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Best Kansas Quotes This Month

  1. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2013 6:47pm UTC
    50 state stereotypes:
    Alabama: Our state bird is the NASCAR.
    Alaska: I can see seasonal depression from here.
    Arizona: Keeping indians in and mexicans out.
    Arkansas: Great scenery and brilliant people.. haha I'm sorry, we got Walmart?
    California: Gay, mexican, boob-job, computer hippies who really want to direct.
    Colorado: Snow!.. I mean cocaine, but we're also known for skiing.
    Connecticut: Great schools... because there's nothing else to do.
    Delaware: Come, we got low incorporation fees.. No, seriously, please come.
    Florida: The more north you go, the more south it gets.
    Georgia: Atlanta! We're kinda ashamed of the rest of it though...
    Hawaii: If you lived here, you'd be lazy, too.
    Idaho: Potatoes and Napoleon Dynamite. Go we're cool.
    Illinois: Look! A non-corrupt politician for once.. so far.
    Indiana: You have to drive through us to get somewhere better.
    Iowa: 56,000 square miles of dull.
    Kansas: White breds making wheat bread.
    Kentucky: Farming from the furure, text books from 1925.
    Louisiana: Thanks BP, like we didn't have enough problems.
    Maine: A wicked lotta moose aye?
    Maryland: Have Jeevs bring the lobster boat around.
    Massachusetts: Our chief export is obnoxious Pats fans.
    Michigan: Cereal makers, serial killers.
    Minnesota: Too nice not to elect a douchey governer.
    Mississippi: I'm gonna need a bigger bible belt.
    Missouri: Number one! In.. meth.
    Montana: Speed limits don't matter when you're drunk.
    Nebraska: Footballs, drawls, and overalls.
    Nevada: No laws no problem.. Cept all the murders...
    New Hampshire: Half hippie, half french, all upper-class.
    New Jersey: Guidos. Turnpikes. Leeching off New York.
    New Mexico: Like regular Mexico, but with more UFO's.
    New York: World's 14th biggest city, first biggest ego.
    North Carolina: First in flight, and lung cancer.
    North Dakota: Somehow even worse than South Dakota.
    Ohio: People care about us at election time.
    Oklahoma: 10 days tornado free!
    Oregon: Dreadlocks on caucasians.
    Pennsylvania: Even our Amish will fight you.
    Rhode Island: No seriously, we're a state.
    South Carolina: Still accepting confederate dollars.
    South Dakota: ... At least we're not North Dakota...
    Tennessee: Where white-people music comes from.
    Texas: Everything is bigger... Even our morons.
    Utah: Multiple lonely wives.
    Vermont: Gay marriages on maple syrup farms.
    Virginia: From center of civilization to hicksville in 20 minutes flat.
    Washington: Richer hippies than Oregon.
    West Virginia: Inbred love child of Virginia and DC.
    Wisconsin: It's too cold to be sober.
    Wyoming: We don't have any gay cowboys, alright?!... Okay maybe a few gay cowboys.
    (my state is Pennsylvania, and it's dead-on.)

  2. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 4:41pm UTC
    Carry on my wayward son
    there'll be peace when you are done.

  3. ♡infinity* ♡infinity*
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2015 1:46pm UTC
    I close my eyes only for a moment, and the moment's gone.
    All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity.
    Dust in the wind, all they are is dust in the wind.
    Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea.
    All we do crumbles to the ground, thought we refuse to see.
    Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind.
    Now, don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky.
    It slips away, and all you money won't another minute buy.
    Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind.
    Dust in the wind, everything is dust in the wind.

  4. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2017 9:02pm UTC
    nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky; it slips away, and all your money won't another minute buy. Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind

  5. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2018 8:08pm UTC
    i close my eyes
    only for a moment, and the moment’s gone
    all my dreams
    pass before my eyes, a curiosity
    dust in the wind, all they are is dust in the wind

  6. Kamileon Kamileon
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2013 12:24am UTC
    I know I have a heart
    because I feel it
    b e k n
    r a i g

  7. hyperion* hyperion*
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2013 7:36pm UTC
    lay your weary head to rest
    don't you cry no more~

  8. VestFest VestFest
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2013 8:07pm UTC
    Dust in the wind
    All we are is dust in the wind

  9. *AngelsAreBadass* *AngelsAreBadass*
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2014 9:21am UTC
    SOtD #11Carry On My Wayward Son~by Kansas~

  10. Kamileon Kamileon
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2013 1:12pm UTC
    Don't you cry no more

  11. brokenWarrior brokenWarrior
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2014 5:42pm UTC
    The only place
    I want to be right now
    is Kansas.

  12. FluffyScamp FluffyScamp
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 8:42pm UTC
    Boots on the footrest,
    a cold Budweiser in my hand,
    things are simple
    in this Kansas land.


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