 🔥*
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2013 5:58pm UTC
    The only kingdom you'll see
    Is 2 feet wide and
    6 feet deep .

  5. Vailkri Vailkri
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2013 1:17pm UTC
    I'm coming home. I'm coming home,
    Tell the world I'm coming home,
    Let the rain wash away
    All the pain of yesterday
    You know my kingdom awaits
    And they've forgiven my mistakes
    I'm coming home. I'm coming home,
    Tell the world I'm coming... Home

  6. nopankakez nopankakez
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2013 3:16pm UTC
    crying over a guy??? naw pick ur head up princess ur tiara is falling.

  7. TinkyMJ TinkyMJ
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2013 2:16pm UTC
    The Secrets Beyond the Stars
    "About three thousand and fifty nine years ago, this kingdom, was the biggest kingdom on the world. It had a prosper city, and very generous ladies and gentlemen. Its most special fact, it was its king, King Marlin I, son of King Hutter the Great. Some years later, a smaller kingdom declared war to this kingdom. When King Marlin tries to deny this war, the other kingdom's king, king Raynald III, sends a murderer and kills king Marlin, leaving the throne empty.
    Sadly, the other heir of the throne it was the kings’ youngest brother, Ronald. When he was crowned, King Ronald unleashed a terrible evil, and ignored the most Ancient Practice from the kingdom, the study of Stellar Magic. Stellar Magic is the magic that you get from the stars, so you can write spells with starlight, invoke magic creatures from starlight, and talk to other people, by starlight. But don't forget not to ask for too much magic at once, because you will regret it deeply until the end of your life. Stars do not forget when you hurt them, and they don't forgive you easily.
    To ignore the Stellar Magic it was a huge mistake because it erased to the people their knowledge of magic, and that made the kingdom ending the same way as an empty bowl of soup.
    The kingdom folk are waiting for a new heir to end up in the throne, because their kingdom's situation went worse and worse while time passed."
    So, did you feel anything strange while I was telling you this story? Did you feel a small tickle inside your stomach? Yeah, I supposed. I'll tell you why. If you were paying attention while I was talking, you should remember something about a coming heir... the one who will arrange the kingdom and defeat the king.
    Well, you want it or not, YOU are the heir, and YOU will defeat the king... in a battle. It won't be a normal battle, with common swords, and that stuff... not the whole battle. You will learn how to use Stellar Magic, and I will teach you how to control it, because is your Fate. Tonight we will sleep here, in this inn, tomorrow; we are going to make our way to the hideout.
    (At the next morning...)
    Hey, I would like to introduce you a friend, Danya, (you pronoun​ce the "y" the same way that the "e" in "me") she will help you studying Stellar Magic. But, we have talked a lot, and we haven't arrived to the hideout yet. C'mon, let's move! Quickly!
    Why don't you look at the buildings around you? You will need to know how to go to some important places on your own, if you are going to stay here some months... but don't worry about time, because here the time goes more slowly than in... Earth... well... for you to have an idea, a day here is the same as a second in Earth. So, when you return, maybe it would seem that you where outside... five minutes maybe... or three minutes... well, the time that would take you to learn how to use Stellar Magic, control it, and defeat the king... easy.
    This was the second part…. Sorry if it was a little shorter than the first part, but, well, I write in my inspiration moments, and it ended in the word “easy”.

  8. withoutasoul withoutasoul
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 11:45am UTC
    Give it up to me, give it up to me. Do you want to be, my angel?
    And I promise you I will treat you well, my sweet angel so help me jesus.


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