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Best Jitterbug Quotes This Week

  1. YoungForever_723* YoungForever_723*
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 12:08am UTC
    What Ladies Do
    Chapter One; Part I:
    Finally, the afternoon bell sounded and I stormed out of the library without any of them. This wasn't unusual for me so, again, they never really knew how mad they actually made me sometimes. The student parking lot wasn't far from where I was which was ideal; I never left anyone waiting on me for too long.
    I spotted my best friend, Emma, sitting on the hood of her boyfriend's car. Jason noticed me walking towards them and waved to me. He and Ben played baseball together and were close friends, which played in favor of Em and I. They'd usualy bring us to and from school daily since they were seniors and could legally drive; as for us? Not so much yet.
    "Hey there, Hal." Before she could notice it, I wiped the sour look off of my face and tried to at least look alive. "What's up?"
    "Nothing, just ready to go home and take a nice, long nap." I felt the strap of my school bag starting to fall down my shoulder, dragging my top down with it. Quickly, I brought it back up where it belonged, hoping that Jason didn't catch sight of my cheetah printed bra.
    "Yeah, because it really looks like you have nothing better to do when you get home." Her sarcastic tone brought a hint of an actual smile to my face; she always knew how to do that. "What do you even have in there? Bricks?" She motioned for Jason to come closer to her and he did. His one arm wrapped around her waist while he let the other one settle happily on her knee; her fingers locked with both his hand and the fist full of thick, dark hair on the back of his head.
    "Eh, that's what Sunday night's for." I tossed my hands up in the air, but suddenly dropped them, letting them smack against my thighs. I took in all of Emma's natural beauty that I was constantly jealous of, just like with my other group of friends. I was always the ugly duckling of the group. I remembered Emma saying she woke up late today and really resented how she could look better than me, who took an hour to look like this.
    me: You're still coming to school, right? Halz x
    Em: Of course! I just don't have any time to do my hair or do my make-up nicely now :P -Emmie
    me: I'm sure you'll look just fine. You always do :P Halz x
    And what did I tell you? She looked stunning. I heard Ben's truck beep of me; time to go. The passenger door swug open for me to hop in so we could go. Jason and Ben greeted each other with a manly nod, something I'll never understand about men. I rolled down his window and called to Emma, who was still propped up on the hood of Jaosn's Chevy, "And by the way, they're not bricks. They're ducks."
    "Now what's this about ducks?" Ben asked as he rolled up my window at the red light. I tucked my loose bangs behind my ears and stared at him; he was beautiful too. His brown hair was starting to lighten again from being outside all of the time. The sunlight shining in from the window glimmered on his hair and his ocean blue eyes, making me feel sick with butterflies.


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